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On 25/02/2023 at 0:18 PM, Diddy said:

grew them out during one of my deffo cant be arsed doing diary times

Talking of can’t be arsed diaries how did them ace seeds NL/Malawi autos do diddy ?

Edited by LA LUNA
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Came through in the end La Luna. Had to nurse them a bit towards the end...thrips was an issue but the dettol dose sorted them but also the thrips did hit me with a slow down. Think it was about 10 weeks all in which for an auto is mad i also ran them 24/0....but they needed it. The Malawi produced about 6 ounces...The Zamelcia about 4 oz and the Dos Si Dos was about 4.5 oz...looked bigger up close but thats what it returned.

The Zam is uplifting and energetic. it is a early afternoon smoke when going to get stuck in, even better break a sweat. If you don't do that then it's shit lol eg you can sit there getting anxious and worked up about hsit with the mind racing 10 to dozen.

Malwai/NL is somewhere in the middle. Mildy uplifting but with a bit of couch lock chucked in for good measure. So with that one you mow the lawn and it takes 5 hours....for a 3mx3m lol .

Finally The Dos Si Dos is an evening smoke. Maybe because of some of the above issues it was not knockout, But it does the job. A good relaxing smoke after a days graft....With the added bonus that you can still read after half hour.

I have made 2oz of each into Cobs while im not convinced I done them properly I will be giving it until August before I break them open. So I will report back on them in the cob thread. I will grow again but I will go for a reg of Zamelcia as she is what im mostly after in a Cannabis plant. But saying that there are now a ton of others including and  not limited to our very own Turnspit gens that may well be an even bigger revelation. Im stll on a journey lol - We are a bit like fine wine drinkers falling in love with something and yet still trying the others to see if that "something missing" is there.

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On 27/02/2023 at 7:57 AM, MindSoup said:

Another quick delivery from @Joolz thank you very much kind sir. 




Pretty excited to see what I find in this pack and even more excited that I'll be able to keep my favourite one. Nice one @brock1.


Some freebies as well. Not sure who they're from? 

Come on then, who did the Chem Ds? Can't see them on the list, need to know who to thank. 

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Reading the subbie pics thread. Noticed some metion of a Malawi cross.....sounds juicy. This section is turning into my fav as well as a wallet emptier lol

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21 minutes ago, Ned The Head said:

Chem D x Digiberry is my guess 


Yeah that's why I thought but they're not on the list anymore, been gone quite a while as well. Maybe @Joolz found a pack knocking about. I'll be dead chuffed if it turns out that's what it is. 

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Yeah mate, I have the Cheese and SSH x BDB already but was keen for the chem d as well. 

Edited by MindSoup
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Just checked against the other packs and the handwriting looks the same so looks like I just got really lucky :thumsup:


E2A thanks @Vicfirth12 for sending them in. 

Edited by MindSoup
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On 20/02/2023 at 8:46 PM, brock1 said:

Yes all my current offering are fem seeds.

this is good to hear




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