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Just been having a ponder about how some seasons plants are great then other seasons average like 2012-2013 I had the best plants ever and I thought I've fooking cracked it.But I think it was funki who said there's so many variables with our environment we will get good plants most years from good strains then we will get great plants from the same seeds defo a lot to do with environment it's like growing inside I tell peeps don't even pop a pip until your environment is dialled in and no vodo shaman shams shit over priced nutes are gonna change your plants if your environment is all over the place anyway who's got the rest of them 2012 -2013 pips?lucky buggers goohfy.

100% true mate I knew from the of set of last season just by looking at the growth of surrounding vegetation we would have a hard time in places that's why we play the numbers game , and a lot do on the GG scene it's a battle from start to finish with genetics , environment , rippers, pest, etc and you HAVE to stack up the odds in your favour to succeed and have a great season , but one thing I have noticed and that is seasonal variation in vegative growth of scrub etc and I get a good feel and insight on how things are going to go from the off, for instance last year was awfull to start with the drought early on and there was no growth or cover for a good month + and that slowed up a lot of things and prohibited the veg stage a while which was shitty and slowed up a lot of good plants some never really recover from that and when and if they do it's pretty much to late, so ended up lugging water gennys on sites which is never a good look but needs must and now and then you have to go far and beyond to over come these problems , but who ever said this game was easy hey...

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Do you think that if people don't understand your thoughts or ways of doing things people find it easy to attack you rather than try to understand you or your way of thinking like sometimes I think people are trolling but after reading on I think my first thought was wrong and I think there are many people suffer from mental health problems and that's the reason I would never start swearing or being nasty to someone online just because I thought they where a troll.The reason I say this is I've seen first hand of someone who sounded like a troll but turned out he has issues.I know it can be frustrating and get people angry but we are all different and have different ways of thinking and talking and above everything where all human beings having different experience in life just a thought and I Defoe think if you spread kindness and careing you get it back goohfy.

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and I think there are many people suffer from mental health problems and that's the reason I would never start swearing or being nasty to someone online

You shouldn't treat someone with mental health issues differently... Most of us are arseholes just like just like the rest of you.

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we are all different and have different ways of thinking and talking and above everything where all human beings having different experience in life just a thought and I Defoe think if you spread kindness and careing you get it back goohfy.

Top post man. Doing helpful things for friends, family and strangers enriches your life in way money and possessions can't. Smoke the weed and look at nature. Help people out where you can and try not to rise to anyone trying to wind you up. I can tell your content and happy Goohfy man, rock on!

You shouldn't treat someone with mental health issues differently... Most of us are arseholes just like just like the rest of you.


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I can vouch for your bluedream x Leb @ , beauties mate Had two different phenos , one was a dark looking plant that had great resin production . Germed a couple last week . Ones going for smoke the other in a bed for seed making with some EWS . Thanks mate ;)

Thanks mate (I would fist bump you back but I can't use emoticons for some reason :)

Glad you decided to try them again. I've got a few of your creations going. The double Durban is a stormer!

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@@rusty trichomes nice tunes! Yes that strain does look like it's got potential for outdoors. I did a cross with humbolt's blue dream and it did well outdoors. How does it smoke?

like any good kush with a real sweet flavor . i only picked up a g from my pal . he was well happy with the yeild to

be lucky ;)

Edited by rusty trichomes
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hey i just found this kicking about . ive not opened mine yet but i think they send it to ya email . it should be good help for new growers and for problem solving for the more experinced . free growers bible . got to be ok thoght id share befoure i forgot

be l ;) ucky

Edited by Twisted Rizla
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Well if you will put those numbers, after you name 999 if you have the same name on the other site.Even i asked you why you had them.And i still wonder as you did not say.As not many people in their right mind.Would put those numbers after their name on a pot site.Its cool lol@@resinous palms what are you like lol.

Edited by hashi
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Well if you will put those numbers, after you name 999 if you have the same name on the other site.Even i asked you why you had them.And i still wonder as you did not say.As not many people in their right mind.Would put those numbers after their name on a pot site.Its cool lol@@resinous palms what are you like lol.

It wasn't me involved mate I was just a observer in the exchange of nastiness.And I use many sudo names on sites.And I Carnt think why my site name means so much to you that's twice now you've mentioned it or is it something you do ask everyone why they call themselves ......or better why do you think Iam called goohfy 999 on this site
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Its not bloody rocket Science is it ,what kind of grower in their right mind puts a pig number after their name.If you have not worked it out alot of folks, dont like pigs.If you realy cant think why 999 make some folks think why You must be off you bloody rocker shakes head here.I dont have a bloody clue why 999 that is why i asked doh.

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There's other jobs that a more caring than the filth linked to 999 but I don't have to explaine myself to you your obviously the hashi that's three weeks early you no the one leaves a bad taste and burns your lungs that kind of hashi.

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Guest Andromedian

I have to agree with Hashi here.......you have to be plain fucking stupid to use 999 at the end of your name on a fucking canna site....and some of your posts literally suggest that you are dude..........if others on here cannot see that as well, then whatever

And what is with the, one minute i can spell, the next i can't bollocks.....one minute you use proper Grammar, the next, none what so ever.....people like yourself, make me want to leave the Forum............Sorry to others for coming across on an aggressive front, but like hashi, i am just saying what i see......... :russian:

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