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On 2017/2/25 at 2:51 PM, Mohamedbear said:

@blastoise I have done for the past 4 years because an indoor veg room is out the question where I live.


Photoperiods don't have a problem being started outside as long as the last frost has been and gone and they've got plenty of protection from slugs n shit. And it doesn't really matter if they get off to a slow start because they'll be plenty big enough come flower if started in May. You only really need to veg under lights if you want massive plants like Greenskells.


Autos are a bit different because they need all the growth they can get early on so they really do benefit from 24 hour light but I've started autos outside and had no problem as long as the days are at their longest and it's warm. Just make sure they've got all day sun.


The only autos I've done outdoors are Dutch passions auto mazar and auto blueberry and I was well impressed with the mazar because they grow big for autos and the smoke was banging... Was.... lol


When starting autos outside I'd start them in their final pots/holes to avoid shock from transplanting and be sure all the cold weather is out the way because they can be a bit temperamental early on.


Have a look at my diary if you want everything was started outdoors and is going to be again this year.


Good luck and just be patient when doing autos because waiting an extra week or two can be the difference between big healthy plants or little stunted runts....


Peace blastoise, take it easy!


Legend, appreciate all that info. Food for thought definitely.

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Just discovered that you can copy the emoticons from here into a GIF in whatsapp - will have some fun with that but won't overuse so people start asking where they're from :toot:

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Hibernation almost over and things here look as though they have been ticking over near as much as usual with a new and wonderful season beguiling us with so much promise autos for me all the way this year with just the freebie photos can't wait, even ditched the baccie whoop whoop

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Congrats on kicking the bacci @Androo i did the same about 4 year ago and it wasn't easy but probably one of the best things I've done health wise. And auto's all the way this year, interesting. Can i ask what strains if you don't mind and how come just autos, was they that much better than photoperiods last year? 

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After growing out photos since 09 riding originally the purple maroc train and various freebies and following the recommendations here over the years culminating in the red purp wave last year i found all the different strains I had tried tasted vaguely the same, maybe because I smoked with tobacco who knows, also the awful feeling of losing huge amounts to mould. Last year won some fruit punch and grew some royal queen quick ones because they were cheap germed 20/4 harvested and dry by the end of July still smoked with tobacco but just felt and tasted nicer each to his own

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@Androo I know exactly what you mean mate. Some of my nicest plants last year were autos, taste wise and potency wise. The bud maturation, density and crystal coverage just seems to be better in a lot of the July/August finishers, and there's obviously less chance of mould too. That's why I am mostly going with autos this year.


Also, it was a piece of piss for me to dry them outdoors in August as well. The same can't be said about plants that finish in late September through to November. Drying outdoors becomes a nightmare going into October, which is why I am now in love with autos too.



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was going to use this as a veg box before plant out and was thinking of doin a small autoflower grow init untill then i was looking at some short stuff seeds and low smell strains any1 done anything like this ? 



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21 hours ago, Razza420 said:

was going to use this as a veg box before plant out and was thinking of doin a small autoflower grow init untill then i was looking at some short stuff seeds and low smell strains any1 done anything like this ? 



hey man yea im kinda doing the same right now, got three mums about 2 weeks old and doing a auto to put out about april to see how it will do, thining about starting some more autos soon.

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Hey- in my experience white is better than that foil looking stuff.  The folds in the foil create hot spots throwing light all directions and stress the plant out I think.  My first time ever trying to pop beans were in a tin foil box with 2 cfls and I cooked them all dead lol.  You will probably be fine if there is no top on it.

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@plazid sounds good worth a try what lat you at bro ? will you be moving them all outside or will u be growing them fully in ur box ? was gonna try a pack of autos in a mini greenhouse at my plot but think i will just stick with photoperiod seeds this run see how i do, think ill order some and give it a bash in this see how it works out just looking for some early smoke before plantout:smoke:

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55 minutes ago, Creekside said:

Hey- in my experience white is better than that foil looking stuff.  The folds in the foil create hot spots throwing light all directions and stress the plant out I think.  My first time ever trying to pop beans were in a tin foil box with 2 cfls and I cooked them all dead lol.  You will probably be fine if there is no top on it.


cheers for the heads m8  its mylar btw just incase you think its tin foil lol i know theres still gonna be heat spots but didnt think it would cause that much damage,  theres a top for it with extractor fan on it, box can be modified if it needs to be and lights can be moved, think ill give it a try anyway be the best way to find out :yep:






still need to wire fans up.

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In the process of turning a bluekush auto tansgener to hit a purple-DaneXws07 whats the best way of storing pollen if timings go a little tits up

Cheers guys

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