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Looking For TV Series Suggestions


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Speaking of radio (and I know this is for TV suggestions but I'm going maverick anyway) the comedies on R4 at 18.30 every week night are well worth a listen (even The Mighty Boosh and Chris Morris started there).

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im about to start 'narcos' on Netflix. it looks like its along the same lines as 'blow' (johnny depp).

series 2 of 'the strain' must be starting soon cause their rerunning series 1 at the moment.

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im about to start 'narcos' on Netflix. it looks like its along the same lines as 'blow' (johnny depp).

series 2 of 'the strain' must be starting soon cause their rerunning series 1 at the moment.

I have it on good authority Narcos is a good watch and really gets going by episode 3 :yep:

Ye I really enjoyed it as well, bit cheesy I thought at first but ended up hooked on it lol

Edited by ELO
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going by the trailer i thought it was going to be like blow but it isn't. so far ive only watched the first episode, could do with rewatching it though cause i was dozing and missed a lot of the subtitled bits. it seems good and lots of folk i know raving about it on facebook so ill be sticking with it :yep:

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i'm halfway through ep.3 and thought i'd say thanks to @@Shogun @@ELO & @ for mentioning Narcos.

it seems like a well told story that's bound to have a bit of artistic license thrown in for good measure.

definitely one to watch without any distractions at all due to the amount of subtitles though.

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i'm halfway through ep.3 and thought i'd say thanks to @@Shogun @@ELO & @ for mentioning Narcos.

it seems like a well told story that's bound to have a bit of artistic license thrown in for good measure.

definitely one to watch without any distractions at all due to the amount of subtitles though.

My pleasure.

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who ever posted about the Alone, the survival sires, thank you, it's fucking ace..

dont really like reality tv but watching these guys fight the elements - the grimmest sub arctic rainforest in early autum, with the highest concentration of bears, cougars and wolves, in the world - is a top class tv. im aware that a lot of it is editing but the fact that these guys get woken up by cougars and bears sticking their head in the tent is thrilling to watch, especially when all they have is a torch, a knife and some bear spray... :fear:

but for me that's not the best thing..

these people, well the 4 that are left after 24 days, are surviving in the worst conditions with nothing but a fire rod, a few nets, some tarpaulins, an axe and a knife or two. its really cool to witness the psychology of survival, how the little thing's make all the difference..

this is no bear grills plastic crap its just fella's against nature and well worth a watch..

edit its all self shot with some trail cams smatterd around

You are most welcome. Really good show.

Try watching Live Free Or Die. Well worth a watch. Nat Geo

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Guest Theokoles

Watched Alone to the end but to be honest i wast that impressed, i expected more hardship. Apart from a bit of bad weather and lack of food, the odd bear roaming around and what appeared to be a pair of cougar eyes in the backround, they didnt venture anywhere and stayed put mostly..the biggest battle wasnt with the elements but was a psychological battle with themselves, creature comforts or missing there families. I expected at least a couple to last 3-6 months for half a million. I like bear Grylls, the guy risks his life with the stunts, climbing, jumping off cliffs, abseiling down rock faces with home made rope, swimming across treacherous rivers and eating things that would make a billy goat puke etc etc etc is far more entertaining for me personally.

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i expected more hardship.

really.. did you see the shape on the guy who won he looked like a concentration camp victim at the end.. i dont think we watch the same thing lol 53 days in that environment without support is something else imo

cant stand bear myself.. the level of lies and attention seeking is a bit much for me tbh if i want to watch stunts ill watch a movie if i want to watch real stuff ill watch maybe ray mears, les hiddins (bush tuckker man) or stuff like alone..

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Guest Theokoles

Yes mate i saw he lost a bit of weight but wouldn't go as far as saying he looked like concentration camp victim, he was loving it, laughing his cock of at how easy it was, joking singing etc..i expected a 6 month stint from a couple of them..pussys lol

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