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The Random Thread


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very few original overgrowers around nowadays,still one or two on the boards,it was a forum ahead of its time mate,a lot of knowledge,the American growers on there were off the scale.

OG grew out of Weed World, which grew out of a private forum rum by ~shabang~ & another

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Overgrow had nothing to do with weed world, and was not started by shanbang infact it was ot1 ie old timer from this site and some others northen girl or somthing like that, and it came from the bccd board which did not even have pics . And CW ie cannabis world i think was before overgrow.And Rc took over both with heaven stairways. Shabang and mia ie mia stoner was just the coders and shabang did the karma system.

i think Their is still loads of us overgrowers, and cw even on alot of the boards. The old CW is even back online and the old info with vic high reds and overgrow is meant to be back up soon.I was just wondering, why you did you handle like the old ch@ppers did .You know the one i mean i am sure.He was a sound bloke.

Edited by hashi
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It was foolgirl, nl420 and ot1 from here , Baudelaire, and shabang who did most of the coding who started and made the karma system .but he he left soon once it was set up for about 6 months.And Baudelaire and mia ran the ship.Then RC bought it and ot 1 left to spend more time here .This is infact one of the oldest cannabis sites on the net me thinks.I am still having trouble with the other place,is it still down or is it just me anyone.

Edited by hashi
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Guest RandyBoBandy

never realy take much notice of the smell of small vegging plants... but holy! i have a killer kush and funki hack that smell crazy awesome! do you find the smell of a vegging plant has any inpact on the finnished product ?

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I've got a heribei about 4in tall in the greenhouse that's stinking it out real good. I was well surprised, and pleased.

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I wasn't going to even say what happend at a plot tonight but I was moving my auto sacks around and noticed what at first I thought was a weed and fook me it was a baby canna plant not at the side of the sack bang in the middle.now I have used the same ruck sack to bring seeded plants home but wrapped in black bags so it must of come from that but I've used the same ruck sack to move loads of compo,chicken shit,fbb.to many plots so what are the chances that one seed landed near the top of a sack and not two ft under a load of other shit.I wasn't even gonna use it for photos but that little fooker deserves his shot still Carnt get over it I must of moved hundreds of litres of compost and bags of shredded kelp all I can say hope it turns out to be a female what a lucky little plant quite amazing goohfy.

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Guest The_Guerilla_Dr

I've got a heribei about 4in tall in the greenhouse that's stinking it out real good. I was well surprised, and pleased.

I've got a 2 week old Dinafem Kush that is already stinking real bad, compared to the others at least. My other Dinafem OG Kush is 7 weeks old now but doesn't smell anywhere near as much as the 2 week old one. Strange that.

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