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Guest Andromedian

I respect that.

Perhaps you could also respect that we don't want to see the sorts of numbers which you're discussing here on the site.

It's nothing personal, it's just that we don't want to be seen to support grows or set-ups which are likely to be considered as being commercial. I hope you can respect that.

Of course i can respect that dude.....

it wasn't meant to be a dick swing, just a bit of sound advice,

and seeing i was the one who advised everyone to grow this pile of old poo, thought it might give them some good karma to see mine were doing proper shit too......like i said...i know the strain doesn't produce and it had germ problems and given the fact i was going to have to share this with 3 people, thought i needed to do more....and was giving everyone the heads up, that if they do grow these, they will need to do that little bit more to get their years worth.....

I am not a lover of commercial growers either, mate....i thought thats who we were trying to avoid

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Of course i can respect that dude.....

it wasn't meant to be a dick swing, just a bit of sound advice,

and seeing i was the one who advised everyone to grow this pile of old poo, thought it might give them some good karma to see mine were doing proper shit too......like i said...i know the strain doesn't produce and it had germ problems and given the fact i was going to have to share this with 3 people, thought i needed to do more....and was giving everyone the heads up, that if they do grow these, they will need to do that little bit more to get their years worth.....

I am not a lover of commercial growers either, mate....i thought thats who we were trying to avoid

I understand mate.

I'm not suggesting you're a commercial grower. I appreciate the need for selective breeding and I understand the need for GGs to mitigate the risks of animal or weather damage by planting out more.

The problem comes when the lines start getting blurred. As far as the 'system' is concerned a 100 plant set-up will likely cause you a shit-load of hassle that you wouldn't necessarily get from growing a 'reasonable' number. How many is a 'reasonable number'? you'll immediately ask - that's a moot point, but we'd lean more towards the sorts of numbers that aren't going to draw the wrong sort of attention or get you sent down for a long holiday. The rest is down to your discretion.

Like I say, it's nothing personal although I appreciate it's taken that way.

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@@Ch@ppers you know you name, looks so much like that old oger. With the same name as he did his @ like that.If i remember right he was well into growing Autos,and very good at it to.

Yes, I have some of that blokes autos and when I first bumped into this ch@ppers, I thought it was the same guy (the old one also used an '@'). Pm'd him with a picture of the other ch@ppers seeds & he didn't know what was going on...

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Guest Andromedian

I understand mate.

I'm not suggesting you're a commercial grower. I appreciate the need for selective breeding and I understand the need for GGs to mitigate the risks of animal or weather damage by planting out more.

The problem comes when the lines start getting blurred. As far as the 'system' is concerned a 100 plant set-up will likely cause you a shit-load of hassle that you wouldn't necessarily get from growing a 'reasonable' number. How many is a 'reasonable number'? you'll immediately ask - that's a moot point, but we'd lean more towards the sorts of numbers that aren't going to draw the wrong sort of attention or get you sent down for a long holiday. The rest is down to your discretion.

Like I say, it's nothing personal although I appreciate it's taken that way.

nah mate, i know its nothing personal......i totally get where you are coming from,

yeah mate such a fine line, when it comes to how many is too many.....

it's like....if all your plants come home, well you have done far too many, yet if you get ripped or they all turn to mould, then you haven't done enough......

I must admit, i am a seriously heavy smoker of the ganj, and when smoking my own stuff, can smoke upto 2 oz a week........so i guess it could actually come across that i was all commercial like......but that is so far from the truth.......

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Guest The_Guerilla_Dr

nah mate, i know its nothing personal......i totally get where you are coming from,

yeah mate such a fine line, when it comes to how many is too many.....

it's like....if all your plants come home, well you have done far too many, yet if you get ripped or they all turn to mould, then you haven't done enough......

I must admit, i am a seriously heavy smoker of the ganj, and when smoking my own stuff, can smoke upto 2 oz a week........so i guess it could actually come across that i was all commercial like......but that is so far from the truth.......

Alright Andro, what time are you dropping that quarter ounce off at mine tonight? You're not answering your phone and I'm getting desperate...

