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Ot1 Lot#5 Evolution.Smoke Reports & Info.

Guest Viva

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Am sure I did a smoke report on the Evo I grew out. But just in case :)

Was my fave from the strains I grew out with the evo. Did what it said on the tin, Smiley faces all round, and a few friends really wanted to find my stash :).



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Nice 1 on the heads up Ot1. Look forward to that happening. Especially the SB bx! Due to popular demand I was only able to secure 5.(I did read that right didn't I) Was the BB the father in that cross? Anywayz, hope the treatment is going well and atb for Christmas and the new year. reds.

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Always nice to get a heads up of your offers ot1.(Even thow i check everyday :rofl: )

Will be keepin my eyes open for that SB-bx that be intresting..Am always still happy to fork out for your cooking to try.Tested or Un-tested. :wink: .Any change of your oldtimes BX (think i got it right)in any of your future drops Ot1!!!!

Ahh as am a postie an had sum good xmas tips this year.Il be keeping my £155 xmas tips to one side so am cashed up ready for this drop....

just poped a few evos.just got get my frist lot of smellyberry out the way frist.just flipped 2wks ago...will popin the report in when done!!!(evos that is)

Hope your eyes are on the mend ot1.merry xmas a happy new year ot1.. :oldtoker:

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Thoughts on Ot1's Lot#5 Evolution

I've promised this report for a while now, so here goes...

I will try to be as objective as possible, and keep to the spirit of honesty and objectivity, just like OT requested.

First off, I must say that not only am I a great fan of good sativas, I am also a bit of a spoilt one, having access to some really top quality stuff as well as keeping a few very special clones. So any comparisons will be against a very high standard, right from the outset.

OK, to recap a bit, I got 8 females and 3 males from 10 seeds. 'Spinal Tap' fans will understand, or just read my previous posts.

Absolutely no problems with germination then. The next thing one notices, is just how fast these plants are. For something that is supposed to be so 'sativa'-leaning it is quite remarkable. The yield is very good too.

As the grow progresses, you notice all sorts of interesting smells, but they are definitely on the subtle side. If you are a fan of in-yer-face full-on Afghani and fruity-skunky smells, then you may be a tad underwhelmed, but the smells are rich and complex none the less, just not outrageously so. They vary a little from plant to plant, but overall I would say they are most similar to the honey and spice odours found in varieties like NepJam, with the occasional more sharp, pungent, chemical overtone coming through - and in some cases even a tiny bit of skunkyness, just to make it interesting. Very nice, though smell is definitely not the big smelling point of this strain.

Speaking of NepJam (that most excellent creation of ACE seeds), I found quite a lot of other commonality between it and Lot5 evo, including the big yield, psychedelic quality, clear wrecking high and even the odd harmless nana or two towards the end. It would not surprise me if this, or something similar was what Oldtimer used to "tame" the original Lot5.

I only had space for six plants (under a 250) in the first grow I did, so I viewed it as more of a test, just to see what sort of parameters we were dealing with. I subsequently grew the seventh plant under much better conditions, with a proportionate improvement.

The eighth one, and some repeats of the first run will be going in again very soon. In fact the original 250 I used was pretty clapped out, so I established for myself the truth of what OT said:- This plant is very responsive to light. Some of the phenos finished extraordinarily quickly, so much so that I was wondering what I was doing wrong! The fastest was done at 45 days. I mean, really!!! Well, it turned out that too little light was what I was doing wrong :blushing: .

I labelled the test plants 1 through 6 (photos in the earlier pages of this post), and here is how they turned out, in order of chopping:

Pheno#4: The first one chopped, @ 49 days, simply 'cause I couldn't bring myself to chop it @ 45! I think this earlier maturity also affected the power of the plant, as it was definitely on the milder side. It did have a wonderful warm friendly social side to it though, with some really great times with friends, great autumn evening barbecues and loads of philosophising. Good times. It also crept up on you, so even though you may not have felt that stoned by the third joint, you suddenly realised you were actually totally hammered, it just happened so gently you didn't notice. Yield was middling on this one.

