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think im gonna go Psychoberry x Lot#5 Evo if they still there any one done them yet? i

Edited by IrishGreenGrow
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Seem to have had a bit of misfortune with my C3 x Oldtimes. Out of 4 cracked I've got one fairly regular looking seedling, one sort of stunted deformed lookin' little'un and two grey foetuses that seem to be dead/dying. I planted them alongside 4 Psychosis Bx2's in the same coco pellets in the same prop under all the same conditions and they're doing way better. I'm new to seed and have been having 100% success up to now. Is it just my time, d'you think guys? I've probably been a bit spoiled with my first lot of seeds tbf! :)

Luckily I've got 6 more seeds left of the C3xOldtimes and if these two semi-normal seedlings find their stride I'll be chuffed but I'm not sure what to expect now and I'll be gutted if they don't work out. Had a kind of perpetual plan going too but it's the strain I'm more fussed about. Particularly as I could breed some F2's and potentially end up with pure C3 and Oldtimes respectively. I think. Still working out the breeding ins and outs but that was my current understanding.

Forgive my rambling. It's just that everything should always go exactly how I planned and want. Right?! lol

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Resub in the post to get some of those nice sounding Old Smile seeds. Now you are stuck with me until at least June 2016 :guitar:

@@madgiz Got any extra info to share on these goodies please ?

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@@madgiz Got any extra info to share on these goodies please ?

I have grown a few out and it is a fairly good representation of an Oldtimes earthy taste with a smile hit.. I used the same smile dad for all the crosses I did at that time and he was a belter and seemed to bring interesting traits to the table..

TBH given the genetics of the P1 plants then it's hard not to do a good cross..

Here is one I grew in 2009 in a 6 litre pot of Batmix probably at about week 7 of 10.. :)


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Ratdogs- psychosis bx2


Amen to that brother. Smokin some right now and its proper weed alright. Ive also got one in a 10ltr pot goin to flower in a couple of days for my festive smokes. If you like yer weed oldschool then this one should do it for you

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Big thanks to @ and uk420 for the NLxBBxBB cut today day 60 i think it was.Could have gone at least another week but have a thrip issue so out they came.




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