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Ot1 Lot#5 Evolution.Smoke Reports & Info.

Guest Viva

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I have just one L#5evo female in flower at the moment . She is now (or will be later on today) on day 52 of flowering.

In the last 2 -3 days I have noticed pretty much all new growth has finished , and all pistils are browning off.

She is under only a 250 hps , but in a very small area, and hence has suffered a bit of light bleaching (for this reason I took 2 colas off yesterday eve).

Just over 7 weeks seems exceptionally quick for a seedplant (especially one with sativa dominant genetics) . Has anyone else cropped a lot5evo plant at such an early stage?? (I vaguely recall a post by OT1 where he said that L5E really adapted herself to the lighting conditions - could my (slightly old) 250 bulb have meant shes finished very early????

Should I take the rest this eve? or leave it for another week or so just to see what happens.

I do have rooted cuts from this plant , and will try her next time under a new bulb .

The plant is big , and was very healthy in growth , with no signs of any of the warned of bananans.

Thanks all, and I cant wait to try her

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just wondering if any of you guys who have grown out the Evo have anything to add in the way of smoke reps?Haven't heard much for a while and I switched my evos into flower just over a week ago.

Ive got 5 evo's with 3 in 20 litre pots,2 in 11 litres.Noticed 2 types,1st has massive leaves with long fingers and the others are shorter,fatter and neater leaves with some double serrations.All really vigorous fast growers and have been a doddle to grow.

Got them in with 3 Cali connection Sour D's and 4 Littlehands which are taking over the show.Really curious to know what peeps think of the high and is there any other strain you could compare it to?

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I've not made or put out many Lot#5Evolution beans to date dirtdog, so there will not be many people who have grown it out yet, not everyone gives feedback in this thread after a quick look round a couple of posts elsewhere.:- Arbs quoted below seems to like it, as does ramblingmadman second quote below, I think lucifer93 in the same topic likes it as well. If a lot of members say they like it I will make some more for the new year if members ask. I know full well just because I love the smoke of this variety it does not mean it will generally be liked, but from what people have posted so far most seem to like Lot#5Evo.


'kin ell, at first I was slightly disappointed if anything cis I was no doubt compsring it to it'd psrent L#5

:mashed: thinking somewhere in my head, well it's lovwly, but it's not Lot#5 :n

No, Lot#5Evution is no tLot#5 - Lot#5Evoltion is EVEN BETTER than LOt#5 hoo:

I didn't imGINE THAT any HOMEGROWN THAT ANY BUGGER COULD GROWN EASY would ne STRONGER than Lot#5, but LOt#5Evolution IS :yes::band: words can't do it on their own POOR LITTLE WORDS

LOt#5Evolution rocks :

:mashed: totally :mashed: honest this shit is :bangin:

Actually, I never grew it :nea:

my girlfriend grew it for her 1st grow while I wasn in hospital. Now I'm out and exite dcos I'm about to move into a new house :yahoo:

Thsnks 420 for being there through all of this and especiaally thanks for this place Joolz and thanks for Lot5Evolution ot1 :yes: I

ATB with your evos UMW,

I have only grown one lady from my pack as yet, but will try more.

from my limited experience of this strain Id say .

1.Very vigorous in growth (if you have any headroom issues you will need to train / supercrop in flower ) mine stretched 2.5x (I used a tiny bit of biosilicon in veg and she had fat solid supporting branchstems)

2. Mine looked as if shed finished after 7 weeks , BUT the branches left to mature for longer started to pump out more pistils after the first branches were taken , and swelled a lot . The later taken buds are noticably stronger in effect.

(Apparently weak light encourages evo to finish earlier)

3. She is not a stinker , but she is certainly a looker

4. The buds are dense and take a while to dry

5.The hit is f###in brilliant - not skunky or sedative at all, a really elevating, positive , happy hit that makes you want to do stuff.

6. Do not treat her lightly , if you overdo it you will know ( a friend of ours got really quite confused after smoking quite a lot of earlier cropped evo this weekend)

last but not least , many , MANY thanks to OT1 for cooking this up , and getting it out available to us .

I am vegging up a couple of cuts of my lady as we speak , and one will become my newest mum.

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DD- I will post up a proper smoke report after all the plant has had a cure .

I got 1 lady from the seeds i sprouted , and thought she looked finished at about 7 weeks - 2 main colas were cut off at that point.