Pheno#3: This was my favourite, but Mr. Sod's legislation being what it is, I lost its clone! Aaargh!! Very potent stuff indeed, it actually starts of by feeling like a good dreamy haze hybrid, and then at some stage, may 10 maybe 20 minutes down the line, when you are thinking "ah, this is mellow", it unleashes the 2nd stage of the booster rocket. It would be a good idea to have something to "do" at this stage, or you'll be jumping around like you've got ants in your pants. Probably very good weed for sports types, snowboarders, free runners, extreme jugglers and the type. Yield was high on this one. Oh well, at least I got some seeds off it and they will definitely be going in at some stage.

Pheno#2: Interesting one this, though perhaps not for everyone. I liked it, but then I do like what I call 'driving' weed. No, not for driving a car, but weed that drives you, pushing the envelope that little bit further. Friends that resist this sort of feeling found that it could give a bit of a headache. I didn't observe this, but I know what they mean. I think this kind of smoke should be in everyone's arsenal, yes, that little bit of extra unrelenting introspection - very good for cleaning the inner house - but perhaps not as a daily smoke, too "shamanic". Yield medium-high.

Pheno#1: My second favourite this, hell, perhaps even first favourite, in terms of my initial targets, which were psychedelic quality.

Very energetic feeling, but not in any kind of uncoordinated, 'spastic', or fliberty-gibetty way. Along with the energy you get a very healing, calm feeling, very 'together' indeed. You also feel incredibly well the next day, regardless of amount of consumption.

The other great thing about this pheno was its really mellow, psychedelic, hippy-like quality while you went about your daily routine, with amazing closed-eye visuals if you opted for a less active appreciation. Loved its positivity, and it's definitely going in again, along pheno#8, for the first grow of the New Year. Yield medium high.

Pheno#6: Really interesting, but the yield was so tiny there was no way I could justify keeping it. It was by far the skunkiest, in smell and effect. Might have been really interesting, if there was more of it, but at barely 10 grams on the plant it was gone long before I could really 'get' what it was about.

Pheno#5: This was the best looker and the biggest yielder, chopped last at just over 70 days. However I didn't keep it. It had more "body" than any of the other, and a fullness that would perhaps be appreciated more by someone accustomed to mainstream hybrids. Now, I've got nothing against a weed having a bit more body, I quite like it on occasion, but this one also had the tendency to send you a bit to sleep if you overdid it. Someone else may well have kept it, but sorry, the competition is way too tough in this field.



My first and main observation about this plant is how amazingly little 'body' it has. You have to go to really extreme sativa to experience the like, certainly never seen it in any other 8-9-weeker I've ever come across.

This can surprise people who are used to more mainstream stuff, at first thinking that it's 'not doing anything', and then wondering how they got so wrecked, 'cause they certainly didn't notice that it was happening. lol

So this is the category I believe that this plant belongs in, viz. quick-finishing big-yielding sativa hybrids, like a good Cinderella 99 a Nepalese Jam or an MNS La Niña (though this last one is not the best of yielders).

Its trademark signature, for me, was the way it takes you into a dreamy sativa space, and then turbo-propels you to a next level just when you don't expect it. Haven't really seen this quality in any other strain, and all the phenos had it, in varying degrees.

Now, I ask myself, did this strain meet my expectations? The honest answer is probably "No", but that is maybe because I was expecting something quite different. So many people had commented on the extreme psychedelic properties of the original Lot 5. what with little green men picking them and transporting them to other dimensions, that I kind of expected a real head twister. It wasn't, though pheno#1 was probably the closest. Maybe the right pheno for this still has to show up, I don't know.

OTOH the strain had so many delightful and original properties of its own that I am more than happy I ran it. Even though none of the plants was a real "keeper" in my books, I have kept clones (#s 1,2,4,7,8) and intend to experiment more, especially now that I have seen what a huge difference a good light makes.

IF, as Oldtimer says, they light increases the psychoactivity as much as it increases the general performance, Then we'll be looking at a whole new ball park.

I have also made a few seeds from this to carry on experimenting, F2s from all the clones, and also some crosses with more 'full-bodied' and tastier plants, which should be interesting.

