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They're only pulling your socks up, Arch. It doesn't look like a witch hunt here. Don't ask me though, I just swear at people and then feel like a tool afterwards.

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2-3 week old seedlings will barely smell at all and you will not have to worry about starting them indoors. All cannabis plants, regardless of size, have a distinct odour to them, which you can smell up close even with small plants, but I find the bigger the plant, the bigger the smell. A few tiny seedlings will not smell at all, or it will be barely noticeable, but in my experience a large 6ft+ plant that is still in a vegetative state, can smell just as bad as a smaller plant that is in full flower. It's all to do with the size of the plant and surface area available to let off smell. If there is more of the plant, there is more smell overall to give off. Last season I had a 10ft+ Ghost Train Haze that stunk way worse/stronger in late veg than any of my smaller plants did in late flower. More plant (surface area) = more smell.

Generally speaking.


Where did you say "generally speaking"?

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I think a few people missed the part where I said 'generally speaking'. Nowhere did I mention that it was a complete mathematical certainty that bigger plants will smell more than smaller plants. From what I have seen (and generally speaking), bigger plants will kick up a greater smell which will travel further as more surface area of a plant is available to release smell particles. It's the same way that a little bit of manure will smell a lot less than a big ass pile of manure, and the same reason that a single plant will stink a lot less than a whole field of MJ. Surface area is an enormous factor in how much smell you're going to get...

Generally speaking?

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Hey folks Happy New Year to y'all I hope you all had a great Christmas and what not, I've got a feeling that the UK & Ireland are gonna be blessed this year and we'll all get the holy grail. They'll be massively vegged plants like what you see in Canada and US with nice dense buds that tight rain can't even penetrate and that resin coated the rain just runs straight off..... from everyone!

All the best to everyone for 2017 we're gonna see some beautiful monsters!

P.s if you could grow any dutch passion strains Auto/Photo what would you grow I would like something heavy hitting with earthy/funky tastes, if anyone has any suggestions they'd be greatly appreciated.

Cheers guys & irish girl...... Peace! :hippy:

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@@Mohamedbear, Happy New Year to u & ur mum lol. What a lovely positive write up & outlook, love it lol. I do hope your right regarding growing monsters & weather wise, sounds like you have blessed da weather heavens, as well as us, hope so for all of us. Happy days.

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Happy new year to you too @@Mohamedbear. I hope everyone on here has a wicked 2017 and smashes out their grow's this year. Here's to a prosperous 2017 that is full of POSITIVITY!

@@Phoenix You too man, but please stop with the BS (regarding your comments at the bottom of the previous page) I just cba with it this year. Can we just get along and spread positivity, for the sake of the forum. Thanks.

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Respect Arch,

stand your ground and all that, but this is a tough crowd. I am very careful with the info I post about growing. If I were to post questionable info then it does get called to account, very quickly.

Nobody is trying to stifle your input, more like testing you out. That's how it appears to my eyes any how. There's many more experienced growers than the both of us put together and they know their plants, inside out.

On the flip side, there's many novice members and guests. They don't have the ability to sift out the good and bad info yet. They take it on board and can be swayed by a long, convincing post. When there is conflicting opinion going to and fro, I don't think it helps them to achieve their goal, like the judgement gets clouded. Until they learn how to sift through the good from bad they ask for guidance. We all started out with not much to go on, mainly rumours and myths in my case. This knowledge is slowly seeping into the collective consciousness, aided by the speed of communication and we should all try to ensure that the right message can get through too.

Everyone wins that way.

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My policy is to keep it real in the grow forums and spew out my bollocks opinions elsewhere. I ve just coughed up another dose in free4all. I can't help it, my self control needs working on.

Or a feature that delays my posts by 10 minutes, so that I can reflect whether or not to unleash it upon the boards.

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