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Has anyone ever had success doing an ALL outdoor grow from seed - ie not starting off under veg lights? Just wondering how plausible it is for me if I don't have access to my mate's veg light/place. I can imagine it might work with autos if you start em off when the weather is pretty nice. Could start em in my garden to watch over them then put them out in the wild once they're a bit bigger.

Edited by blastoise
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@blastoise  quite a few people have  ,,if you look through some older threads you can see  ,,it should be no problem  if you offer them protection from slugs/snails rabbits etc 

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1 hour ago, blastoise said:

Has anyone ever had success doing an ALL outdoor grow from seed - ie not starting off under veg lights? Just wondering how plausible it is for me if I don't have access to my mate's veg light/place. I can imagine it might work with autos if you start em off when the weather is pretty nice. Could start em in my garden to watch over them then put them out in the wild once they're a bit bigger.


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@blastoise I have done for the past 4 years because an indoor veg room is out the question where I live.


Photoperiods don't have a problem being started outside as long as the last frost has been and gone and they've got plenty of protection from slugs n shit. And it doesn't really matter if they get off to a slow start because they'll be plenty big enough come flower if started in May. You only really need to veg under lights if you want massive plants like Greenskells.


Autos are a bit different because they need all the growth they can get early on so they really do benefit from 24 hour light but I've started autos outside and had no problem as long as the days are at their longest and it's warm. Just make sure they've got all day sun.


The only autos I've done outdoors are Dutch passions auto mazar and auto blueberry and I was well impressed with the mazar because they grow big for autos and the smoke was banging... Was.... lol


When starting autos outside I'd start them in their final pots/holes to avoid shock from transplanting and be sure all the cold weather is out the way because they can be a bit temperamental early on.


Have a look at my diary if you want everything was started outdoors and is going to be again this year.


Good luck and just be patient when doing autos because waiting an extra week or two can be the difference between big healthy plants or little stunted runts....


Peace blastoise, take it easy!

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I know frost isn't good but just thought I'd mention it for newcomers, unless it's a serious hard freeze it won't kill seedlings, especially varieties bred for outdoor growing. 

I'm only repeating myself but folks will have the impression that frost kills outright.  It doesn't and they do betteron a cold night than pansys or petunias. 

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Nice! ^_^ Especially the one in the middle, I like that bottom branch with two heads did it just grow like that? Looking good though matey, looking forward to seeing them out in the wild.

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Just went for a walk to check out one of last years plots, with a view to expanding it. The whole big bramble patch has been cleared down to bare earth. Another plot bites the dust, lucky I have several more......

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ah what a beautiful day so far eh guys, realy does make one want to get a move on with the guerilla stuff doesn't it... it sure absolutely positively does.. another month or so and the gg section will have seeds popping left right and centre.. how joyous.. i wanna get a diary started but i have absolutely bugger all to put in it.. i tell you what this coffee has perked me right up some what.. i think im to hyper for this stuff... makes me go bonkas.. anywho.. not long :D

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Yes it's definitely that time of season... Has anyone seen the latest attitude promo?  15 free fem seeds! 10 in the promo + 2 free ufo seeds + 3 more for Paying by bank transfer.....  (more seeds are available for bit coin but I am not down with that yet)... I haven't used all my last lot of free seeds (mainly indoor seeds) but this is super tempting! Don't know what it is about collecting seeds...  It's like collecting stickers...  I am going to have to get me some plots! 

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lol it is.... and im very tempted too


ah man .... just seen the blackberry og is in that mix too

Edited by RandyBoBandy
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