In a few days I will also be trying out pheno#7 which is drying nicely ATM.

I will try and post my results more quickly this time!

Sorry for the long post and thanks for your patience!

Merry Xmas and a Brilliant New Year to All!

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I came looking for Lot5 reports, now im salivating at the thought of SB bx.. thats more up my street tbh, i have a real soft spot for Blueberry, Smellyberry did me good last year, i'd love to try some bx please OT1 sir. :smokin:

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Oldtimer I can't wait for 2013 knowing you might be doing a small drop of your cooking!

I managed to finally start using this site after smile was out of stock and I can't wait to get my hands on some and the lot#5 evo :-)

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I am so happy that Oldtimes may be available again. I have had to reveg Ethel as I killed the clones and forgot to try again within the timeframe. A really special smoke and one that raises smiles whenever she is consummed :guitar::yinyang::guitar::wassnnme: :wassnnme:


Thanks for the opportunity if it arises OT.

Cheers :smokin:

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Yes I'm looking forward to the oldtimes too!! Wanted to grow it ages ago but by the time I got round to purchasing they were sold out.

I managed to get a 10 pack of smellyberry last drop so I will keep my eyes peeled for the next one....

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Morning. Just read your Evo report arthur. Good read. You mentioned in there that you had some seeds from the Evos. Was this done purposely or just happened. Coz my beast Evo threw some nanas which must of produced the 10 seeds that appeared. I also at the ttime rubbed some.of the nanas onto an exceptional Seedism Milk strain that I had going at the same time. This produced me acouple seeds. My first attempt at breeding. Albeit, rather shambolic but it was just an experiment. You know what us stoners are like. Anyway, I've now of these seeds at 4 days old, looking very well and vigorous. My main concern is, is it gonna be worth growing these out or should I just crack some proper beans. I've got 10 CheeseXOLDTIMES at the same age but am looking for at least 9 females. Are these other seeds gonna be worth the space in my grow area? Atb,reds.

Ps @Ot1. I'd like to get some more Evos,like 2 packs at least.Amazing strain, and some more Smellyberry please. Is this the place to put the requests in that you ask for? So you know which beauties from the arsenal to get cooking. Cheers mate and atb.

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As I have posted several times, for me to offer beans, it has to be as simple as possible for me, so I can’t take pre orders or try and remember members who want notification of when an offer/sale/drop is going to be.

I only usually put out 1 or 2 varieties each offer as I pack them fresh from bulk in the cold store so they are totally fresh and ready to germinate quickly.

It saves me mixing up strains, for old customers if you want something other than the offer, ask and if I’m not to busy + I have what you want, I’ll pack it for you as a one off, I have always done this, but if lots start asking I’ll have to stop doing it altogether because I will not be able to cope.

So you will need to watch out for my announcing the next offer, I can’t just make a date in advance, it has to be when the people who look after the PO box are available and have enough time to collect orders for me.

To keep everyone in the loop, I will be extracting the seeds from the buds this coming week or two as the buds are now totally dry, I then put them bulk in cold store for a month for stratification, then I do germination counts on each variety, usually 100 of each type before I’m ready to make an offer, so we are looking at least 7 or 8 weeks before I will be ready to even think about a new offer.

I will post a fresh topic in this forum of the offer a week or so before it opens, with the vars on offer, the start time and date I will take orders from, to give members time to be ready.

I hope this helps and answers most of the questions asked. Ot1.

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Morning. Just read your Evo report arthur. Good read. You mentioned in there that you had some seeds from the Evos. Was this done purposely or just happened.

Very much purposely, reds mate.

I did have a show of a few very late nanas, but they were way too late to do any harm.

On the one I grew under the 1k, they were even later, they wouldn't have had any chance.

The crosses I made were to more flavourful hybrids. That's the one area Lot5evo could use a little boost.

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And I wasnt gonna be buyin any beans this year! Now I want a pack of evos and al be watchin for OT1s sale so I can snaggle a pack,and a pack of oldtimes if they are available. Just flowerin my first run of smellyberry and have to say Im very impressed!

