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I guess we're all guilty of this laziness. you've got your crop, you want off. you look back over your shoulder, there's all the years doings that has been transported over. Fuck it , no body will ever find it. Well we are living proof that that's not the case. If you've got a good spot don't abuse it. Spotters like us spot previous activity at this time of year. Mental Note... What you do with that note depends on the type of person you are and if you don't mind a kicking if your caught with your hands around someone else's plants come harvest time.

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Running Early Grape and GUerrilla Golds and crosses of Guerrilla Gold Goohfy.

Nice I've also got gg and I've been crossing some pat Meds with ww auto and then with biddy give me 5 mins and pop over to my gallery and I will put some seed mums pics up of them first time they where to big even when flipped over at a small stage but these look more promising goohfy. Edited by Goohfy999
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They look and sound like brilliant crosses :clapping: what lights you using?

Edited by Loam Gnome
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1 600 watt hps mag.yeah these are better looking then the first two runs they wouldn't stop growing but Iam still gonna use the beans here and thier I just have a feeling these might be faster to Finnish seem to have more of the auto in them well I hope so there about 3-3 and a half ft tall so maybe 4-4half outdoors maybe goohfy.

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lol ive got more pics of other grows on my phone this season than i have my own shit, its mad... id upload em but i dont wanna freak people out if they recognise em (why did i take the pics? fuck knows, maybe to pass on to goofy) but on a serious note, it seems the later you leave prepping these days.. the better

Amen to that rand,late prep was the key,people who prep in april,sure they might get away with a few plants,but they are also leaving themselves wide open for guys who are also looking for plots to stumble upon,the longer they are out the more they are at risk,simple rule of guerilla thumb,we evolve and learn lessons season after season,we tighten up our techniques,improve on our strains,simplify the whole ballgame and get better results.

Also tidying up,i am anal about that,everything off and the site raked over,it blends in within a couple of weeks,the amount of times i have spotted a grow in the winter which i wouldnt have known about were it not for rootballs,slug pellet containers,crisp packets,cakes,tools etc.

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Iam gunna try watching the Badgers at dusk so I was just thinking how close to the set would you sit and can they be nasty if they see me the set is on the side of a bank and is it ok to do this cos I don't wanna upset them or worry them thanks goohfy.

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Amen to that rand,late prep was the key,people who prep in april,sure they might get away with a few plants,but they are also leaving themselves wide open for guys who are also looking for plots to stumble upon,the longer they are out the more they are at risk,simple rule of guerilla thumb,we evolve and learn lessons season after season,we tighten up our techniques,improve on our strains,simplify the whole ballgame and get better results.

Also tidying up,i am anal about that,everything off and the site raked over,it blends in within a couple of weeks,the amount of times i have spotted a grow in the winter which i wouldnt have known about were it not for rootballs,slug pellet containers,crisp packets,cages,tools etc.

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Just dont put your head in the set goohfy,and i am sure you will be fine.And they dont like flashing blue lights.

Edited by hashi
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Bag packed for a mission

Waders = check

Ferts =check

Knee pads = check

Gloves = check

Flask = ready

Motivation = YEP ✌

Be back with some shots tomorrow

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Iam gunna try watching the Badgers at dusk so I was just thinking how close to the set would you sit and can they be nasty if they see me the set is on the side of a bank and is it ok to do this cos I don't wanna upset them or worry them thanks goohfy.

Make sure you're holding a stick.

If they get hold of you, they'll only let go when they hear something crack.

If that doesn't work, just beat them with the stick.

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Sat for 2.3/4 hours no badgers two deer on the walk back which was nice but I think I wasn't sitting quite enough I was ok for the first hour then I was fidgeting a bit to get relaxed and I didn't take any thing for them to eat oh well.Next time I am going to go a bit later and take some treats and rub my waterproofs with the surrounding veg so they carnt smell me goohfy.

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Try getting there in good time and making sure you're sitting downwind of them. I remember once as a boy, sitting still like this and I couldn't believe how close they came up to me, the bravest wandered right up to the hide ID made from a cammo net sitting the air. This was in evening daylight as well. They are very interesting to watch. Don't smoke when you're there though no matter what you think the wind is doing. Hope you get a good watch of them. Try a summers evening later in the year if no good yet.

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