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I have no intention on turning this thread into a shitfest so i will say my peace and leave you guys too it.


The statement made regarding a hermie going hermie and the resulting offspring which is then intended to be sent in for subbies seeds is simply insane.


If you cannot see the error in that then there's not much hope.


I have every respect for those wanting to make seeds and donating to this site for the greater good, its commendable. Heck i did it over a decade ago and there's still the odd person growing my old subbie offerings, respect :yep:


But if you think that hermie shite going hermie is a good place to start or even acceptable then you are all nuts.


And @4kali you throw language about flippantly but when confronted you melt like snow and claim victim status.


Raise your own bar bro, dont let "pricks" like me tell you the rights and wrongs of your short fallings.


@NezA good luck with your skunk breeding projects, im a friendly guy so if you want to chat or have anything else relevant to say then either come and say it face to face or drop me a PM.


This is not about me, this is about another member trying to peddle his hermie seeds that went hermie to paying 420 subbie members.


What a shit advert for the site and new members :wallbash:


Its not good and its not helping anyone mate.



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and ive got many shortfallings mate, i dont claim myself someone i aint,

im merely a humble mma no better than the next

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Bagseed is bagseed all sorts have bred with it over the years. If people want to take a punt with their hard earned money on some seeds that a member has been perfectly upfront about their origins that's up to them.


Would I personally grow them out? No. But I'm not going to bash someone for sending them in either, as long as they're listed with the fact they came from a hermi that was triggered by environmental issues I personally don't see a problem there. Now if the hermi tendancy was kept secret that's a different matter entirely...


Live and let live. 

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me neither its pointless falling out with people here on the site but thats not the point though its the way he put it across that tells me the calibre of man that he is, which is an out and out (sorry for the language)flipent. fuckin prick, can i ask would you have wrote it in the same manner, and a simple yes or no will do mate



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i grew out my very first blueberry from some fems that went hermie back in 99' off a mate's mate in scotland, it was lovely and tasted great, had to pick off the balls lol , but it was fine for the times

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2 hours ago, StonedCircle said:


So lets get this right, a "ladyboy" hermi of a hermi has devil jizzed its cum in your tent and you want to send them in for the good folk at UK420 to test grow :blub:


Its so nice to see you hold the members here with such high esteem. She sounds like a real solid plant with "real potential" as you put it lol 


How in gods name are the people on these boards not addressing this issue? Instead of giving it the circle jerk and multi likes?


WTF - We really are living through end times.


In the words of Mike Skinner : "Has it come to this"








Did you just assume my plants gender? This is 2022 mate gender is a fluid spectrum now lol


I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure people have sent in similar seeds in the past? There just some free seeds, its not like anyone would be forced to grow them lol. I take it that's a no from you yeah? 


You might be surprised how many people are charging actual money for seeds with a bit of hermi jizz in the mix. 


Count me in for the circle jerk by the way. 

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@ratdog isn't blueberry particularly prone to chucking out knackers as a rule anyway? 


I've definitely had crosses of blueberry go a bit sideways in the lady bits department in the past 



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Just now, ratdog said:

i grew out my very first blueberry from some fems that went hermie back in 99' off a mate's mate in scotland

That's different because it wasn't triggered by environmental conditions, that was an actual hermie so it passed on that tendency which leads to:

Just now, ratdog said:

had to pick off the balls

The OSG OW90s doesn't turn hermie under normal circumstances, several of us on here have grown it now and nobody else has had hermies. I've crossed it with an ESB male and grown that out too and that hasn't hermie'd either.


So the seeds mindsoup has shouldn't be any more likely to turn hermie. I'd happily grow the OWxBD#5.

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27 minutes ago, StonedCircle said:

sent in for subbies seeds is simply insane.


Not as subbies, as extra freebies to go on top, like pluff mud, pups etc. Sorry if I didn't make that part clear. I wouldn't expect people to pay money for bagseed. 


TBH mate I can see why you think its a shit idea I haven't got the space to play around with them if they might be a dead end, I just know that some people don't mind risking a hermi or 2 if something special can be found and that they might be interested, saves putting them on my cereal and wasting any potential they might have. I'm also pretty certain they where caused by a light leak, my tents got pinholes all over it. 

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well i would say that you will get a 50/50 chance of them being hermi and femmenised but i aint no breeder so what do i know

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