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No idea... I would of thought it did..works if drop a phone in the loo.. I read it does.. but always prefer to hear from experience

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@@Elephant Face... I am having a similar problem but I had to jar my goods last night as there is some unexpected guests coming over for 5DAYS!! and can't have them drying and need to be contained.. Due to smell.. Do you have any suggestions? I was thinking of burping twice a day and hoping it will last... Or thinking of adding uncooked rice to the bottom of the jar to absorb moisture.. Anyone else been in a similar situation? Or any suggestions?

Erm new location or fuck these guests off haha. Does it still smell strong? Perhaps a room odouriser in same room. no chance of more discrete location again brown bags could come into play rather than string lines etc. I would not want sealed yet, burping would be a very minimum. Not really keen on rice salt etc round my weed but guess is an option.

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Could you put into cardboard boxes? @@MacGanja Bit bigger than jars so more air inside and will be more like brown bagging than sealing shut. Get up early and open the boxes every morning and burn a bit of toast for the smell...

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@@Elephant Face haha yeah well it's the only thing I had at the time lol and I don't think my mum would have been too impressed when she come to use her glass roasting dish....

And as for purging it I waited for all of the butane to evaporate at my plot then I took it home. Then I've got this plastic lid that's the same size as the bowl with a hole in the middle that I can cello tape a Hoover pipe onto it then I taped the bowl and lid together and put in on a double boiler methed (I'd already give it half an hour with no lid on until the big bubbles sorta stopped) then turned the Hoover on and let it do its thing whilst still on low heat but I don't know what temperature because I haven't got a thermometer but the water was really hot to touch but now boiling.

I haven't smoked any of it yet but the smell is delicious!

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Loving @@Mohamedbear posts at the moment. He's like a pig in pig shit, rolling in it, growing great crops, extracting oil and has a mum who'll let him use her attic to dry his guerrilla grows. Loving life!

We need more of this type of grower on this site.

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I'm with you the whole way on this one Marcos. Mohamedbear is a real inspiration on GG'ing. Love his simple, natural & down to earth style. Well having a mum like that I'm not surprised as she sounds like a cool & fab mum,lol lol. But then again his mummy's boy lol lol.

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Ahh yes Loving & Living Life mate! I hope you're enjoying you fruits from this years harvest @Marcos :smoke:

lol you do make me laugh @@Irishgirl and I like keeping it simple it's just how nature does it.... And yeah I have a wicked mum, It wouldn't be possible without her I mean she told me everything I know.... lol She's a professional florist and loves gardening so tells me all kinds of tips and advice and I think she's kinda proud that I've taken a liking horticulture and she can see that it's something I'm really passionate about and she know's how much weed costs and how much I spend on it.... But that ain't the case no more :yahoo:

She hasn't seen the attic yet tho......

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What see hasn't seen the attic yet, she must be able to smell it lol. Great feeling when you can say your mum is wicked, send her around here on hints & tips lol. I could really do with it lol. Ya nice one, natural & simple, reflection of me old self, well simple anyway lol. So happy 4 you man that you got buds home & drying. Are all your plants in now? I went to my plot 2day to loose 7 plants to mould, ooh well, such is gg & the way it goes. Think your mum needs to be here with me on this horticultural thing lol. Enjoy your fruits of labour my friend & don't 4get to share with mum lol.

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Nah she hasn't and honestly you can't smell it but as soon as you open that hatch...... jesus! and I got a couple of little buds out the other day and had them on my computer desk and they had a right pong to them! and I can only dry it up there under one condition! that my mum can't smell it in the house because that's not fair on my brothers which is fair enough and my mum reckons that she can't stand the smell. yet the other day I showed her a main cola off a plant that i'd freshly cut down and she said: corr that stinks doesn't it but I think I kinda like the smell.... haha.

Her and my dad used to smoke it all the time before I was born and for a few years after my dad still does. But my mum had a really bad whitey and every time she smoked it after that event it took her straight back there.

The story goes.....

My dad and his mate was smoking some of this new weed that they'd just got there hands on because because then it was all soap bar & occasionally good hash but weed was something that wasn't always around. Anyway they was smoking this weed and both commenting on how strong it was and my mum reckoned that they was just lightweights. So my dad made a tulip Link with about an 8th of this really strong weed in it and had a few pulls and coughed and spluttered then passed it to his mate who did the same so my mum said give us it here..... "It can't be that strong!" and proceeded to smoke it like a demon..... until she see the devil! and believed she was having a heart attack (turns out it was pretty strong after all).

My dad had this handbook with all different kinds of drugs, their effects, what to do in event of an overdose and whatnot. So he found cannabis looked at the overdose symptoms and read what it said too do and that was.... "Make a sandwich and a drink of water, find a cool, dark, quiet place and assume the fetus position..... and think about you foolishness!" lol my mum snatched the book off my dad and read it back word for word and wen't off in a mardy and proceeded to white death..... needless to say she was alright after she's spun out and eaten some food lol

Forward a couple of weeks and we're all off out to American Adventure theme park with my auntie & uncle and him and my dad are both smoking that same weed.... the death weed lol There was this free fall ride where there was this massive archway and a crane that hoisted you up and when you was at the to you pulled you rip cord and swung through the archway! It looked pretty scary!

Anyway smoking this weed before they wen't on..... My mum asks: "is that the same stuff that I had the other week?" and with it being really strong, my dad with a smirk on his face said "YES!" My mum replied with "Well, I hope you have a fucking bad time!!" lol and off they wen't. haha

Then my uncle said to my dad at the very top, well are you ready!? my dad said no not really and withing that my uncle had already pulled his rip cord.... what a rush that must have been!

Ah good times

Take it easy irish girl haha peace!

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No worries @KayDoy, first grow ever, these things happen some airy green buds home so not all lots. Hope it's not the death smoke like Mohamedbear's story lol.

Mohamedbear, love your story on the death weed, feck scary stuff lol. Aah, your poor mum, she does sound like a great character tho. Ya, also respect your mum & her wishes. Where would we be without mum lol lol, well in some cases anyway lol. Mum's the word in your case Mohamedbear.

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