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F2's are made by crossing any male and any female from a strain, brother with sister.

F2 is where you find the variation to start new lines or open up recessive genes.

Basically you will get wild variation, some that are nothing like either parent, completely different ends of the scale.

Its all about numbers at F2 because you're just as likely to get shit as gold, you need to do your own selection.


Thanks @@Road_Runner that's very helpful info, chap! Kind of a double edged blade for me. I've only got 5 on the go so fingers crossed that the females from those 5 contain at least a couple of goodies. Wondering if I made a bad choice now though as I have limited space and was banking on a decent yeild and smoke in time for christmas. Probably not the best time for experimentation. I do have 3 Psycho crack and 2 Heri x Headband on the go too. As well as a couple of seeds from a previous grow that hermied and self pollinated. Wondering now if I should sack those off from the start though and free up space for the others? I'm not sure what the score is with self pollinated seeds. Probably a good chance of hermies I'm guessing. I do try and learn this stuff but there's been so much I've read in a short time that I've forgotten a good 30% of it. I'll get there. In the meantime I'll have to lean on you guys. :D

Thanks again, mate. :)

Edited by Snowziff
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Yeah dont mess with hermie seeds if you want something reliable, there is a good chance they will hermie again.

Dont be down heartened though, the genetics used for SB are solid and come from good old stock so whatever comes out should be decent, they will prob just vary a lot from each other.


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Thanks chaps!

I was only running the hermie seeds for the sake if it anyway. I'll get them gone. In the meantime I've cracked some of Ratdogs Psychosis Bx2's (x4) and Highrowers C3 x Oldtimes (x3). That way I can have a nice selection and once any males have been weeded out the room should be at a reasonable capacity. I like to top and train but may go the natural route this time round and see what's worth saving as a mother for future runs.

Thanks again for your help fellas. I never know whether to start a new thread or not.

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Update to include new stock :)

From Kratos
Harlot x Otto
Harlot F2
these will be sent in packs of 15
From ratdog
psychosis bx 2
uk cheese x psy bx1

from uBercaMeL
cheese kush x (royal nepal x flatland basic)
untested so will be sent out in packs of 25


From Mr Chang

cheese (suicide cut)
Psycho Crack (purple pheno)
psycho crack (the keeper)


from iamafunkimunki

Arnes Hashplant x 10 reg
Guerilla Gold x 10 regs


From Highgrower

Pink Killer x Smellyberry Grapefruit Diesel 1
Pink Killer x Smellyberry Grapefruit Diesel 2


From Voodooman

Smellyberry f2

from VicFirth12

Sage x Fruity Chronic Juice
Sage x SmellyBerry x Cheese
Sage x Smottie Remixed


From Madgiz

Psychoberry x Lot#5 Evo
Psychosis x Lot#5 Evo
RSC Leb x Lot#5 Evo
Old Smile

From Fang

Early Pink Kush ( regs)


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Sorry about this but how do I get some of these I know threw subscription but I'm on phone and it's pissing about won't let me see how to go about t doing threw subscription


Edited by EasyKush1
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Ah! Dur.

Thank you! Will ave te get subs sorted ASAP and grab a pack of those! Would be some very interesting F2's from those beans!

Best be quick tho, reckon those will go fast!!!

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@madgiz, i will take some as well man. when will they be ready? money will be sent for my sub asap :)


As stated HERE.. :)

Hey @@madgiz, :cheers: man! keeping my word and Old Smile is just right :)

Edited by happyisme
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