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What colour are you painting your Dog dude? lol lol lol

Ha, I just reread that and I see what you did there... lol

To be more specific painting the kitchen and cleaning the kennels. Hahaha lol

Tea and vape break now.

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Hey guys, was out bright and early again today managed a few photos of the plot:

GG spot 1

Main starting point for plot, have let land rest here for a couple of years , should of kept on top of it, like a jungle. :fear:

Main gg spot 2

Starting of by carving a path through middle,got alot to do ,the main plot is size of footy pitch...See now how much to do :shock:

Main GG spot 3

Slowy to the back...

Main GG spot 4

Made a start to the right._

Main GG spot 5

More to right._

End of the day hash joint..

And taking a break._lemon haze cream,something therapeutic about having a spliff in middle of nowhere ,listening to nature....Maybe just me :thumsup::thumsup:

Peace , Bubbles

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Looks great soil.

It's great pushing all the crap to the sides. Makes it feel more private lol and and gives the critters have to crawl over it to get into the plot.

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Yea it's great soil at the main plot.. ;) haha indeed mate.. Although the I leave a good few foot of overgrowth each side for more cover.. Not that I need it in the spot my main plot is at. Almost impossible to get there ;)

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Had an interesting thought today. A lot of us do the whole July/ august plant out thing, a little punt if you will see what comes of it. So surely the same could be said/ done with some super early plant out autos? Like, stick em out Feb 1st (especially given the fairly recent trend for warmer weather) you could be cropping sometime in may.... sure they would end up very small but still finished well none the less, those of us with our own breeding programmes/capabilities and I'm sure handfuls of viable seed would be, financially, much more able to take advantage of it.

I know enough of us have thought about it and sure some still have tried and yet most likely failed for one reason or another. Just fucking craving it I think :)

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I been sticking out early autos at a few plots the last couple of seasons, @@Woodland Greenback last year they took their time but the year before I was pulling late march/early april plantouts at end of june. its quite a good system if you need smaller plants or are slightly paranoid about a certain plot, i.e rippers are only gonna get away with smaller hauls and basically if you've harvested the autos its all clear for the late planted photos.

Most of my plots have 2 or 3 rows so I also stick a load of autos at the front and some potential photo monsters at the back. when the the autos are done they get immediately replaced with a photo strain

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Had an interesting thought today. A lot of us do the whole July/ august plant out thing, a little punt if you will see what comes of it. So surely the same could be said/ done with some super early plant out autos? Like, stick em out Feb 1st (especially given the fairly recent trend for warmer weather) you could be cropping sometime in may.... sure they would end up very small but still finished well none the less, those of us with our own breeding programmes/capabilities and I'm sure handfuls of viable seed would be, financially, much more able to take advantage of it.I know enough of us have thought about it and sure some still have tried and yet most likely failed for one reason or another. Just fucking craving it I think :)

Alright greenback. I started a thread on this last month. I'm gonna out some bb x ls, some ak auto crossed with kc36 and maybe some thai ban auto in the greenhouse in march to see if I can get an early ish harvest. Slim pickins did some early autos last year but I think they still went on until July. Hopefully with a warm start and under glass will get something early.

Edited by RayGears
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I'm going to get some thaibans germed today keep in doors for a couple of week then get them in the green house outdoors see how they do then.

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Alright greenback. I started a thread on this last month. I'm gonna out some bb x ls, some ak auto crossed with kc36 and maybe some thai ban auto in the greenhouse in march to see if I can get an early ish harvest. Slim pickins did some early autos last year but I think they still went on until July. Hopefully with a warm start and under glass will get something early.

Yeah I don't pay 100% attention to the swarm of pages people create, vast majority of them yes, pretty sure I even read your auto one but when I'm pondering the ins and outs of something the random thread usually has the answers. It's the one thread pretty much everyone looks at. I'm sure there is probably a whole queue of 'early plantout' threads

Il be getting my fingers green mid February then it seems, give it a crack not much to lose, iv got more beans than I know what to do with.

Edited by Woodland Greenback
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I'm going to get some thaibans germed today keep in doors for a couple of week then get them in the green house outdoors see how they do then.

Keep us updated, will be watching with interest to see how they go.

All the best dude

Edited by bubblez420
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@ I'm thinking of doing a diary this year so you'll see a few others how they do also. Thanks for the strains from a current member of this site.

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