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Guest Randy Marsh

They're looking good @@craigfjyp, can't wait to get those beans from the postie!

Have you thought about doing a flower diary for them?

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hi mate, thx.

i have actually been wanting to start a diary for a while now mate, but iv just never got round to it though, or really new how to start one,

iv got it planned to start one with these other seeds iv got coming, the blues x noname ones.

i just finished removing the bottom 3rd of the plants not long ago mate, it took fecking ages lol i couldn't keep any of it for cuts either, since iv moved to this new house iv not got the room for doing cuts and seeds, but if all goes to plan then ill hopefully have some of my own seeds from the smile x psychosis, if i manage it without screwing my whole crop up lol then ill do the same with the new seeds i got coming.

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@@Joolz Subs on way in, Don't worry about lack of sufficient return postage my fuck up.

I stuck a single first class stamp on my over sized jiffy and forgot it wasn't enough but the posties at safe address are friends of mine so it will reach me without any problem or charges :thumsup:

Edited by BDG
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Got my beans through today :D thanks for the bonus C3 x Cheese !! they be put to good use :wink_kiss:

@craigfjyp I chose some Smile x Psychosis, yours are looking lovely, how long are you expecting to flower them ? was thinking about using some in a mixed grow.

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hi @@Mugwuffin, thx mate,

im not really sure mate, i will just be keeping an eye on them, but i would say about 75 days, which is about 10.5 weeks, but im prepared to go longer if needed.

i was also going to ask madgiz nearer the time what he would recommend doing.

what were you thinking about growing alongside it mate? my ones are massive but i left them vegging for longer than i would normally have, they were vegging for about 8 weeks mate, maybe longer, and they have been flowering for 3 weeks today.

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@@craigfjyp, Thats pretty much what I wanted to hear :), was thinking about doing it with some Botafumeiros from sweet seeds, and some Nevill's Haze from female seeds, which are both 10 weekers I think.

I usually give em a long veg (8-10 weeks) just gotta work out when to start em, to have em dry for Christmas, probably early July to be safe.

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@@craigfjyp Nice photos fella :)

I too got some Smile x Psychosis and have been keeping an eye on your posts so if you do a diary, consider at least myself a subscriber ;)

I was thinking of doing them next, but then I have nonames as well as so many other beans.... ARGH! Got until August/September to think about it at least :)

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hi mate,

i was going to start a diary when i finished these ones, but ill start one later tonight or tomorrow and ill just carry it on after each grow. ill probably need help anyway when it comes time for pollinating a couple of buds, and if iv got a diary running ill get all the help i need. i'm getting some pollen at the moment from the male but i don't think it's enough, when i shake a branch above my hand its dropping a light brown powder on it but it's only tiny amounts. i think i know what to look for now when collecting pollen though, i can see that it's the little flowers that have opened up that's releasing the pollen, i just don't have enough open yet though to get a decent amount. when more have opened ill shake the branches over a sheet of paper and collect it that way.

my next grow after these are the blues x noname mate, i'm looking forward to them finishing already lol my original choice was the smile x blues ibl but they had ran out of stock at the time so i went with my 2nd choice, iv been wanting to try blues or a blues cross for ages now.

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Just sent off another year I couldn't let the blues x no name pass me by


P.s sorry about the envelopes @@Joolz they was the smallest I could find

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updated list

From Mr Chang

Psycho Crack (purple pheno)--------------------------------------------------------From HighgrowerPink Killer x Smellyberry Grapefruit Diesel 2

Pink Panther x (C3 x Cheese)

Master Kush x (C3 x Cheese)

C3a x (C3 x Cheese)

C3b x (C3 x Cheese)

Blues x Exodus Cheese

Blues x Noname

Blues x Blues


From MadgizOldtimes x Cheese f2 x smile

Killerskunk x Lot5 Evo

Smile x Psychosis

Blues IBL x Evo

Smellyberry x Blues IBL

Killers Skunk x Evo x Killers x Skunk Evo

Smile x Blues IBL--------------------------------------------------------From FangEarly Pink Kush ( regs)--------------------------------------------------------from Bill CooperSweet Tooth F2NL x Sweet Tooth


Ratdogs Psycho BX ( last pack)

--------------------------------------------------------from uBercaMeLCheese Kush x Wonder Kush

Wonder Kush


from Inspiration101

Sweet Cheese Auto Fem x Superskunk Auto

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I think I need to nab me some Smile x Psychosis from Madgiz.

@@madgiz, have you grown these out or has anyone else?

Edited by BigJohnny
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@@uBercaMeL I will starting the wonder kush in the next few weeks. How does it respond to topping? Or would I be better off with the ck x flatlands that I was saving.

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