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A mate just gifted me some subbies beans for my birthday. Great present.



Got SmellyBerry x Blues ibl and C3 x C3 x Cheese.

Any information on the parents or crosses guys? Would love to hear from anyone that's got these aswell. I've got twenty C3 seeds so I likely won't get round to the C3 back cross anytime soon but the Smellyberry x Blues might go in this next run.

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hey guys,

just thought i would post a few pics of the smile x psychosis, they have been flowering for a month now maybe, they are starting to all bud up nicely, i just started bloom feed at there last watering as the stretch has stopped, so ill start just giving them bloom all the way through now if i can. iv noticed that since iv stopped doing the wet/dry cycle were you wait for light pots before feeding that they look a lot better now, iv started to feed them every 2 days now at 1.5ltr each and theres been no new yellowing of the leaves anymore. anyway heres the pics.

smile x psychosis

smile x psychosis

smile x psychosis

smile x psychosis

smile x psychosis

sorry about the quality, ill take better pics tomorrow before lights on.
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@@craigfjyp Plants are looking healthy man :) Have you tried looking in your camera settings for filters? I know most smartphones allow you to change to incandescent or Fluorescents which may help when you're taking pictures in HPS.

Best regards,


edit- spelling

Edited by dannychoo
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Guest Randy Marsh

Put a pair of sunglasses in front of your camera next time.

Would like to see how these turn out as I have some of those beans on the way, so far so good! :yep:

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@@craigfjyp Plants are looking healthy man :) Have you tried looking in your camera settings for filters? I know most smartphones allow you to change to incandescent or Fluorescents which may help when you're taking pictures in HPS.

Best regards,


edit- spelling

my phones ancient mate lol its a galaxy s2

Put a pair of sunglasses in front of your camera next time.

Would like to see how these turn out as I have some of those beans on the way, so far so good! :yep:

thx guys,

my lights come on at 7pm so its just forgetfulness that i don't take them before they switch on lol

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that's on my "to get list" next mate,

iv just got a tent fan and CF and because of my mistake i had to pay for 2 :doh:

i'm hoping to get a 600w dimmable within the next couple of weeks :yep:

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Hi Joolz sending off subscription today x 2 ;-) please can you put aside highgrowers blues x blues and blues x exodus thanks.

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@@craigfjyp im back on my old S3 and that has the settings :P

look at camera》settings》scene or something

Edited by dannychoo
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angle the light away from the plants and hold up a piece of cardboard for shade then take your pics .

otherwise it looks like looking at a streetlight through some blinds .

or maybe take a pic at lights off ?

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Thanks joolz and uk420, got my next batch. Just need to decide which ones to go with first. Oh and thanks for the bonus pack, very generous.

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@@craigfjyp im back on my old S3 and that has the settings :P

look at camera》settings》scene or something

iv been through them mate, but there's no incandescent or fluorescent settings on my phone. there are quite a lot of others, ill have to go through them all when the light is on so i can find the best setting for taking pictures.

ill take some in about half an hour, just before my light come on at 7pm to get some decent ones to post mate.

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lol i know mate, don't worry about it.

iv just taking these pics 5 mins ago buddy.

smile x psychosis

smile x psychosis

smile x psychosis

smile x psychosis

smile x psychosis

smile x psychosis

smile x psychosis

smile x psychosis

smile x psychosis

smile x psychosis

e2a: iv just checked and it's exactly 3 weeks tomorrow they have been flowering.
Edited by craigfjyp
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