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Well I can't see why unless it's just not your type of series, The Wire is most definitely in the top 5 of all time, most would argue the best of all time, personally I would say The Sopranos is the best of all time.

The only thing that for me let The Wire down was the final season, I won't say why exactly so I don't spoil it but one of the story lines in it was ridiculous and kind of fucked it for me a bit.

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It isn't the kind of thing that I would normally watch, from what I saw of it anyway. I did enjoy a lot of the Sopranos although my tastes have changed a fair bit since watching them.

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Watched the first episode of The Wire last night. I can tell it's a character building season and very loose information given currently - which is good imo and keeps the audience on its toes. It's not as enticing or gripping as some pilot shows but from all the reviews and compliments ya'll given it, I'll carry on watching til the end.

I forgot this was a 2000's show and loving all the old technology - typewriters included lol

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@@dannychoo it took me til about episode 5 to be hooked and the later series just get better imo as they expand the scope of the narrative.

It's not a show to half watch either because apart from one time in series 1 (when the executive producers lost their bottle) it doesn't spoon feed and highlight the important plot points.

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I have tried to watch the wire a few times but haven't managed to sit through a whole episode yet. :yinyang:

Took me four attempts at the first ep mate, once cracked I was hooked, I did think the last series was piss poor but the first 4-5 series (forget how many there were) were cracking once i got into the swing, and I`m a real fussy bastard when it comes to writing, if it dips, I`m out

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it took me til about episode 5 to be hooked and the later series just get better imo as they expand the scope of the narrative.

It's not a show to half watch either because apart from one time in series 1 (when the executive producers lost their bottle) it doesn't spoon feed and highlight the important plot points.

Yeah, it definitely isn't something to watch half assed - too much dialogue to miss. I prefer watching with subtitles anyway because I hate missing a key word due to accents or distractions.

I'm guessing the "action" comes in later on? I like the fact that you mentioned it doesn't spoon feed - nothing gets more annoying than a director creating an obvious scene because they thought the writing was too complex for the audience..

It's good that it's minimal camera work in the sense there's not the annoying inbetween scenes with a little jingle and location shot - if i wanted that, i'd watch CSI etc.

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Don't be expecting something like Michael Bay, but yes, there is plenty of action as it develops (murders, robberies, shoot-outs, beatings etc).

It's truly like Shakespeare on the screen, only much more relatable for a modern audience... shiiiittt (you'll recognise that later) I'm going to stop blowing smoke up its arse now.

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Ok, it's official: I declare myself a cunt lol:bag:

I came to this conclusion through a series of "fucks" and then "motherfucks" lol;)

I'm on episode 9 of The Wire now and I love this show! It's simple but packs a punch with the dialogue and scenes. It doesn't need to entice its audience with showmanship because the cops have enough character about them to carry the plot through.

Edited by dannychoo
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That's right you simple cunt!! :thumsup:

I posted this on another thread the other day, but seeing as you are watching this series for the first time, and you still have over 4 seasons of brand new 'the wire' to come, I simply say:

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@@YoLo To say I waited years for this amazing show is an understatement lol

I think I timed it right though in terms of age + mentality - doubt I'd have gave it more than 2 episodes ten years back, or if I did, I would have been easy distracted lol

Edited by dannychoo
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