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Looking For TV Series Suggestions


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55 minutes ago, McHazy said:

Never tried Iain Banks going to now :yep:



I highly recommend him. He wrote sci fi stuff as Iain M Banks (probably my favourite sci fi author, The Culture is a brilliant creation, start with Consider Phlebas) and non-sci fi stuff as Iain Banks (I'd recommend starting with his first - The Wasp Factory, dark as fuck). There was always a dark edge to his writing, but he was a humanist (and just a fucking decent and incredibly intelligent bloke) like Pratchett and it comes across in his work, as well as his staggering imagination. A good man and a great storyteller :)

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Just now, Saddam said:





Sorry, can't help it, decided to have a cider or two :rolleyes: I'm not passionate about much but good stories (and good storytelling) are probably my greatest passion and I kinda go on about it when the cider has loosened my tongue :doh: Just summat I really love :)

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Just now, McHazy said:

@Saddam if we were to make the point that many many books get turned into movies and books would that do ?




Perhaps you could start a topic on that subject, or post in the movies thread?  This thread's about TV series suggestions. lol  

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1 minute ago, Saddam said:

How did you get on with Age of Resistance? :)  



Loved the first episode but wasn't really in the right mood for it (dunno how to explain, but I guess I'm in a dark, cynical kinda mood and so I started watching Mindhunter and then went on to Justified cos I'm just in that kind of mood), I look forward to watching the rest but I just felt that I needed to be in the right kind of mood to properly appreciate it, if that makes sense (probably not lol ). Sometimes I just don't want to waste summat - a book or a TV show or movie or whatever - if I'm not quite in the right mood for it, cos I won't enjoy it as much as it deserves, sometimes I need to be in the right frame of mind to properly enjoy summat, and if I'm not then it's a waste to watch it (cos you can only ever read/watch something for the first time once).

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Aye, I think they did a superb job with that. I think Terry would have been happy with it :)


And (Gaiman again) I thought American Gods was pretty decent too - wasn't as good as the book but there's no way it could have been (after The Sandman it's my favourite Neil Gaiman).

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