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I came to this conclusion through a series of "fucks" and then "motherfucks" lol;)

Great scene :yep:

OH SHIT! Omar's coming lol

On season 4 now

Damn, you've made short work of that! I was the same iirc; at least an ep a night once I started.

Favourite season so far? I think 2 and 4 were mine but only just finished season 1 on this go round so we'll see if I still feel the same.

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Great scene :yep:

Damn, you've made short work of that! I was the same iirc; at least an ep a night once I started.

Favourite season so far? I think 2 and 4 were mine but only just finished season 1 on this go round so we'll see if I still feel the same.

I'm on season five ep 5 now lol I said I had an addictive personality when it comes to complete series.. In all honesty, it's a shame I made such short work of it because it's a genius show: simply love the dialogues, the paper trail and the way the jokes are built up or great one liners or just letting the scene develop itself.

One of my brothers has tried over the years to entice me to watch The Wire and he quite rightly said "Nothing else compares when you watch The Wire." I'm starting to feel like he's right (and shhheeeitt! I'm a c*nt lol)

SHHHEEEEEEIT. Finished season 4 the other night and finally understood where those memes of Clay Davis came about all those years ago lol.

It's hard to put a finger on which season(s) is my favourite when it only took a couple of weeks to watch up to season 5. If I had to break it down without spoiling too much:

S1: Starts slow but moreso because it was the pilot season in which everything started from scratch both plot and budget but equally effective because of these two points. I enjoyed how the season portrayed slums without going overboard with violence - such was the de facto of TV/movies back in the 80s-00s whereby any film about the "Hood" always had guns and violence as its main theme. This clearly wasn't necessarily the agenda Simon had in mind and it became more apparent that anti-establishment and authority was the source of its creation and frustrations, as was the "come up." 8.5/10

S2: It became clear straightaway the first series was well perceived and it showed with the 2nd season's cinematography. The main theme changed to Business, Ecocomics and polictics/Unions which coincided with the bigger budget (more characters, scenes extended from one location to another, SFX etc). It wasn't just about the lowest denominator in the towers anymore as the net was cast further afield. With more funds, there was more action and chase scenes as well as extensive locations.

I found S2 rather frustrating and brilliant at the same time, which in my opinion made the scripting all the more credible - I love good plots in which the characters and narratives incites the audience with familiarity & affection towards certain characters (Bunk, Bubz and Omar for me) and how the manuscript plays on these thoughts and feelings. I have to admit I didn't like how this season started but it quickly endeared. 9.5/10

I'd like to add that whilst I usually get bored of entertainment that is repetitive and unoriginal, this was anything but that, a credit to the way it was composed - most likely helped by Simon being an ex-reporter (verbose, diverse writing skills, the necessity to get the right slang and sentence structure).

S3: What is the hoods without the vicious cycle of drugs, gangs and violence? Where there's an established player(s), there'll be another waiting in the wings looking to take over. I believe this season was about the yin and yang, the good and bad, heaven and hell, the rich and the poor: the opposites of society. For all the "good" one tried to do, the "evils" prevails under false pretenses. The RLD dubbed "Hamsterdam" was so deliberate and yet resonated how the calm before the storm analogy is often overplayed in cinema but depicted exquisitely here. The "System" was flawed: a reasoning the audience, characters and writers knew too well. I think I preferred this season's theme over S2 simply because of the over-exuberant anti-establishment undertones - the way in which pro-activeness in wanting to change a situation for the better was squashed by those in the chain of command - and frustrating politics that creates barriers instead of breaking them down. 9/10

S4: Now that we've been briefed in the fictional world of Baltimore, Simon decides to bring closure to some of the running plots and characters, breeding shorties into pre-determined fates and whether destinies can in fact be diverted. "It's the us vs the world," often made blatant in S4. 8.5/10 (should be higher but I can't help but feel I'm almost at the end of the series therefore gave 8.5 because of the closures lol )


Apologies for keeping my descriptions/reviews short - I'm pressed for time this morning and I haven't eaten yet so I'll come back to discuss/analyze some more :)

Edited by dannychoo
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Yeah defo worth a watch. Bit like a lot of recent & current series about politicians, moguls & wealthy families though, wherein every character is a bit of a cunt (house of cards, empire, power, revenge, bloodline, etc), which for me usually gets tiresome pretty quickly.

Mentioned it a few pages ago but Baskets is good.


Beowulf return to the shieldlands is so bad it's almost worth watching. The effort to rip off game of thrones they've gone to is hilarious. I was gonna post the intro but it seems they've had the youtube vid taken down as it was getting ripped and reposted a lot! lol

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@@dannychoo, nice breakdown. I must admit I wasn't feeling s2 at first either but as I said previously, in retrospect it's one of my faves.

Edited by ~nobody~
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I watched the first EP of x files on c5. Let's just say I doubt I'll bother watching anymore...

Better call Saul season 2 starts next week though... :stoned:

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:( I'm on the last episode of The Wire now...

I just didn't know what to do after the wire. Leaves a hole. It's so indepth and involving. You just want to watch the cast evolve for another 5 years...

Gonna start season 2 again tonight. Finished season 1 with some friends recently but they didn't like it enough to continue. Shocked lol. Still the best series I've ever seen.

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