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FIVE 7-packs of AutoMazar to be won. 'Easy competition !


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Easy competition that anyone can enter! We have five x 7-packs of AutoMazar to give away to the nearst 5 guesses in this weeks blog competition.

All you have to do is guess how many seeds are in the packets in the photo below and enter the answer in the comments section of this weeks blog on our website. http://www.dutch-passion.nl/en/news-and-development/automazar–the-variety-that-created-an-autofem-revolution/

We will contact winners via the email address you leave when you enter your comment. E-mail addresses are obviously not published, they remain private. Seeds can only be sent to european addresses. Please remember to put down how many seeds (not packets). Remember seed packets in the photo could be 3-packs or 7-packs or a mix.....

Here is the photo, and remember enter your guess on our website not here ! So far we dont have many entries so get your guess in and see if you get lucky


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420 :spliff:

e2a: just read to add guess on other website so will do that now.

Edited by Chris P
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801 is my first guess ..probably all i`ll need to win if im honest ..anyone else thinking of entering ..i wouldnt if i were you cos that was the right answer right there <----

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and remember enter your guess on our website not here !


801 is my first guess

im going to guess 333

you lot didnt read the post properly :rofl: you have to go to the dutch passion site & post your guess's there :doh:

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hi guys,

Friday 29th June (notJuly) is the closing date for this competition. So you have 1 more day to get your guesses in, there are 5 packs of seeds to give away and only 40 entries so far so you have a good chance !


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Edit: Just noticed it said enter on the site so I have done.

Edited by tywyn
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I will announce the winners tomorrow, i recognise a few names from her so GOOD LUCK everyone


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well, the competition is closed, and there are 6 winners (2 people were tied on 5th place). My colleague tells me there were 1000 Automazar seeds in his photo. Sorry to those that missed out. But I will do plenty more competitions so please keep checking our website and blogs (and I will issue reminders here as well). Next competition I think I will give away some grinders

So the winners are Uncle Larry, Vince Noir, Ganjaman17, Seljack, asta and Gal1991. I recognise a few of those names from here !

My colleagues Guido and Nadine will be emailing winners to make arrangements


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Im well chuffed thats a right result :yep: cheers for the comp tony ;) I think im going to be getting these straight on the go, seen some lovely looking plants of these being grown.

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