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Regarding the cheese/kush x royal nepal/flatland, a few pm's with a bit of (only slightly conflicting) info (and rambling) :P :

The mum was a local strain I really like called cheese kush (indoor) and the dad was a royal nepal x flatland basic (done by a seedheaven user called seedling, he's very high north).. I did the cross indoors but I would be surprised if a good proportion of the offspring didn't finish in south UK, evil pixie ran an f2 I did of the rn x flb and I think they all finished in time or rather early (lat 51). Some of the f1's I did the year before finished before August too so really early and maybe some good breeding potential. Structure wise the cheese kush is a hybrid creeper pheno like the exodus mum, but also has very good mould resistance and smokes great, old school spicy hashy sort of thing. I'm hoping the ck will have added quality and weight without making it too late...

Diary of the cheese kush http://www.uk420.com...c=318947&page=1
Diary of the hack http://www.uk420.com...opic=328931&hl=
And some of the f2's of the dad pixie did last year http://www.uk420.com...howtopic=327230


Hi there, thanks and I hope you like them.

I'm fairly sure the cheese kush was dna's 'exodus kush', though it was a local cut and so could have been kush n cheese too. It was a nice balanced and obviously skunk hybrid with an earthy and hashy smoke (mellow but strong), not especially 'cheesy' or 'kushy' and quite a big yielder and a dream to trim (not much leaf on the buds). The dad was a royal nepal x flatland male with a pretty unique structure and smell, which was created/crossed by a chap from a danish growsite I'm a member of (bred outdoors to be an early finisher). One chap on here grew some outdoors and messaged me recently, and a mate recently did 10 indoors, and both said they were all very homogenous (similar looking & smelling), had a very high % of females (which I don't understand but have no complaints about) and that the smoke was far too strong for him lol (he doesn't smoke much). If you like a good indica-dom hybrid then these should work well for you indoors, or outdoors in southern UK (might be fine up north too but can't be sure).



+ Yes the cheese kush is fairly quick to get going, I ran something almost identical to it outside a few years ago which didn't quite finish in time but I think this should be fine. The flatland x RN dad was done at like 60n.

Yes hopefully I will be doing a shed load outdoor this year, though I recently messed my back up so I'll wait and see what I manage.


Crystal warrior ran some this year and he sent me this

As they were untested i thought you may want a report back... 25 recieved.. 94% germ rate.. All but one popped... All healthy...cotyledons... first leaves..four mutant phenos identified with pure skunk traits..all died... Of which left a head of twenty.. All good plants...mine are flowering at 23cm. ... Others are over six foot in a green house showing sex...others were killed by a geezer with a 35o attic..but i would say lovely stuff. Loves topping..you have got at least 80% female if not 90. If you were aiming for fems its almost there. Shame the mutants died but they were obviously just a genetic thread hanging on. Skunk in nature. Thanks for giving me the pleasure

To add to the above I've just had some from another mate who ran some indoors and he let them go far too long and overflushed so it's hard to judge the bud (was average flavour wise, smooth, heavy & quite hashy smoke, good for pain & relaxation I would guess but again it was well overdone and underfed), he got a very good yield (gram per watt on a 250w), but said that they were not very homogenous, in contrast to the few other reports I've had so far. Another mate has just done some, indoors again, and should be sending me some pics and a smoke & grow report tonight or tomorrow so I'll either pm you that soon or post it in the free seeds/subbie beans thread... Hard to guess on the sat/ind % as I haven't done any yet but watch this space.. The dad had a cool structure and was a pretty quick flowerer, and the mum was a good wide spectrum buzz with a fair amount of stretch in flower, and good mould resistance.. with an old skunky-hashy-bit cheesy flavour. Tthis was my 2nd or 3rd time doing crossing with any sort of intention, and there was a bit of rogue pollen from some other danish gold x fbs, and royal nepal fb crosses in the room the first few weeks so a few of the seeds might actually be quite different. Of the few thousand seeds I got and sent in though the vast majority are defo (royal nepal x fb) x ('cheese kush').


Edited by uBercaMeL
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Regarding the cheese/kush x royal nepal/flatland, a few pm's with a bit of (only slightly conflicting) info (and rambling) :P :



Crystal warrior ran some this year and he sent me this

To add to the above I've just had some from another mate who ran some indoors and he let them go far too long and overflushed so it's hard to judge the bud (was average flavour wise, smooth, heavy & quite hashy smoke, good for pain & relaxation I would guess but again it was well overdone and underfed), he got a very good yield (gram per watt on a 250w), but said that they were not very homogenous, in contrast to the few other reports I've had so far. Another mate has just done some, indoors again, and should be sending me some pics and a smoke & grow report tonight or tomorrow so I'll either pm you that soon or post it in the free seeds/subbie beans thread... Hard to guess on the sat/ind % as I haven't done any yet but watch this space.. The dad had a cool structure and was a pretty quick flowerer, and the mum was a good wide spectrum buzz with a fair amount of stretch in flower, and good mould resistance.. with an old skunky-hashy-bit cheesy flavour. This was my 2nd or 3rd time doing crossing with any sort of intention, and there was a bit of rogue pollen from some other danish gold x fbs, and royal nepal fb crosses in the room the first few weeks so a few of the seeds might actually be quite different. Of the few thousand seeds I got and sent in though the vast majority are defo (royal nepal x fb) x ('cheese kush').


cheers dude :yep:

I'll be running these indoors using b@q verve & PM OT nutes. I usually post a pic or two of my subbie bean plants in this thread and will make sure I do the same with these once there's anything worth mentioning.

Cheers again for the donation :yep:

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In case there are any of the C3 hacks of mine still about hers a pic of a cut of the mum of some of them - gotta say im pretty chuffed with the result from a 3.5 litre pot.


Edited by highgrower
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if i bung some money in an envelope can i grab some of madgiz`s smile x blues ibl ?

they sound very more ish .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good evening. After a few weeks on this great site, I felt it about time that I posted my subs - Written out ticket, get a jiffi bag when i post in the morning.

A few seeds catch my eye, Cant decide between Smelly berry F2, Chhese (suicide cut) or Smile.

Any suggestions for this newbie before I set off in the morning?

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Thanks. I think i might just put names in a hat and try my luck....oh and i think i will throw psychocrack in the mix too. I am sure this has been asked many times, but just to confirm, a registered envelope with cash is fine? (along with ticket,jiffi etc)

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