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Great idea best time to collect nettle seeds is august to September depending on your lat and weather.Right collect nettle seeds and other plant seeds find somewhere to grow the seeds rake top over only 1 inch is needed scatter seeds but try to keep each section separated so they don't compete as much for light growing area let them grow out and chop down before they set seed then you can ether make a tea or compost down you can do this at your plot I like to dig a hole line with plastic pile your veggies in then wet and cover with more plastic liner you can add horse manure sea weed or what you like then pile ground covering on top of it all and leave until it's broken down the more you have the better it seems to do more heat I think then add to holes or beds when prepping.Depending on what you use will depend on the length of time needed for it to brakdown like some kelp I've done can take over a year on its own but I find doing mixes with different plants helps it speed up good luck goohfy.

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Christ, that sounds like a ball ache to me.

If I were to do it, I wouldn't use seed.

I'd dig up a load load of nettle roots, rip em up a bit, chuck em where you want them and use your heel to squash em into the ground.

do it in winter before they sprout, you'll have strong growth in spring. Come May, you'd have a hedge.

Edited by marquee moon
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You can plant the rhizomes but it only takes a few minutes to clear some earth rake and scatter thousands of seeds which grow up with nitrogen,calcium,mag,iron all rolled into a tea or broken down into fert.Also doing it with seeds means you wouldn't have to chop them early while they was small because nettles don't flower there first year so you could let them grow big without having the plant full of seeds which can survive if the seeds on the nettle havernt perished enough while prepping them goohfy.

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Guest Andromedian

Anyone know if fire lighters deter deer? I've heard they work for mice but deer - maybe soap is better?

They do if you light them lol

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Trip wire for deer then that when triggered, ignites fire lighters and automatically whips plants with nettles for their health and ensures the deer never return.

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Are seedless nettles in their first year any good for whipping plants with?

Yes they will work loam but if you use seeded nettles you get the extra rasp from the dangling seed pods which imo is a most for vigorous healthy growth in late veg into flower but always remember to stop when your plants are two weeks in to flower as carrying on can damage forming buds I know this will be hard to stop whipping especially when your seeing fantastic results but think like a plant would you want your buds whipped good luck goohfy.
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Had a security scare this weekend at my main plot so I'm focusing perp at the others until it's all cleared up (fingers crossed) but this means I can't run all the strains I wanted to because of high & smell issues dpdp, red purps, ww & moby dick & grapefruit. I can top & LST so that's not so much of a problem but a few have mentioned the red purps & Durban's arnt big stinkers the "mini" plots around 50m away from the only entry point. I've grow there before so its doable, haven't grown these strains before & I hope I don't have to abandon them this year!

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Guest Andromedian

Had a security scare this weekend at my main plot so I'm focusing perp at the others until it's all cleared up (fingers crossed) but this means I can't run all the strains I wanted to because of high & smell issues dpdp, red purps, ww & moby dick & grapefruit. I can top & LST so that's not so much of a problem but a few have mentioned the red purps & Durban's arnt big stinkers the "mini" plots around 50m away from the only entry point. I've grow there before so its doable, haven't grown these strains before & I hope I don't have to abandon them this year!

Dude sounds like you need a new plot......if in doubt, fuck it off and find somewhere else....

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Yeah I'm mad on the hunt for a new plot, there few and far between within bikeing distance. The ones I have are good for a few plants just not the amount I'm after.

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Yeah I'm mad on the hunt for a new plot, there few and far between within bikeing distance. The ones I have are good for a few plants just not the amount I'm after.

They're there mate you'll find em eventually. Takes time but it's worth it in the end. How many you tryna grow?

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