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Wise words @@Mcgarret. I only started with 15 seeds and grew 6 females. I was relieved that the deer ate one, so I didn't have to lug around as much water. 5 ladies were manageable, any more than that I'd have been grafting. I don't want to turn this into a job, it's my release and a pleasure to deal with the low numbers.

It's not an absolute piss take, if somebody found it. I haven't been panning for gold, in the hills. If I had 50 set out, with spaghetti lines and drippers then I would have some talking to do to try and pass that off, just as a bit of Percy. If it was legal, then I would plant loads, just because I could. Just to make postcards of a valley of green and send them out to all my friends and family. Let them stick it on the fridge and have something nice to look at, whenever they get their milk out of the door.

All my needs can be met with 5 plants and if I grew them better then I could make more hash. That's about as motivated that I can manage, make more hash! is the mantra. A minimal effort can still fill the jars and who could want more than that?

I know that watering just twice a week wasn't enough, the yield and quality could improve still. Everyday watering in the morning and late afternoon would be perfect. I've got pipes and tanks, I don't like to leave them at the plot lying around. I just did the splash and dash. Get in, water, role up the pipe and run.

If somebody sees a tank of water up the hill, it will be a dead giveaway.

How can I conceal a tank? I would bury the pipe no issues, but what about the tank?

I can set up a capillary mat for a wick system too. Has anybody set up the lines to water their plot, or don't you bother? What would you do in a drought?

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you sound like you over complicate things mate ,.. pipes tanks and all that theres no need for all that gumf if the grounds right I could pull decent size plants with no prep at all and never watering once have done for last few years people seem to forget how forgiving the weed plant is , they are as close to nettles as you can get and nettles survive just fine,... ;)

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It's a dry climate mate, there isn't sufficient rainfall to see them through the seasons. In October there was 7 mm and November was 12 mm of rain. If I don't water them twice a week, they will wilt. The ground is rock and sand. The holes are already about 30 litres on volume. I can dig them deeper no problem, but they will still need to be watered though. The ground is bone dry all the way to the rock face. I want to carry less water in by hand and save my back a bit and leave a line there permanently. It has to be stealthy and that's why I am looking for some suggestions. Burying the line is easy, but what about the tank?

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It's a dry climate mate, there isn't sufficient rainfall to see them through the seasons. In October there was 7 mm and November was 12 mm of rain. If I don't water them twice a week, they will wilt. The ground is rock and sand. The holes are already about 30 litres on volume. I can dig them deeper no problem, but they will still need to be watered though. The ground is bone dry all the way to the rock face. I want to carry less water in by hand and save my back a bit and leave a line there permanently. It has to be stealthy and that's why I am looking for some suggestions. Burying the line is easy, but what about the tank?

Are you UK based mate?? if so I suggest finding a sweeter spot it will save you a heap of agro..

only time I bother with water is if theres a drought beginning of the season like 2015 our young seedlings were struggling and dying out fast so we had to act fast , me being the creative thinker and lazy bugger we lugged in a water genny and 100meters of 3" hose luckly there was a stream 50-60m away so I rigged it all up , then folded the open end the pipe and zip tied it closed tight,...then weaved the pipe in a zig zag through the plot and tuned the genny on the pipe swelled up like a fat snake and looked like it was going to burst (just what I wanted and planned in my head) so I took out my scalpel and walked between the plants nicking a little slit here and there top left and right of the pipe , water was spraying out everywhere all over the plot when I got to the end and looked back it was a sight for sure , a fine mist spraying out over the plants and ground causing a rainbow my mate was standing there with his mouth wide open after repeatidly telling me it wouldn't work all the way there but I had to try it and it worked we watched it for a bit and decided no point sticking around so left it running with a full tank of petrol to cut out by itself , we done this on a few different plots after that just to give them that head start and get them settled in after that mother nature takes over, but in hind sight that saved our season that year 100% most other years iv never watered in , the best plant outs ive had is when your 10mins from finished planting out whole plot and it starts raining you leave on a high knowing there be just fine and should produce the goods.... ;)

Edited by TheInsideMan
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Beautiful, I can picture the rainbow in my mind. Your pals face must've been a picture.

All the decent land is fenced off and sprayed with herbicides. If I tried to pinch water from a dam with my generator there would be murders :) Hunt the Sidi would attract a lynching mob, in no time at all. It's not in the UK and that's why I have to head up the dry valley of desolation, with my pruned back girls. I would like to maintain a low profile for the patch, nobody needs to know that I've been there.

Farmers like to have their 9 mill and a Bible by their side. I dont want a gun waved in my face, or to be on the end of a vicious bible bashing, just because of someone's fear and morality issues. All I want is to be happy, high and not stir up a fuss in the neighbourhood.

What I was thinking is to leave a tank hidden above the plot and when it runs out, I can park on the track and siphon it full again. I either need to bury the tank, the bedrock is close down and it would take some serious effort, on my part, or I have to camo the tank. That's why I need some more suggestions and help.

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His mates face was a picture sidi,like munch's The Scream.I still have pics,in dont post them for various reasons but there was a mini rainbow right across the part of the plot as the sunlight refracted through the irrigating mist like a prism,best thing the heath robinson sprinkler system worked,the plants shot up.

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I just hacked your computer quickly. I found the photo in the "Outdoor" file :)


You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off

Edited by Sidi Hidi
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hack away mate you wont find much apart from grow sites, grow forums, grow shops,grow in, grow out, grow this , grow that, fucking grow up, and grow videos on youtube and maybe some smut , I'm abit abscessed I do love a grow as you know..... :clown:

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Hope you got that Canada goose jacket old bean it's freezing.. lol

Yup,very nice,warm as toast when you get one of these beauties on.

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hack away mate you wont find much apart from grow sites, grow forums, grow shops,grow in, grow out, grow this , grow that, fucking grow up, and grow videos on youtube and maybe some smut , I'm abit abscessed I do love a grow as you know..... :clown:

fucking grow up :) That's something that I will never manage ;)

I meant on Chappers PC, but your browser history seems to have a recurring theme.

I can't quite put my finger on it.

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Yup,that pic is indeed me,note how the camera has captured the almost brushlike pastel and tempera strokes of that red sky day and the silence of my scream as we were somewhere we werent supposed to be,PS my paranoi is such I threw my laptop as soon as you hacked it,be lucky.

Tommy,i am around,watching fake CG jackets on BBC1 fake britain,some muppet just spent around 300 notes on one,fake,you,cant beat originals.......Enough coat chat,innit.

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Just to change the subject, but has anyone else had any experience or problems with mud and dirt splashing onto the lower parts of their plants and buds? This year, for the first time, I noticed a lot of small dirt particles/specs, when I went to harvest, scattered all over the lower parts of the plant and on some of the lower buds, to the point that I had to discard and through them away. I only had this problem with my cornfield plot where I think heavy rain must have splashed mud/dirt onto the lower parts of the plant which then dried and hardened in place. It seems you won't get this problem with a plot that has grass or shrubs on the ground, as opposed to having exposed earth/dirt around your plants.

I am thinking of putting sawdust down to stop it next time, although that would feel like more hassle than it is worth... so has anyone got any experience or suggestions in regards to this mud/dirt splashing problem? Thanks.

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