In retrospect I think she suffered a bit of coldroot shock around or just before this point , as after this (and the addition of a heatpad below) she started growing again (new white pistils and considerable swelling of buds. )

I took another couple of branches after another week or so , and the final crop was at day 65 .

The final buds had a little purpling which was not evident on the early or middle cropped.

The later chopped have only just gone into a jar.

From the first hit this pot makes me high and happy .

You kind of 'come up' on the hit , rather than it just getting you immediately, and the high is longlasting (I had a reefer in the bath around 7 this morning , and Im still floating around.)

I personally feel that I was premature with cropping some so early , but the plant is vigorous enough and yields plenty, so Im glad I will be ale to compare them once theyve all had a while resting in the jars. (atm I think that the later cropped will be the best , but i will report back.


best of luck with yours DD . (what have you found in your little hands mix squire?) :smokin:

another THANKS to OT1 for the cookery

(e2say I dont think everyone likes her like i do , a mate has refused anything to do with my reefers after an odd jittery confusion on the early cropped.... and i think someone here decided not to keep his...? but i cant remember who it was..so i may have dreamed it.....)

Edited by ramblingmadman
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I cracked ten beans nine come up all grew vigorous found mine to be a little hungry after a few weeks for food ..

six weeks later they started to show sex I got 7 ladies out of nine :skin_up:

All flowed with ease they will need support as the buds get a nice size.

Four stretched about 1 half times calls these A.. two others 1 times call them Band the last one was stretchy super cropped it to keep it in check call that C.

All got pulled at 60 days B looked finish C looked far from it and A was about a week away .

I went on OT advise about pulling that abit earlier all ..

All started at 3 ml of OT bloom upto 5 ml peak bloom down to 1 ml for the last week.

Easy to trim no much lose when dry they have been in jars a couple of months I've been smoking it on and of

And ended up keeping a mother of A and B..

Smoke ..

I've grown a few bits of OT 's cooking the lot5 I had and kept was a very trippy buzz for me taste / smell was very stand alone

But it's stretched 4/5 times for me so hardy gets run as I'm in a shed with a low roof..

I was so happy when I opened the jar of evo's to be greeted by that smell again

Im know good at description of taste/smell tbh hence why I have never done a report before..

Smells very citrus to me leaves a nice after pallet taste after a nice neat one but the high takes a good 5 mins to lick in but when in does the eyes feel like there snuggled up with nice blanket and some ones giving you a nice warm hug on a cold day

It's a clear buzz in my head but I keeps going for a good few hours and you don't need to chase it I find.

But Smoke to much and you start up the hill to the big roller coaster :spliff:

Thank you again OT for your fine cooking sir :yinyang:

if you have them in the fridge get cracking :skin_up:

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ramblingmadman and NICEDREAMS thank you for your feedback, it helps me.

I have a friend who loves smile and will chain smoke it, who spent an uncomfortable half hr in the loo after smoking a second neat L#5evo number in short succession, I did tell him to wait a bit as it takes while coming on, he swore to never smoke it again, but its now his fav smoke, but he does treat it with more respect now.

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Thanks for the smoke reps and info OT1/Nicedreams/Ramblingmadman,much appreciated :smokin: Reallylooking forward to smoking the Evo and more than likely will over-indulge at some point and end up on the rollercoaster of confusion.The only time ive had a whity in recent memory was through smoking too much Smile so hopeflly i'll be a little prepared :wacko:

The Littlehands pips took some cracking but thankfully ended up with four girls Ramblingmadman,3 have very thin leaf fingers with loads of side-branching and are growing fast(hard to controll hieght) and the other has fat chunky stalks and leaves and could possibly be a Smile(I hope so).

Taken cuttings of all Evos/Littlehands so cant wait to see what comes from this grow :)

Edited by dirtdog
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Heres a quick few words on my 5evolution experience so far..

From germinating 3 seeds i got 1 male and 2 females. I've now completed a second run after taking cuttings. I consider my 5Evolutions to be medium yielding so far, compared to other strains done in the same environment. Its a vigorous plant and roots really quickly. The smell is low odour and doesn't travel, for example during harvest, which can be handy.

For me the effect of it is quite unique from most other strains i've tried, its very clear and little to no body to it. I consider it to be strong stuff and it has the ability to change gear on you unexpectedly. The only comparisons in effect i can think of is some imported African weed i had in the early 80's and also some Redhair ( Swazi ) a friend brought over from Johanesburg in the early 90's.

