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Guest RandyBoBandy

Awesome.. I remember that view I'm sure.. best of luck with the season fang

Edit.. from your previous grows not from me personally lol

Edited by RandyBoBandy
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I got some HFH guerrilla golds in 4" pots in my polytunnel, they're only littl'uns but the wee fuckers have gone into flower already, so far 1 ladyboy, 2 boys & 1 female are showing. I did a double take :shock::shock: when I noticed yesterday after glancing round whilst having a sneaky early evening spliff.

I was wondering if i pluck the flower sites off the girls at plantout they'd forget they were flowering `& grow forth into nice sexy 5ft+ August harvest beauties?

Nice plot @@Fang, hope it delivers you a worryingly large harvest :toot:

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An hour and a half in the gloom moving 3 heavy bags of well rotted one at a time.Me and the bike wobbling around down little mud paths.Last one was hard work as it was really dark and I'd had a spliff break. I fucking love gg ing

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I've got twins in my current batch as well. Strain is Dutch Passion's Forest Dream.


It was the slowest seed to germinate and that's what popped up. As you can see there is a bit of a size difference between the two and they both seem to be hindering each other's growth, so I decided to separate them. I didn't have the heart to cull the little'un so I just scooped it out and potted it up separately. Both are looking much happier, so it looks like I just got a buy one, get one free. :v:

I had this happen once before with a Northern Lights seed. I just left them to get on with it, and they grew fine except that the bigger one dominated and the small one had a tiny yield. After harvest I dug it up to have a look and the intertwined roots were a work of art.

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