I can't cook our space cakes until you get here. Dude, I told you... I have all the weed covered for tonight, you just need to make sure you remember that quarter ounce of butter or we can't cook! :rofl:

Edited by The_Guerilla_Dr
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How strong is kelp meal? Wondering if i might have :russian:

Before plant out i mixed a bit of mycorzial powder through my plant out compost then on a bit of a whim i mixed a few handfuls of kelp meal in as well. Say 4 handfuls in about 30L compost. Made a well in the middle of my holes and stuck 3-4 week old seedlings straight in this compost. Now i'm wondering if it was a mistake??

(Bit late on the research i know)

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Are you referring to me by any chance? If so, I wasn't saying you can't start them under lights. I was just saying that this year I wasn't using lights as I was starting mine on the windowsill for a few weeks (outdoors on sunny days) and then putting them straight into my greenhouse come mid April. This method has worked fine for me as my diary evidences. I have saved electricity and done things the natural way. Next year though, I may use lights to give them a headstart, but have them on a 14/10 light schedule so when they do go out in early May, they don't start flowering...

Fuck me,i am good at fishing but you took the bait quickly,yes it was you i was referring to,your sage advice gleaned from years of practical growing,you advised someone not to use lights but just put them on the windowsill,your advice is normally something you have read somewhere and regurgitated as your own,you cant beat lights for vegging,they beat windowsills hands down,windowsill grown plants look leggy and stretchy in comparrison,thats just fact,twist the words however you want when you want when you answer but as a grower your beginner league despite the doctor tag.

I used to be on overgrow hashi,that was years back,be lucky.

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@@Ch@ppers is right. Stick a load of plants under a good t5 and they'll have tight nodes and better growth then a windowsill. Although watering techniques play a lot on the rate of growth I have found. I'm just getting the hang of it lol

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How strong is kelp meal? Wondering if i might have :russian:

Before plant out i mixed a bit of mycorzial powder through my plant out compost then on a bit of a whim i mixed a few handfuls of kelp meal in as well. Say 4 handfuls in about 30L compost. Made a well in the middle of my holes and stuck 3-4 week old seedlings straight in this compost. Now i'm wondering if it was a mistake??

(Bit late on the research i know)

@@Blunt_Wit no mate thats nothing i add more than that in my indoor mix

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Guest The_Guerilla_Dr

Fuck me,i am good at fishing but you took the bait quickly,yes it was you i was referring to,your sage advice gleaned from years of practical growing,you advised someone not to use lights but just put them on the windowsill,your advice is normally something you have read somewhere and regurgitated as your own,you cant beat lights for vegging,they beat windowsills hands down,windowsill grown plants look leggy and stretchy in comparrison,thats just fact,twist the words however you want when you want when you answer but as a grower your beginner league despite the doctor tag.

I used to be on overgrow hashi,that was years back,be lucky.

lol, it is certainly 'bait' as you call it, especially your last comment which can't be anything more than an attempt to instigate something. Quite a brutal attack really, but I don't care man. If you're going to take something I say so far out of context, then I'm just going to laugh at it lol

All I am going to say is that the proof is in the pudding... I haven't used any lights this year and my plants have grown fine. From March onwards, I put them outside on sunny days and bring them inside on a windowsill at night and on cold/overcast days, as I have previously said. So it is a bit different to the way you described it... you make it sound like they're just left on a windowsill for weeks at a time... and that's just not the case...

Peace X

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Not brutal,i just say things as i see them,i know a little about growing plants,thats it.

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@chappers sorry to jump in here but i too was on overgrow many moons ago. Any other bods on her that you know came over to here when the feds shut it down ?? That forum was ahead of its time back then and helped me out immensley back when i was wet behind the ears .. respect the original OGs man. Anyone coming from there will no doubt have a depth of experience and knowledge under there belt.

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@chappers sorry to jump in here but i too was on overgrow many moons ago. Any other bods on her that you know came over to here when the feds shut it down ?? That forum was ahead of its time back then and helped me out immensley back when i was wet behind the ears .. respect the original OGs man. Anyone coming from there will no doubt have a depth of experience and knowledge under there belt.

very few original overgrowers around nowadays,still one or two on the boards,it was a forum ahead of its time mate,a lot of knowledge,the American growers on there were off the scale.

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Seasons greetings!! May all your gg plan(t)s flourish. First wave in the ground and all rolling along nicely.👊

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