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Guest Andromedian

Building a pond to put fish in, at your plot........you sure!! Ramblings of a mad man!

Dude are you for fucking real.......

We want cannabis.....not koi carp!

Why don't you just go to your plot, dig a mahoosive hole, get in it, and then get your mate to fill it in, fuck the pond.....at least you won't have far to go, when you want to go back to your plot........also another top tip.....get him to whip you with stinging nettles so you won't go mouldy....... :smartass:

aaaaahhhhhh the things you learn on this site are amazing lol

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@goohfy gold fish get big bro. Given the right circumstances and genetic mutations. There was one living off fortified rice crispies in the basin where kellogs were pumping hot water into the canal. That would've shit enough for anyones plot haha

Edited by crticalcontent
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If I was you, I'd get a seperate plot for your guerilla goldfish.

That'd be the best for the fish after all - give'em plenty of space. Don't cramp their style with those fuckin big ass plants shading the lake and taking all the light. And then if someone finds the (illegally stocked) reservior, you won't loose your stash as well!

I've heard the lake needs to be REALLY deep to stop carp getting cold in winter. Better get digging...

I bet somwhere on t'interweb you'll find somewhere for illicit goldfish ponders.

Probably run by a late middle aged bloke from Arizona with a massive workshop who listens to Garth fucking Brooks and is very serious about ponding.

Edited by marquee moon
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@goohfy gold fish get big bro. Given the right circumstances and genetic mutations. There was one living off fortified rice crispies in the basin where kellogs were pumping hot water into the canal. That would've shit enough for anyones plot haha

yeah it's a t.v programme that got me thinking about catching them carp this dude and his older mate caught a massive one big fat round thing anyway it turns out it was a carp you wouldn't want them that big maybe 8-10 inch I wouldn't of thought they would grow that big in a year but Iam not to sure I will have to check up on that but if they do there's loads of different ones in rivers and ponds also you have to wet your hands when handerling these creatures cos it can fook there skin up or something anyway I'll see which would be best for our needs good luck goohfy.
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Guest Andromedian

Goohfy Cracks me up everytime he posts on here... lol

Dude the geezer has to be trolling, trying to get a reaction......

either that, or one of the most stupid people i have ever listened to, online

Why would you even put 999 after your name on a canna site.....

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Guest spike_weed

Dude the geezer has to be trolling, trying to get a reaction......

either that, or one of the most stupid people i have ever listened to, online

Why would you even put 999 after your name on a canna site.....

Easy, don't let him bite you man like the mods did with me.

Don't go fishing with him :P

You get?

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Guest Andromedian

Easy, don't let him bite you man like the mods did with me.

Don't go fishing with him :P

You get?

Yeah mate......ignorance is Bliss! ;)

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Guest kombatkevin


My missis is starting to get a bit stale in the bedroom department so I thought she might be going mouldy.

So I gave her a good nettle whipping ,now she won't talk to me.

Nice one mate

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Guest Andromedian

Thats nothing......some bird i was seeing, had a bit of an odorous fanny......so i countersunk a fish pond in her bedroom, so i could get used to the smell lol

another top tip i learned from this site

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Genius tips on here Andro. You can learn all sorts. So as much as I'd really like to join in the pungent pussy jabber, I've been mulling over altidude and looking at rainfall charts today. What has surprised me is that annual rainfall levels vary quite alot surprisingly local regions. This is a break through for me as some close areas have alot of rainfall, even noticibly more during the summer and early autumn flowering times. Think I can maximise my chances by sticking to the least rainfall areas as where I'm at, drought isn't really a major concern. Anyone else doing similar?

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Guest kombatkevin

Genius tips on here Andro. You can learn all sorts. So as much as I'd really like to join in the pungent pussy jabber, I've been mulling over altidude and looking at rainfall charts today. What has surprised me is that annual rainfall levels vary quite alot surprisingly local regions. This is a break through for me as some close areas have alot of rainfall, even noticibly more during the summer and early autumn flowering times. Think I can maximise my chances by sticking to the least rainfall areas as where I'm at, drought isn't really a major concern. Anyone else doing similar?

I suppose I could have one serious discussion today. Basically you are looking for the perfect micro climate?? I'm more concerned with air flow in a plot .I have one in a small clearing but to the left and right side there's a gap into the trees it turns the plot into a wind tunnel. Even on a breezy day as soon as I get into to clearing it gets stronger.... 0%mould on that plot

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