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It's a TNG reference lol  A real Trekker would know what it meant. :smug:    Watch the episodes called Chain of Command.


Damn it Jim, Star Trek is ruined because kids want more splosions. 

Edited by Saddam
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4 minutes ago, Saddam said:

It's a TNG reference lol  A real Trekker would know what it meant. :smug:    Watch the episodes called Chain of Command.


Damn it Jim, Star Trek is ruined because kids want more splosions. 

I’m a solid Voyager fan, although any references will probably go over my head. I need to watch some of the others and the movies still! 

I like Voyager and the moral predicaments :rofl: food for thought . Species 4174 (maybe wrong number) blows my mind 

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Not seen this latest Star Trek but watched pretty much all the others (I'm a 47 year old geek, it's kinda in a contract somewhere or summat lol ) and I have to be brutally honest, the only one I really liked was Deep Space Nine (the Dominion war storyline), I thought that was ace. TNG was all a bit soap opera, social studies A Level wankery (with far too many episodes in the fucking holosuite - you've got the entire universe to play with and you use the most badly thought-out plot device in the whole show), just fuking lazy writing, but Picard was the best captain by miles. Voyager was pants and the less said about the fucking abortion with bloke from Quantum Leap the better lol

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Voyager was solid, some great stories with science fiction that made sense. 


Discovery had 7 signals in the form of red lights/anomalies appear instantly on Discovery's sensors from 51,000 light years away. :wallbash:  And a tardigrade who could travel through space by way of a mycelial network, stolen from a video game. :lookaround:  

 And some swear words, more deaths than WWII, and splosions.  :russian:  

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More like the Picard facepalm meme tbh. Don't get me started on Picard. It's like Discovery and Picard were both written by people who have heard of Star Trek but never watched an episode. lol  

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Something something mirror universe. lol  something something tribble.  Something something Klingon empire. :soap:  


Something something  Vulcan science officer says I like science :wallbash:  

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I've not seen Picard. I prefer to remember him as "Make it so." lol I thought the recent Star Trek movies were trying too hard, Karl Urban's Bones was just taking the piss, his "Is this some kind of star trek." line (or whatever it was) was fucking cringeworthy, Simon Pegg's Scotty who can actually do a Scottish accent and Chris Pine with his wierd oblong head (and his ability to actually act, something that William Shatner never managed). Though fair enough, thought Zachary Quinto was a decent Spock. And Zoe Saldana was appropriately sexy as Uhura :bag:

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35 minutes ago, Boojum said:

social studies A Level wankery



For some reason just can’t get into the others. Think I need to press on. 

I like the mycelium network idea, don’t think it was well executed. Spolsions over story lines I think too. Nice to see what they can do with cgi and what not but shit graphics with a solid story takes the win, think there was so much potential there too. 

I watched picard but can’t even remember it now. 

What movies would you recommend?

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Paul Stamets, mushroom man, was the science advisor to Discovery (and who they named their warp technician/scientist after). To me it feels like the producers got smashed and watched a couple of Stamets' ted talks or his Joe Rogan podcast and were like no way bro, the universe is like mycelial n shit.

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Inside No. 9


Mentioned it before I know, but watching some more of it. It's really hit and miss, some episodes are like 5 minute sketches stretched for half an hour, or a one-note joke. But then some of them are just utterly brilliant, from absurd to jet black comedy to proper short story horror :) Hit and miss but when they hit they hit :notworthy:



E2A just watched Bernie Clifton's Dressing Room :notworthy: Fucking superb.

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Barbarians - Enjoyed it more after switching to the original German audio and putting subtitles on. The English dubbing was ruining the experience somewhat but overall it's a great show. :)  


The Queen's Gambit - Absolutely brilliant, enjoyed every minute. :yep:  

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