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Looking For TV Series Suggestions


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Been watching Orange is the New Black recently, quite entertaining.

heard good things about orange is the new black, watched one episode and didn't think it was for me, might give it another try.

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heard good things about orange is the new black, watched one episode and didn't think it was for me, might give it another try.

Give it another go. Like I said I almost gave up on it after episode 2, cos it takes a while to find its feet, but in the end I ended up loving it, can't wait for season 3.

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@@Boojum - Is it wrong I like the God loving meth head? Not those teeth though. :D Just about to watch Series 1 finale, got series 2 downloading.

@@KingBlueRizla Cant really comment without being a spoiler, other than to say batshit crazy lol I think the actress that plays her is really good, but I think they all are - that's what finally got me hooked, the characters - well written and well played by an excellent ensemble cast :)

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Been watching season 1, but kinda when I've got a spare half hour to fill with an episode, not obsessively (which is how I watch most TV online if I get into it) cos it's watchable without being great, it's gentle ribbing of US politics and the Republican party as opposed to full-on satire. It's all about John Goodman for me (I'm a big fan of John Goodman, I think he's a massively underrated actor, both serious acting and comic acting, he's invariably good or excellent in whatever he's in :) ). I'll definitely keep watching

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anyone tried Scorpion, its not to bad, try not to take to seriously :D

yeah and i just noticed that the character Toby is played by Eddie Kaye Thomas - aka Finch , the dude that shagged Stiffler's mom in american pie.

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Mike Tyson Mysteries pilot (animated 'comedy' ) :eek: I shit you not lol the only thing funny about it is the ridiculous concept. :russian:

It's a complete Scooby Doo rip-off complete with Mystery Machine (hope they get sued) rounded off with crude language. :soap:

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Constantine has just aired, worth a look

Didn't know they had made a series. Big fan of Hellblazer, just hope it's better than the fucking abortion of a movie with Canoe (block of wood) Reeves, because that was painfully bad, just didn't understand the character one bit. I'll give it a go.

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Halfway through episode 1 and at least he's British (though I'm not quite sure where his accent is coming from). But he's not smoking, one of the key things about John Constantine is that he's a chain smoker.

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Guest bazzad9

dont know who suggested workaholics but id never even heard of it

only on season 1 but loving it so far

good call......whoever

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Finished episode 1 and it's much more like Hellblazer than the awful movie. But still not close.

Saw it last week and thought it was so awful it wasn't worth a mention :soap: 'Ey up lassy, can u mek sure them straps are reet tight' lol and wtf is it with the non-smoking Cuntstantine? Is he on some sort of e-xorcist liquid? :bag: pure shite :soap:

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Been watching 'bored to death'

Few eps in. Has a sort of goodnight sweetheart feel to it. Although, its nothing like it... lol

Not bad so far..few lols from ted danson

Bit of weed here and there.

A bored writer suffering writers block places an ad on craigslist acting as an unlicensed private detective is the jest of it...

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