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Looking For TV Series Suggestions


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Watched a Canadian series called Deadbeat with Tyler Labine (Dale from Tucker and Dale) and Cat Deeley. Comedy series about ghosts and mediums. Similar kind of humour to Tucker and Dale. Quite enjoyed it. 

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lol The only good thing about SW now is the relentless stream of people ridiculing it. lol  



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On 15/06/2024 at 09:18, Boojum said:

Karl Urban's atrocious attempt at a cockney accent :ouch: either cast a bloody cockney (or at least someone that can do something approaching a cockney accent) or if you must cast a New Zealander change the character to a New Zealander, bad accents break the immersion.


Funny, it's the sort of thing would normally annoy the hell out of me, but due to it being soooo terrible I just king of accepted it as a "thing" and just got on with it, so it hasn't bothered me .

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21 hours ago, monkeypig said:


Funny, it's the sort of thing would normally annoy the hell out of me, but due to it being soooo terrible I just king of accepted it as a "thing" and just got on with it, so it hasn't bothered me .



It's so bad I kinda half expect him to start singing "It's a jolleee olidaaaaay wiv Mureee." at any moment lol The rest of his family turns up in an episode in season 2 and none of the actors playing them can do a cockney accent to save their life either so at least the casting is consistent lol

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Wondla - Eva tries to figure out her place in the world while on the run with her robot mother, a giant telepathic tardigrade and a tall blue creature. 


Beautifully animated series, probably best described as Fallout meets Avatar with a touch of Zardoz. lol   

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Deadloch - Australian comedy crIme series. Body's start piling up in a quiet Tasmanian town full of quirky characters (and a disproportionate amount of lesbians). It's down to the not very competent local cops to figure out who the serial killer is. Best way to describe Deadloch is an Australian feminist whodunit along the lines of Hot Fuzz. It does a great job of poking fun at woke LGBTQ tropes while still representing LGBTQ. I always enjoy Australian humour, looking forward to finding out who the serial killer is when I finish the series tonight.

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Columbo :notworthy:  Negative Reaction with the amazing Dick Van Dyke. :wub:  


The first 4 seasons are amazing then it becomes a parody of itself.  

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8 minutes ago, Saddam said:

Columbo :notworthy:  Negative Reaction with the amazing Dick Van Dyke. :wub:  


The first 4 seasons are amazing then it becomes a parody of itself.  


Used to love a good episode of Columbo on a Sunday afternoon comedown back in the day. Seen them all too many times now though.


I'm working my way through the John Cassavetes box set just now. He made a few good movies with Peter Falk before he was typecast as Columbo. The early Cassavetes / Falk movies had as much potential as the early Scorcese/ De Niro movies. Similar gritty New York shit.

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Star Trek Prodigy season 2. :yep:  Yeah, it's for kids but jebus, the continuation of the story's kinda brilliant, the animation is superbly epic, the cast are all great and some of the Voyager cast are there as well as a few other famous actors. The whole production just oozes those old school Star Trek feels. There's a really clever Easter egg about options for time travel which will go down well with the older fans. Anyway, fill your boots.  :) 

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Binged the whole of Prodigy season 2 yesterday because it's totally fucking awesome. :yep: 

lol   Here's a clip..






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