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Guest Andromedian

if you are doing it at home......an angle grinder, with 2 mm cutting blade........goes through like butter....

the scissor method is best for the plots, but does cut your hands to pieces.....i'm sure you will find this out ha ha

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Andro I've cut 20 off cages this year so far and haven't cut my hand yet.. Got a puncture on my thumb the other week tho lol

A few years ago when I cut my cages my hands were fucked

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It's quite annoying that across the road is down, wanted to update my diary. I was going to do a Dinafem one on here for the seeds, but security means I can't as I have been informed of people in my area that are members on here and I just don't want to take the risk. I'll deffo post pics of the Dinafem plants though and do an in depth report of the grow and smoke once finished

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About 3 weeks in, crooked lamps time...tallest to the back please ;)

red purps, all prob came up a week later than most.


rounder leaved two at bottom are taking there time to get going.

Serious 6


started pretty uniform, 1of6 went a bit runty but is catching up again now

Kush FVs, really liking these :) couple are rooting like crazy, trying to escape out the drain holes...


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Guess my next Thread will be "Ever convinced loads of people to grow a strain, and it turns out to be a complete bag o' shite"



Ah well shit happens. I didn't buy any so I'll not hold it against you.

That's the issue I had with easy sativa a good few years ago, well the inconsistency bit anyway. It featured more in the mature plants being massively different rather than seedling vigor though.

I have never ever been able to reproduce plants grown from retail seeds from any seed bank year on year to be honest, that's what drove me to making my own, so I could at least in some way maintain a stable stock.

In all honesty from a level playing field perspective we don't run our grows in such a way that we can guarantee all the possible variables are consistent even at the seedling stage, we can try but that's all we can do.

So what looks like bad seed stock could equally be bad soil, bad storage or transport or both, or just some other random thing completely.

Obviously given the fact that your other plants look very happy and these don't goes some way to mitigating all that except the storage or transport thing (i don't mean you btw). Unless it's new stock an/or it's been stored badly it should be the same.

Out of interest, how many did you run last season? you could have just got all good ones and missed the shitters in a lower sample size.

I'm not defending them in any way, and you don't have anything to defend yourself for saying they were good either, from what I saw, they were, people buy them based on what they see in agrow that's been done the year before. kind of like empirical evidence I suppose.

With such a small amount of empirical evidence i.e 1 season it's always going to be hit and miss.

I've said it before to others, look back over the past ten seasons and find me a single strain which people have grown every year successfully. You'll find that there are few, maybe even none.

Too many variables, it can be seed stock or variance in weather. Nothing is consistent in this game. It is always a gamble.

Even with the greatest will in the world and the best seed stock they still might not reproduce what they saw someone else grow...

The others look very nice non the less.

Take it easy..

Edited by iamafunkimunki
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Just on a note about deformed seedlings, I can't say for the ones that haven't taken obviously but I've had some very odd looking things pop out of my own hack seeds over the last 3 years, some have turned out well, 1 or 2 have been oddities with flat stems or weird heads that all have a centre parting type thing going off in the pistils. There's a name for it but it eludes me at the minute. Poly something maybe??

The indica heavy vars look very very cabbage looking as they don't get any distance between the nodes, especially under my blue cfl bulbs, the cheesey sativa ones look more normal, the indy ones also tend to have round leaves that curl down in an odd way for a few weeks and gain very little height. I've also found the indy orientated vars veg much more slowly than anything with sativa in the mix to any extent.

You could well still be in for nice plants from the ones which are growing.

Edited by iamafunkimunki
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I tried to start 30 odd of Ultimate Passion, an early flowering strain of my own stock, but everyone did not get past their first set of leafs, they just shrivelled up and died. very strange. Previous years have been fine.

All the f1 breeder packs I popped this year have been 100% successful though.

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3 purple Danes, 3 royal Dane x Wild paki, 2 mighty funks and 2 gg#2 termed and above ground today.

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Just on a note about deformed seedlings, I can't say for the ones that haven't taken obviously but I've had some very odd looking things pop out of my own hack seeds over the last 3 years, some have turned out well, 1 or 2 have been oddities with flat stems or weird heads that all have a centre parting type thing going off in the pistils. There's a name for it but it eludes me at the minute. Poly something maybe??

The indica heavy vars look very very cabbage looking as they don't get any distance between the nodes, especially under my blue cfl bulbs, the cheesey sativa ones look more normal, the indy ones also tend to have round leaves that curl down in an odd way for a few weeks and gain very little height. I've also found the indy orientated vars veg much more slowly than anything with sativa in the mix to any extent.

You could well still be in for nice plants from the ones which are growing.

I grew a couple of big bang f3s of a friends in a greenhouse a few years ago now which had flat stems and lots of mutated features.. 1 turned out to be the best place t I grew that season. Edited by TheNorthernMonkey
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Guest Andromedian


Hello mate.......yeah i know what you mean......i will be going down that road next year.....gonna try and do a season without buying any seeds ha ha

Trying to get the same results year after year, seems impossible these days.....like you say, there is a lot more to it, than just having strain problems............

I haven't given up on the little ladies just yet.......and i'm not one for just pulling plants, not until the last possible option.....

They are growing for sure....not very fast....but growing......I have decided to limit the watering of these....to try and push the growth a little, but means spending all fucking day around them.

I tried looking back on last season, but i didn't document any of the early growth, Just remember them being pretty much the same as this year but, the seeds being a little more viable......

Its like big seed companies, limit certain stock, and of course then some idiot comes along :russian: and tells everyone what they are missing, and how good a certain strain is........then they cannot handle it when a massive order comes through.......and they start getting the old shit out :shutup: .....

The deformities......i mean yeah, not too bothered as long as they at least do something.....and sometimes they do actually bring a nice surprise............I might even cross the tri-leafed purps to see what happens.........

Area53 have got it right............The Red Purps on its own is sometimes shocking, but as a cross ;)

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If its any consolation all my WW autos popped and look happy :yahoo:

As for RP.. I've so far resisted the temptation but temptation is fading fast. Its good for people to put the word out ;)

I think we need a germination 'Hall of Shame' thread as some strains seem to drastically drop in quality from one year to the next.

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Andro if that tri leaf red Purps performs well Definately breed it. There should be some tri leafed outdoor varieties imo as they have 1.5x the amount of leaves per node which as the plant gets bigger could lead to some right beasts. Cos as you know once a plant has set its feet there's no stopping it..

If I get any special tris this year I'll be dusting em up for sure :)

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Guest Andromedian

If its any consolation all my WW autos popped and look happy :yahoo:

As for RP.. I've so far resisted the temptation but temptation is fading fast. Its good for people to put the word out ;)

I think we need a germination 'Hall of Shame' thread as some strains seem to drastically drop in quality from one year to the next.

Mine too......might just do DinaFem and Crosses next season ;) Female seeds can Kiss my Arse.........

Dude that is a brilliant idea for a thread.....you're idea mate.......

would be great to see what other people's gripes are about certain strains......... ;)

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