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Looking For TV Series Suggestions


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Not a suggestion, just an observation.

I have stumbled upon perhaps the stupidest TV show ever.

The Almost Impossible Gameshow.

It makes Ninja Warrior and Takeshi's Castle look like University Challenge.

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That's pretty much what I thought of American Horror Story, the writers in lieu of actually understanding the genre, having a feel for it and having a story to tell, just threw every horror cliche at the script in the vague hope that some of them would stick. It's a pet peeve of mine - movie/tv makers that hire any old hack to write a horror script. It doesn't work like that, horror is a very specific thing. Anyone can write a rom com or a light drama, but horror requires an understanding of what horror is all about, if you don't have that then you simply can't write a horror script, it's like a person with no sense of humour trying to write a comedy.

E2A The only good thing about American Horror Story was the opening title sequence.

What I would say is that each season seems to get stronger, I wasn't 100% convinced by the first season but the missus loved, the second one I quite like, but the one based in the fare ground and the current season are really good.

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i watched the evil dead in the mid 80's but wasn't really a huge fan of the movie or that type of genre but just watched ep1 of ASH v evil dead & its funny as fuck, just need to get upto date with the latest ep's.

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The first Season of Malcolm In The Middle is rerunning on comedy central atm ive laughed so much at that show over the years its worth a mention

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Just in case any of these have not had a mention:

Narcos - excellent

You, me and the apocalypse - very good

The League - final season and though it may be the weakest its still very good.

The last man on earth - very good

The last panthers - only seen 1st ep but looks very promising

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I tried the new amazon series 'the man in the high castle' last night. i didn't think much of it. the story line was pretty cool (I believe it comes from a popular book) but i lost interest and fell asleep.

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Jessica Jones is another good one, well worth a watch. Set in the same reality as Shield, avengers etc, similar black humor (to Shield), but much more gritty and dark.

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Jessica Jones is another good one, well worth a watch. Set in the same reality as Shield, avengers etc, similar black humor (to Shield), but much more gritty and dark.

Yep, another Marvel show made for Netflix, just watched the first 3 episodes, enjoying it so far although the fight scenes are a bit ropey... lol

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I watched load of episodes but never properly. Ive got the whole boxset now and just started series 1 after seeing some funny youtube clips. This has me in stitches lol uncle junior is the real deal. "we want johnny sack" "i want to fuck angie dickinson, lets see who gets lucky first" lol classic

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