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Cheers @NezA and everyone else that's shed light on this.. answered questions I've had for ages!


A £60 option would be amazing. 7 packs of seeds is quite intimidating for the rookie grower, trying to suss out what the genetics even are is quite a task when you're new to the game and haven't a clue!

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@Rustybiff I know exactly how you feel, mate. That was me when I joined here a year ago. In fact, I still don't know a whole lot about the genetics and the history of all these strains, but it's a hell of a lot of fun learning as you go. Don't worry about 7 packs being intimidating; store them the right way and pretty soon you'll have more than you could ever possibly grow in a single lifetime lol A common condition around these parts 

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50 minutes ago, Gaijin said:

soon you'll have more than you could ever possibly grow in a single lifetime lol A common condition around these parts 

Were all seed junkies lol:yinyang:

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My seeds are currently in a Tupperware thing with a handful of silica jobbies. Any time I open the container, to add more seeds, I throw away the jobbies and put a fresh handful in there. Is that enough? Could I be doing more? 

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Guest anarchycamp

Got one pack of subbies and a pack of ammi. That's if they are still there:rofl: 


@Gaijin You're already doing more than me bud! 

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Just now, Gaijin said:

 Could I be doing more? 

Yeah taking them out n throwing them in dirt.. lol

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Nothing but growing and creating subs for me now for the foreseeable future. For me what's available for peanuts here is just plain better than what you'll find in 80+% of retail packs. IMO it's only sensible to grow share and do my best to try to improve on what we have in our little corner here. I really like the idea of collaborating with my fellow pollen chuckers, making unique things that are available exclusively for members here. It's a beautiful thing and it's what the Cannabis community is really about.


My collection is bloated these days and I look at the retail stuff I have and I think it's less and less likely I'll ever have the space or time to grow it. I find it way more interesting digging through the stuff people have sent in for free out of the goodness of their own heart. All that positive energy stored in those little magic beans, fills me with a warm fuzzy feeling just thinking about the potential they have.


Just got through setting up my new tent got a couple of bits to buy and I'll have her up and running. Malibu Pie's were popped a while back so they're first up, the reveg on the female I found last run is well under way I'll be taking a few snips from her she might get the big tent to herself whilst I pheno hunt the others in my smaller tent. I still have the male I found as well he's been stressed to fuck and back seems pretty solid at the moment. With a bit of luck some F3's will be winging their way to Joolz in a few months.

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my latest breeding lot will also be going in for subs. if i manage to not kill them all lol.

ive stopped buying beans, as mostly they are a disappointment.

im downsizing and concentrating on the older strains and developing my own lines nowadays, because at least you know what you're getting, mostly.


As for the lifetime subs, it would be much easier if either they (subber) took all 7 packs at once or the lifetime subs was reduced to , say for example 60 quid and 3 packs(all taken at same time)

Lets face it , its still a bargain as one pack of "normal" beans will hit you for 60 quid.


just my 2p

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Including the fact that, here, you can read diaries, watch the plants grow, talk to the grower and the breeder - our subbies are a bargain at any price, really. Can't do that buying Barney's Farm lol 

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The option of either 3 for £60 /7 £100 half life/ life or £25-£30 yearly subs would def give more scope to some who dont want to have 7 at a time ,ditch the iou list and save poor Joolz and Admin hasle im sure:yinyang:

Edited by Personunknown
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