Thank you very much OT1 for givin members here the chance to grow out your vars,excellent stuff

Onwards n upwards



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Guest La Viva Sativa

As I have posted several times, for me to offer beans, it has to be as simple as possible for me, so I can’t take pre orders or try and remember members who want notification of when an offer/sale/drop is going to be.

I only usually put out 1 or 2 varieties each offer as I pack them fresh from bulk in the cold store so they are totally fresh and ready to germinate quickly.

It saves me mixing up strains, for old customers if you want something other than the offer, ask and if I’m not to busy + I have what you want, I’ll pack it for you as a one off, I have always done this, but if lots start asking I’ll have to stop doing it altogether because I will not be able to cope.

So you will need to watch out for my announcing the next offer, I can’t just make a date in advance, it has to be when the people who look after the PO box are available and have enough time to collect orders for me.

To keep everyone in the loop, I will be extracting the seeds from the buds this coming week or two as the buds are now totally dry, I then put them bulk in cold store for a month for stratification, then I do germination counts on each variety, usually 100 of each type before I’m ready to make an offer, so we are looking at least 7 or 8 weeks before I will be ready to even think about a new offer.

I will post a fresh topic in this forum of the offer a week or so before it opens, with the vars on offer, the start time and date I will take orders from, to give members time to be ready.

I hope this helps and answers most of the questions asked. Ot1.

reading some these smoke reports and feedback has me gutted i lost the girls i had through family and persoal issuses but im glad to be back and reading this info has got me excited again ill be waiting for some these cheers once again ot1.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cut my Evo's the other day at just under ten weeks.Was a real doozy of a grow,been growing low-stretch plants for awhile and under-estimated stretch which blocked out a lot of available light and no doubt reduced yield dramatically.That said,I had some of the Evo's produce some of the biggest colas ive ever grown and no doubt evo in the right enviroment could be a huge yielding plant.

The buds on them were covered in trichs and have a suprisingly nice mango smell to them,I cant wait to try this strain out and managed to get cuttings so definately growing again!

On a side note,I said earlier in this thread that I suspected a hermy on one evo and I had lower flower pistils die off early on some plants.I now think the pistils must have died off for some other reason and in fact,have not found one seed while cutting down my plants so no polination as far as I can see :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here are a couple of cose-up pics of the plant in post #118 (i,e. "pheno#7"

and a smoke report:



OK, I have had quite a bit of time with this, so I can now give a report.

As I said, the plant responded amazingly well to being grown under a 1kW instead of a 250W, which was what I used for the first test grows. Just under 2 oz. from a 5 litre pot, from a clone with about two weeks vegging. With a bit more vegging it could get to near 3!

The smell too, this time was way more pronounced and interesting, but still subtle with it. Citrusy, spicy and honey smells... hardly skunky at all. Cured really, really well.

The high was interesting. Very strong, very energetic, as before and mildly "travelly". Actually it was extremely energetic, I found that if I wasn't actually doing some physical activity, it gave me the jitters. Could be that I might have taken it down a bit too early (9wks), I suspect now that it would have liked a week or two more, even though it did look ready.

I don't think I will be keep this one. Even though it is strong, I found that the high was a bit one-dimensional and not as interesting or engaging as I'd expect from a good sativa. Again, a bit more maturing time might have helped, but hey...

Overall, as I said before I think this is a very interesting strain, even if I did struggle to find a keeper (of sorts) in this batch. To get this kind of yield in this kind of time from a good sativa is not easy and this plant could make excellent outcrosser for taming some of the wilder tropical varieties. It is not, however, consistent enough yet IMHO, for anyone who expects uniform results. It is pretty much suited to a pheno hunting game.

I will be trying out some crosses I made with it, and maybe even some F2s. There is a lot of promise here, just not quite refined yet. The trippy phenos I found, though not perfect, are a step in the right direction. However there are also phenos that are too speedy or too sleepy, without having the nice trippy quality. The particular quality of kicking in with a "booster pack" after 15 minutes or so (just as you think the ride is over) is pretty unique... at least I have never come across it before, and I have smoked a sativa or two in my time.

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