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I did just the one freebie purple amnesia from short stuff, was fuckin good!

risky to judge a strain from 1 plant tho, SS beans often don't do as it says on the tin but when you get a good'un you're sorted.

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I ran a couple of amnesia haze autos from vision. Despite being very slightly burned and not being on the best spot for autos, they did okay and gave me 31g dry of tasty and stinky buds, one phen being a bit denser and faster finishing than the other. I therew about 15% away and it wasn't a great auto season here. I might try these again as I reckon they have an oz per plant potential.

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Nice one !

So short stuff and vision are worth a go then.

Ive just cracked a few of my amnesia hacks ill be looking for a auto to reverse to try make a fv .

And timmy stop teasing everybody and spill the beans lol

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Hi Guys, I visited my plot yesterday to find one plant knock over but I soon sorted her out, poor girl. The weather has been so unpredictable here & with high winds lately so I needed to support some branches etc with bamboo sticks. My two questions are:

1. In reflection in supporting the branches, 4 main top ones was this a good idea as now when it rains not as much movement when wind blows? Wouldn't this be a real invite for mould?

2. When given the plants some nettle brew I found the top of the soil stuck & heavy, not loose which took some time for it to soak into the soil if not running off the top. Is this called root locked?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi @@Irishgirl

I'll throw in my two cents if that's OK...

Not being an outdoor type myself, it may be a bit off, but... lack of movement shouldn't cause or promote rot; air will still move through OK and it will carry water with it unless its very humid. Warm air can carry more liquid than cold, though wind will help any humidity to evaporate off in the final stages of transpiration - the plants don't need to move about though...

Root locked? I may be confusing what you mean here - two things, 1) root bound, pretty sure you can't get root bound without a container, 2) nute locked, do the leaves show signs of unhealthiness (my photos are a great reference catalogue of problems!).

My guess is that, if its been raining and the soil is relatively clayey, then it will get water logged more easily than a looser, less absorbent medium with greater drainage... so it may be that the soil is just a bit waterlogged...

Good luck! :v:

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Slugums your 2 cents are always welcomed.

My plants are in 11ltr buckets & maybe root bound I should have referred too. Still trying to get my head around the thermology of the grow world, as for years friends have told me I have my own with words & dictionary lol & can also read back to front lol.

Thanks for that clear explanation on humidity, warm air & movement. I wouldn't be one bit surprised if it was water logged even tho' to be honest, some of the buckets were lighter then others. It was as if the soil had hardened up, if that makes sense but manage to get the bamboo support sticks in the soil.

Thanks for your reply slugums.

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Started on my kk plot today. Took me and a mate 5 hours to get through a third anyway I tested my new transport method to day and it worked spot on.

You need__

10l plastic tubs from morrisons

Big vacume packs with a hand pump

Duct tape

Gloves and a spare top

Leave all the packing gear in a bag off the plot do not touch it. Trim all buds in bag for life bags. Once finished trimming put all gloves,scissors, water bottles, jumper ...basically if you have touched it put it in with the buds then pack it into the plastic tubs and duct tape shut..now put the tubs in vacume packs and pump air out..pack up and leave. If you are care full all the smell will stay contained .

To carry 6 tubs at a time...

2 in your rucksack easy.

Now you can fit 2 tubs in new! Not stinkey bags for life with a little bit of room at the top.

Put a few empty food boxes ontop of the tubs and it just looks like you got bags of food.

May seem ott but if you have to walk through estates it works.


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Agghhhhh fucksake... went to my outdoor drying plot earlier... to inspect the drying Red Purps for rot and to collect some other buds that would have dried... and I turned up to find that the biggest Red Purps coala had somehow fallen off the drying rack onto he floor... and the coala had all moulded on the ground in the space of 72 hours. Probably lost about 20 grams of bud there... :wallbash:

Some more mould was going on with the other Red Purps buds too, but they have dried sufficiently in the past 3 days, that they are no longer in that initial damp/moist stage where mould forms easily. So they should be okay from here on... providing they don't fall off the racks as well :doh: .

Collected some bone dry, crispy, Blueberry buds that had been hanging for 10 days. They actually dried very well... perhaps a little too much even.

Edited by English Archer
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Aah shit mate on ur red purple coalas. Not all lost tho mate. How were you drying them, hanging on a string in the outdoor world or do you have to have them in an enclosed area with light such as a tent. Sorry for my ignorance but never done it lol.

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Agghhhhh fucksake... went to my outdoor drying plot earlier... to inspect the drying Red Purps for rot and to collect some other buds that would have dried... and I turned up to find that the biggest Red Purps coala had somehow fallen off the drying rack onto he floor... and the coala had all moulded on the ground in the space of 72 hours. Probably lost about 20 grams of bud there... :wallbash:

Some more mould was going on with the other Red Purps buds too, but they have dried sufficiently in the past 3 days, that they are no longer in that initial damp/moist stage where mould forms easily. So they should be okay from here on... providing they don't fall off the racks as well :doh: .

Collected some bone dry, crispy, Blueberry buds that had been hanging for 10 days. They actually dried very well... perhaps a little too much even.

I'd love to see some OD drying porn

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Anybody else got the tropical fruit juice smelling killer kush. Bit loose/mouldy compared to the rest but i May have found my keeper.

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Aah shit mate on ur red purple coalas. Not all lost tho mate. How were you drying them, hanging on a string in the outdoor world or do you have to have them in an enclosed area with light such as a tent. Sorry for my ignorance but never done it lol.

I have suspended a piece of wire mesh/caging between two trees & tied it in place with string. Then draped a relatively small piece of tarpaulin over it, sloped downwards on both sides, to keep all rain off. When harvesting, I usually cut the branches off at the base, then I am able to wedge the base of the branch between the gaps in the overhanging wire mesh, and the lowest down bud on the branch (usually popcorn buds) will snag and stop the branch falling through. Out of about 30 small branches & coalas, only 1 has fallen off, which is still good enough for me to continue with this method. Hanging each individual branch with string is a bit too tedious, trust me, I have tried it... this year... :rofl:

And it's also important to have the outdoor drying station in an area that gets a good breeze and good air flow. Although I think that might be why some of my buds have dried to crisps after 14 days on the rack. They probably should have come off at day 10.

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