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http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/latest-seagull-attack-sees-man-6149013 people do get attacked by birds, personally i like to think i could take on a seagull lol

swans are the only birds you gotta watch out for, lairy fuckers.

also a warning to people growing on islands in lakes thinking they don't need cages, think again.


My mother had a wrist broken by a particularly feisty one at a local dog walk some time ago. Me personally I hate the fuckers lol I don't like the unpredictability, now I've seen that picture, I ate em more. e2a: the bird that is..

Anything with black eyeballs, you can't see what they're plotting lol. I'm the same with horses, black eyed scary things that they are. Up close via a fence no worries, but in the past I've had to transit by a group, on a public path I might add. Fuckers would stalk me all the way down the field, start jogging towards me, then stop quite close all menacing like and just stare... they've got so close I've hurdled a barbwire fence into some brambles before. They never actually do anything, but my do they give me the heebies :fear:

Edited by iamafunkimunki
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Yeah horses and swans both shit me up. Swans are the bullies of the UK water scene, that's why they are the Royal bird.. cunts.. lol

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If BP were here now he might have a tale about plucking a swan and making ties from it's sinews for caning plants .

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I've always wanted to try swan, I just picture them as a big duck... mmmm swan and orange sauce :naughty:

its like a mixture of lamb and duck.

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Yeah horses and swans both shit me up. Swans are the bullies of the UK water scene, that's why they are the Royal bird.. cunts.. lol

Can I ask why horses? They are very misunderstood animals, they can be just as loving as a dog it's just they get scared easily and you need to learn how to approach them. I've spent most of my life around horses and think they beautiful. Swans on the other hand are just jerks, there's a park in Cardiff u can go and feed the ducks and have a nice smoke but the bastard swans hiss at you and chase the ducks away. One went for the dog but she wanted to play with it....it soon fucked off when she started growling! My dad has geese and they ain't much better, noisy buggers!

@@RayGears I just seen ya post bout geese.....they defo work in teams, they are better Guard dogs than my dads actual dog!

I swear if you don't know what's making the noise you would think somebody is getting killed!

Edited by Welshstonedchick
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its like a mixture of lamb and duck.

And if you eat one dont forget to get the young birds,some of the old ones can live for up to 30 years in captivity.
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And if you eat one dont forget to get the young birds,some of the old ones can live for up to 30 years in captivity.

yeah it was a cygnet, i imagine an old bird wouldn't be as nice.

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Yup,old swans are tough and chewy,cygnets are the way forward,get an early season bird from last years hatching,if it ever becomes legal.

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My mother had a wrist broken by a particularly feisty one at a local dog walk some time ago. Me personally I hate the fuckers lol I don't like the unpredictability, now I've seen that picture, I ate em more. e2a: the bird that is..

Anything with black eyeballs, you can't see what they're plotting lol. I'm the same with horses, black eyed scary things that they are. Up close via a fence no worries, but in the past I've had to transit by a group, on a public path I might add. Fuckers would stalk me all the way down the field, start jogging towards me, then stop quite close all menacing like and just stare... they've got so close I've hurdled a barbwire fence into some brambles before. They never actually do anything, but my do they give me the heebies :fear:

some horses can be abit sketchy and unpredictable, I've met a couple that i would happily jump in to brambles to avoid lol..

cattle are the worst, a number of times I've been chased and only just escaped. and they can easily kill you if you dont know what your doing.


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The biggest rush I've ever had is standing in the middle of a stampeading herd of bullocks.

I was told to stand absolutely still, which I did & the bullocks stampeaded either side.

After that I went through a short but fun period of going into fields of skittish bullocks and freaking them out for kicks & shits.

Bulls arent very nice. But they put their heads down when they charge. Cows with calves are the absolute worst. They frighten the fuck out of me. They look @ yout while charging, so you can't dodge 'em. Amazing how fast you can get through a hawthorn hedge when you need to.

The problem with dogs in these situations is when the shit hits the fan (the bull start charging), the dog runs back to you. Then you've got all the pissed off herd charging straight to you.

Edited by marquee moon
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Can I ask why horses? They are very misunderstood animals, they can be just as loving as a dog it's just they get scared easily and you need to learn how to approach them. I've spent most of my life around horses and think they beautiful. Swans on the other hand are just jerks, there's a park in Cardiff u can go and feed the ducks and have a nice smoke but the bastard swans hiss at you and chase the ducks away. One went for the dog but she wanted to play with it....it soon fucked off when she started growling! My dad has geese and they ain't much better, noisy buggers!

@@RayGears I just seen ya post bout geese.....they defo work in teams, they are better Guard dogs than my dads actual dog!

I swear if you don't know what's making the noise you would think somebody is getting killed!

When i was 10 i had a ride on a horse on a holiday and it threw me. I landed on my back and it was pretty nasty. Since then the horses could sense my fear and would reinforce by their reactions. Its like fear tennis. They are very beautiful just at a distance..

Me and a mate were out looking for shrooms one Autumn and we encountered demon cows. Seriously these were spawned by Sauron in the pits of Mordor. One did a flying kick that missed my head by feet. I was soon springboarding off a barbed wire fence into a hedge.. lol

Edited by Loam Gnome
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I agree with cows being evil arseholes. One the fuckers few through a bush and nearly flattened me.

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Cows are thick as shit! Just throw something past them and run! There is a nasty bull in a field nearby and he just smells blood I'm sure of it! He's scary but cows....nah!

I can see why ur afraid of horses now but they won't gang up on ya I promise X

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