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@@English Archer I had the same with one of my auto kk recently I think mine happen in the drying process tho

Went from bright green to bronze dark green and bronze trichs definitely different To the normal change in colour I just presumed I cut a bit late


Mine were absolutely fine a week ago, as in there was no issue whatsoever. Like these buds were normal in week 4 of drying, inside jars, being opened daily to air out - no problem. They were completely dry by this point as well. But then I went to open the jar the other day and noticed pretty much all the buds have developed a brown sort of tint to them... almost overnight, like the trichomes have basically gone brown even. I have tried smoking bits of it, well the bits that look less affected, and I can't tell of any differences so far, but I still don't feel confident smoking this stuff due to the fact it has developed a brown tint. The thing is when I break the buds up and get to the stalky bits, the stalks have turned kind of white and they snap/break easily, in the same way that a bud rot affected stalk would break apart. It's not normal mould though clearly. Fucksake! I can see myself just throwing it all out tbh :wallbash:

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@ English Archer

Get some pics up mate..

I knew that was coming... :rofl:

But I honestly can't be bothered. Plus I don't want to upload crappy pics to my photo album which will appear at the top...

Oh well...

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Hey archer sorry to hear about your bud issues.

Surely there are other options than just chucking it if it's mould?

You could try an extended period under a Germicidal UV tube they aren't dear and could be worth a try rather than chuck it straight out.

The bulb has to be in place 24/7 because at specific times in its 24hr cycle the mould releases spores.The light works by killing spores each time they're released and then the mould eventually stops spreading as it cannot replicate.It may take a week or two but if you think it's mould it could be worth a try here's a few *if you try it you must use it in a sealed area and do not look at it but wear eye protection like good sunglasses anyway just in case- https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=GE+-+Germicidal+G8T5&safe=off&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=sinv&source=lnms&tbm=shop&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj8usjq_OzPAhVMCMAKHT8dCmgQ_AUIBygB&biw=360&bih=559

That's not to say it'll be smoke worthy after but mould spores are killed 99% percent of the time with these tubes as they are a lot weaker than the Germs and Bacteria the tubes are designed for but are used for Mould prevention in large ventilation systems.

Edited by Badbadger
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@@English Archer

think it's time to take the tarp down mate. You need to get the initial moisture out of there a bit quicker, you need some heat.

Mate, the affected buds are from my auto blueberry that was harvested way back in mid September. They have been drying for 5 weeks (3 weeks curing in jars) and for the first 3-4 weeks, I was smoking the bud fine. Like these buds were completely dry by week 3 and I must have smoked about 15-20 spliffs of this stuff in total over the past 2-3 weeks since then. It was fine for the first 4-5 weeks and it is only in the past few days that I have noticed the brown tint suddenly develop over the buds. It doesn't make sense. It's like they have developed a brown/orange colour, the same colour as rust, on the buds and trichs, while being in the jar. It's not even like normal mould though so perhaps it's something else?

Edited by English Archer
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English Archer, I agree with Billy2Hats, put a pic up so others might have more of an insight. If I can put my embarrassing grow/buds up here u can show off this unusual thing that's in your bud. It's not your fault that this has happened. Again, you need to put it down to a learning experience. No shame in something that is out of your control. We r a community here to support each other without judgement. It's not like its going to be in the newspapers lol but I respect your decision. You have nothing to loose only gain mate.

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@@English Archer are you sure the buds are not just changing, because of the curing process? After a while in jars buds can turn golden. It's anaerobic micro organisms feeding off of the remaining nitrogen. Is the smoke better? Smoother like? Or is it gone nasty and fucking bitter. If it's a grim smoke then possibly, what you regarded as dry buds were to damp to jar. What I do is dry until real bone dry snappy shit happens. Then trim up bang in jar with 62% Boveda humidity pack. It acts like a humidor keeping you buds perfectly perfect.

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Anybody else read a line or two of this and then run off and burp all their jars :)

I've never had a prob drying or curing indoor stuff but last year i lost harvested OD stuff to mould in the jar. Never had an indoor plant gurgle and water run out the main stem on chop day though either ;)

Just threw away tupperware tubs of PM that was bone dry on storage but horribly mouldy now. Been meaning to come on and ask about sillica or boveda in the jar as don't want to be throwing anything else away. Gonna lob some sachets in the jars thx @@crticalcontent

EA rust coloured dust doesn't sound good to me, could be mildew. Any whispy ghosty bits appearing at tip of bud or stem tips? Personally i would quarantine the jar for a week or two now, if its mould it will sadly be obvious with a bit more time.

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Mate, the affected buds are from my auto blueberry that was harvested way back in mid September. They have been drying for 5 weeks (3 weeks curing in jars) and for the first 3-4 weeks, I was smoking the bud fine. Like these buds were completely dry by week 3 and I must have smoked about 15-20 spliffs of this stuff in total over the past 2-3 weeks since then. It was fine for the first 4-5 weeks and it is only in the past few days that I have noticed the brown tint suddenly develop over the buds. It doesn't make sense. It's like they have developed a brown/orange colour, the same colour as rust, on the buds and trichs, while being in the jar. It's not even like normal mould though so perhaps it's something else?

What jars and where is it stored? Did stalk snap even the biggest before going in jar?

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I use Boveda packs, but I only add them once the burping stage is done. I find they're good at maintaining a humidity, but won't work to take moisture out that well.

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Made my first ever bit of bho today with some fresh trim and almost dry whispy bud I don't know how much I put in but it wasn't a lot really and I'd have just thrown it anyway. I'll upload some pictures later it's gone a lovely creamy looking texture after whiping it up for a good 45 mins ish on low heat double boiler method to purge it.

Had a couple of blobs on my weed in my pipe and it recked me to another level...

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Fecking hell chopped another plant today, zero mould and massive fat buds! I think I'm already nearly self sufficient and at this rate I'm not gonna know what to do with it all!!

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Fecking hell chopped another plant today, zero mould and massive fat buds! I think I'm already nearly self sufficient and at this rate I'm not gonna know what to do with it all!!

lol! Congratulations mate... Yeah I feeling the same I just had to go out buy some more jars... Going to turn some of it into butter! But I still have a load! You could try turning some into bubble hash?
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