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Oooh couldn't let these pass by 😁 good timing with the other offers too! Nicey nice 

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11 minutes ago, Idicanna jones said:

Ooooffff @HazyDaze just checked back on the parentage..... Fucking hell

Yes please ;)



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Love a good seed buzz around the gaff!  :hippy:

1 minute ago, Joolz said:

1 pack left 👍


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Kinell there's going to be some sad folks who missed out on them...









Not me though 😂

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That was a close one indeed! 😅 Cheers Icki and Joolz 🥳

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Edited by Aphatspliff
Scrap that I’ve just seen the post on the previous page
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That took less than half a day lol


Bit frivolous for the day before payday but needs must n all that :skin_up:



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1 hour ago, NezA said:

Kinell there's going to be some sad folks who missed out on them...









Not me though 😂

Yes there is, the silly cunt who said yes to working lates this week and completely missed them :wanker:🤣 


They sound right up my street aswel ya fuckers😭 

Hope you all find some nice things 💚

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What's even more impressive about the EyeBall Wrecker is they were made with love from the under....

 Oh, no...hang on.... under the uk sun. lol


Here's some screen shots I took from a short vid icki made of them being grown in the garden last year.





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