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At least you aint sitting in an office bored mate bare that in mind when your out in the sun driving around and you can always keep your eyes out for new spots or stop off and check a few while out an about..:yep:

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8 minutes ago, English Archer said:

Shit, I start my new job on Monday and I am nervous as fuck. I don't know if I am going to be able to stomach it and put up with it, or be able to see it through. Basically the official title of my job is 'Roadkill Collector' and it involves me going around the motorways and dual carriageways on behalf of the council, collecting dead animals (deer, foxes, badgers, birds, cats, dogs) off the sides of the road using a shovel, gloves, broom etc and putting the animal remains/carcasses into special roadkill bags which are then loaded onto the van. Every 10 animals or so, I go back to the depot to unload them into a big refinery thing to be incinerated or buried/composted or whatever, and then I go back out again. £475 a week for 35 hours work (£13.50 an hour) which kind of makes it worth it, or does it?


I seriously doubt I will ever be able to eat lunch on the job, or at any point during the day... :bad: 

Do you have a Chinese takeaway local? Bit extra on the side.

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5 minutes ago, panik said:

At least you aint sitting in an office bored mate bare that in mind when your out in the sun driving around and you can always keep your eyes out for new spots or stop off and check a few while out an about..:yep:

Spot on mate - I'd trade my office job for that if it were economically viable to do so. Nothing more soul destroying than staring at fucking numbers on a spreadsheet all day long.  Probably half the reason I started GGing in the first place...best escape from the daily shit I know of.



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Well, technically I am on a week long trial period to see how I find it and how well I manage. The first 2-3 days I will be going around with another guy learning the ropes from him, then I have a few days of scooping up roadside carcasses on my own to properly test me. The guy who recruited me said that only 1 in 5 people manage a second week. I suspect I will be one of the 80% who can't stick more than 1 week, but we will see...


A lot of the time I will be sat around waiting for 'pins' to drop when people report dead animals to the council, who then forward it to me to go and remove. Every animal that gets bagged up also needs to have paperwork done for it and an identification sticker placed on the side of the bag with relevant details. So there might be quite a bit of sitting around involved. I reckon I'll spend half the day parked up having a wank to that dead animal smell... 



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If you're into that kind of thing.....:wanker:


But seriously that sounds like an alright job and like panik says make the most of it and get plot hunting, lots of good motorway plots to be had and you've got a good excuse to be there

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What a dream job! you won't be going hungry. you can also scope out some great roadside plots whilst looking for the 'missing bits' which will be the perks for the freezer.


would be good for archery practice too. get a few strongbows down you for brekkie and you're away.

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This is generally a good road for roadkill, they tend to bounce nicely onto the grass... Awww.....


....Re-incarnated into a beaver hat


This makes me laugh every time, reincarnation gone horribly wrong





Edited by Mohamedbear
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I smell something other than roadkill.....

Your local council must be rolling in money to employ a roadkill collector in these times of austerity

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Just to let you all know joolz has kindly agreed to me having a sub forum for RGSC , so hopefully have that going as soon as and we can talk openly about seeds and strains etc...  :thumsup:

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41 minutes ago, panik said:

Just to let you all know joolz has kindly agreed to me having a sub forum for RGSC , so hopefully have that going as soon as and we can talk openly about seeds and strains etc...  :thumsup:



Good luck with this fella.


Cool tempted by some green golds but I already pretty fully stocked on beans.  Friend needs some will try blagging him and do some swaps if not might have to wait till next year. .

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8 minutes ago, Elephant Face said:



Good luck with this fella.


Cool tempted by some green golds but I already pretty fully stocked on beans.  Friend needs some will try blagging him and do some swaps if not might have to wait till next year. .


Thanks mate,


And anytime mate give me a shout ill hook you up..;)

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