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@@dannychoo it took me til about episode 5 to be hooked and the later series just get better imo as they expand the scope of the narrative.

It's not a show to half watch either because apart from one time in series 1 (when the executive producers lost their bottle) it doesn't spoon feed and highlight the important plot points.

Which time was that btw?

@@dannychoo, nice breakdown. I must admit I wasn't feeling s2 at first either but as I said previously, in retrospect it's one of my faves.

I have to go with you on that too - I think Season 2 is quite simply one of the best seasons out there. It had a little Scarface feel to it as well.


Don't be expecting something like Michael Bay, but yes, there is plenty of action as it develops (murders, robberies, shoot-outs, beatings etc).

It's truly like Shakespeare on the screen, only much more relatable for a modern audience... shiiiittt (you'll recognise that later) I'm going to stop blowing smoke up its arse now.

SHEEEEIITTTeeeeeee. It really is like Bill came down and wrote a series about Cops, Corners, Crooks in every facet of society!

sorry but it needs to be posted


@@Stoned Whale

Yup, quite simply the best TV series ever made.

Watch The Wire.

Fuck everything else off and watch The Wire.

IMHO the greatest TV series ever made.

I've watched the whole thing through at least 3 times now, and enjoyed it every single time. I'll undoubtedly watch it again. IMHO the only cop drama that comes close to what the real drug situation is like. Dated, for sure, but still more real than anything that has been made since. Masterpiece.

The wire is something else, I think you can get it in widescreen now as well.

[breaking Bad and] The Wire is the best show(s) I've ever seen. :tv_horror: Why? Because this C*nt says so lol

Well I can't see why unless it's just not your type of series, The Wire is most definitely in the top 5 of all time, most would argue the best of all time, personally I would say The Sopranos is the best of all time.

The only thing that for me let The Wire down was the final season, I won't say why exactly so I don't spoil it but one of the story lines in it was ridiculous and kind of fucked it for me a bit.

Now that I've watched it, I'm curious which storyline you're talking about now :)

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I've finished the Wire now :schmoll::sadwalk:

I prolonged season 5 as much as I could but all good Great things have to come to an end.

Now to get on with "The Corner" :yep:

I just didn't know what to do after the wire. Leaves a hole. It's so indepth and involving. You just want to watch the cast evolve for another 5 years...

Gonna start season 2 again tonight. Finished season 1 with some friends recently but they didn't like it enough to continue. Shocked lol. Still the best series I've ever seen.

I think they need to mature a little and step away from mobile phones and marketing ploys to truly appreciate what's in front of them! I know I did lol

Like I said above, going to get on with the Corner but yeah, it feels like there could have been a season 6 but penultimately things just carry on. The Game and the Streets carrys on like nothing ever happened... Things will always get screwed or be screwed by others and when you want to do the right things, they will come back to bite you if you don't go through the right channels...

I'm going to get the Blu-Ray re-release and watch this series again!

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Which time was that btw?


At the end of ep 1 when they find Gant dead and they cut to a flashback of him giving evidence in D's trial, in case the audience have already forgotten who he was :doh: David Simon tried to fight it but the execs were nervous.

e2a re the remastered versions; because it was originally shot for 4:3 the remastered 16:9 versions have had to mess with the composition of the shots, sometimes to their detriment. So while the picture quality will be better some scenes will feel different and although I will no doubt buy the remasters at some point I'm prepared for the possibility that I might end up preferring the originals.

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@@~nobody~ lol was it really that obvious/blatant? (rhetorical question)

Really looking forward to re-watching this series again! I'm sure I've only truly grasped ~40% of what was in front of me...

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Now that I've watched it, I'm curious which storyline you're talking about now :)

I can't remember specifically as it's been a while since I watched it but that definitley sounds familiar to me too.

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e2a re the remastered versions; because it was originally shot for 4:3 the remastered 16:9 versions have had to mess with the composition of the shots, sometimes to their detriment. So while the picture quality will be better some scenes will feel different and although I will no doubt buy the remasters at some point I'm prepared for the possibility that I might end up preferring the originals.

Ah, sometimes it's best left as is. The DVD version is cheaper lol not that I got the series any other way :wassnnme:

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@@~nobody~ lol was it really that obvious/blatant? (rhetorical question)..

It's interesting, when you first watch it that flashback seems totally normal because it's just how US tv is (and Uk tv to some extent). But when you go back and rewatch it having seen all the subsequent series and got to know the style it seems so incongruous, clunky and patronising. It would be bad enough if it was an event from another ep but it's a flashback to something you saw like half an hour ago.

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It's interesting, when you first watch it that flashback seems totally normal because it's just how US tv is (and Uk tv to some extent). But when you go back and rewatch it having seen all the subsequent series and got to know the style it seems so incongruous, clunky and patronising. It would be bad enough if it was an event from another ep but it's a flashback to something you saw like half an hour ago.

In that sense, yes it definitely goes against what 'The Wire' was about: great dialogue, enticing characters, paper trails and detective work from both the characters and the audience. Spoon feeding the stories would discredit the intricacies of this masterpiece and we may as well have had season five as the theme for season 1-4 (making shit up and double backing just to make sure we weren't deceived)

eta- the attention to detail really resonated from the script to screenplay - the final season showed us just how important it was to correctly quote and the consequences of such demeanors/fallacies.

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Anyone seen the new series ' vinyl' advertised, starting next week on Atlantic? Or anyone been watching online if its on line somewhere, I don't know?

Seen it advertised, think I'll have a look.

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Anyone watch the two hour vinyl episode the other night? Thoughts?

I missed it but going to catch up with it tonight I think...

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I've been watching the Dickensian series on iPlayer, drama set in Dickensian London, populated with Dickensian characters, very enjoyable.

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I'm currently hooked on the Amazon prime show Man In The High Tower just can't get enough. I'm still on my free trial with prime so I'm trying to cram as many episodes per night as possible so I don't have to pay for it. Until I find something else that is. lol

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