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the little darlings sift it really nicely for you. shame the lazy little fuckers can't be trained to carry it to your plot tho.

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I try and look like the other people in my area, ie walkers, bikers etc. Anyone in full or mainly camo with a bag would look suss as fuck and defo be suspect poacher or Rambo gone awol which would not go down well i suspect in most my areas.

I never seen another GG'er that i know of or only ones i already know who gone out with me anyway.


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bit of a random question for all you gg's - I have access to alot of mole hill dirt close to a plot ive used for the past 2 seasons, just wondering if I was to move a few sacks of this and add fish bb etc to it and into my flower bed, along wth some verve whats been stored properly. could I save myself a total backache at said plot..

I asked the same question, most Mole hill soil is Loam or clay afaik and some of it is lush. Look across the road for some answers -- organics

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yeah its mighty fine/airy stuff, hoping to bag as much up on each visit and get the flower bed sorted asap.

clothing wise, I dont really bother with camos etc. to the naked eye, im a dog walker?

Edited by TheNorthernMonkey
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Went to one of my plots I found about a month or 2 ago that had lush loam soil and loads of plants and nettles at the bottom of the crater. Somehow it's become a fucking pond, the crater itself is about 10ft maybe more in parts I really don't know how this has happened lol gmaps shows a small water patch inside it but not a full feckin pond pmsl even saw two ducks in it. What realy pissed me off was I carried a nice big tyre and the back of an old tv I was gonna use as the base of my guerrilla greenhouse a few km.


Stupid imgur why can't I post bbcode there properly

Edited by Captain Kush
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this happened in a field close by to a area I go to, one yesr it was a over grown field. the next, it has a huge pond in the middle of it.. found it rather strange

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That's a lake!

There's big areas around me that have been underwater since early December. Its probably just the shitty weather.

Might be worth not using it this year, but keeping an eye on what it does & how it behaves during spring/ summer so you know if its a possible site for future.

I bet there's good soil in there... :yes:

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The pond / big square hole in the ground I come across full of water is close to a farmers field... I was wondering g if he has some sort of water feeding system or something as this pond wasn't there a year ago, all the dirt they have taken from this hole is just stackedto the side of the field etc

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Guest kombatkevin

So as I'm walking along grass land there s these football sized dried out potatoe looking thinhs. So I booted it as you do and it releases a cloud of yellow rotten egg smelling dust.

Then there's more yellow egg ones. I thought I'd found some distant planet alien egg . turns out they are quite rare fungi (ground balls).

Might put one on eBay as alien egg ,people but some strange shit on ebay.

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Giant puff balls mate. When un-ripe (late summer) their internal flesh is soft, white & very very edible. Cut into thick slices, fry in butter & garlic, they're an absolute delicacy. You're lucky. Kicking them like that's the best thing you could do: hopefully those spores will give another good crop for next yr. If you pick 'em to eat, always leave a few to drop spores.

Eta: there's lots of different species of puff ball. Most are edible, but some arent. don't pick ones that have spiky or rough pointy skin, don't pick small ones in woodland, don't pick those with stems(if you can see a stem, avoid it, it should be a ball sitting on the ground). By keeping to these rules, you'll be safe. If they look like a small football, you can't go wrong- there's nothing else that looks like a giant puffball. They're so delicately flavoursome.

Edited by marquee moon
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Can't beat some puff ball it literally tastes like a mushroom omelette same texture too if you havnt tried it.

I have a patch I know about where last year I got three football sized ones picked at just the right time. Cut them into big inch thick slabs lol.

Not sure if I will get any this year but had them a couple of times during the years. Last year certainly was unbeleivable for the size and quality.

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Guest kombatkevin

Yea I did a bit of research after finding them .

I wouldn't want my plot to be a local spot for them there was quite a few.

I'm not into wild mushrooms I've tried quite a few and never liked the textures.

The conditions of this land may also be good for other variatys I'd be more interested in.

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