I think the 5Evolution is essential, if only for the experience. For me Its kind of like finding a missing link or coming across a huge swathe of uncharted territory. I think something that has a high like the 5Evolution does would interest a lot of people given the chance. I imagine it should fascinate anyone who has any interest in sativa kind of highs.

Most of the descriptions of the high in this thread so far seem to be spot on to me. Something i have found personaly is that i have no problems sleeping with it, especially towards the end of a session. even to the point where i cant keep my eyes open.

I like 5Evolutiion, its a keeper and and i'm looking forward to searching through a few more seeds in a few weeks time.

Thank you OT1, the 5evolution is very much appreciated round my way.

Heres a pic of each of my 2 females from the second run.


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The first night my bro took some of my cured Evo home, he ended up in hospital complaining of pulpatations. At one point he thought he was having a heart attack! Coincideince? I think not. Hes' a seasoned smoker and I just know he over done it. He puts twice the amount of herb that I put in a skliff. And I like a meaty skliff. I warned him. This strain is without doubt the strongest Ive ever grown and smoked. Lovely stuff. And the few nanas I did encounter ended up being non-viable and didnt seed my crop. Phew!?! Hats off to OT1. Smellyberry is next up in the new year in a new grow area. Gonna slowly build the growroom of my dreams! Cant wait. Atb to all, reds. :ninja::king:

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A quick addition ,

Ive now had a taste of all 3 cropping times .

I thought the later cropped ( 65d) would e the best , but tbh i think for my pheno, this is slightly overcooked - still has the smiley high , but seems far more relaxed .

The earliest cropped (51d) is smiley,strong and up and longlasting - but has a bit of an 'edge'.

By far the best (at the moment) for me are the midcropped( 58d) - stronger than the earlier and later cropped and the most pungent in the jars (a mild lemonish ).

More curingwill be done , but Im finding ithardto keep my hands out of the jars.

(I'm getting a smartphone next week so will be able to do pictures)

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Glad your hermies didnt wreck the crop Reds,Not 100% sure at the moment but think I might have a few male flowers on lower nodes of one of my big Evo's and have seen dead pistils at the low levels of some plants.Im only three weeks in flower so might have to remove said Evo and disguard the cuttings :unsure: I just hope ive found it in time as dead pistils this early isnt good is it?Could be more hermies in there but its hard to examine the plants properly as theyre all wired in to the tent with supporting wire :headpain:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,

I know I'd said I'd do a smoke report for my Lot#5evo grow and I still haven't - my bad!

Anyway, the good thing about it is that I had a chance to do another grow with one of the two clones I'd kept back (due to space restrictions) and this time under a proper light, 1k, not the measly clapped-out 250 I used first time.

What a difference; Oldtimer is right, this plant really responds to light. In the end I got almost 2 oz. from a 5-litre pot, which - roughly translated - would mean an easy 0.75 g/W, probably more like 1g/W with some extra care and attention. Funnily enough, the Watts/sq, foot were about the same both times, but you just can't beat the penetration of a 1kW HID...

Here's a couple of pics of the plant at 39 days! In the end I chopped her at 60 and she was well done.



As for that smoke report, it's half-written up, honest, but I'll wait a few more days to sample the current crop too, which is drying ATM.

Nice to see everybody else's work, cheers!

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Excellent thread loving the reports!

I really enjoyed Smile, she was a dream to grow with a lovely up high that didnt bring out my anxiety (although the misses cant handle her).

Any anxiety suffers try Lot#5 Evo yet?

I do love up Satvias but sometimes some strains can really not agree with me, like the last NYCD (although strictly an indica with Sativa properties)just made me feel paranoid anxious and wasnt really a pleasure to smoke, although the pheno I got in Dam was such a pleasant daytime motivation strain.

Any idea if there is going to be a re release in new year? I do love your cooking OT1 and only didnt get them last time round as bit worried they may be too much for me to handle.

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Excellent thread loving the reports!

I really enjoyed Smile, she was a dream to grow with a lovely up high that didnt bring out my anxiety (although the misses cant handle her).

Any anxiety suffers try Lot#5 Evo yet?

I do love up Satvias but sometimes some strains can really not agree with me, like the last NYCD (although strictly an indica with Sativa properties)just made me feel paranoid anxious and wasnt really a pleasure to smoke, although the pheno I got in Dam was such a pleasant daytime motivation strain.

Any idea if there is going to be a re release in new year? I do love your cooking OT1 and only didnt get them last time round as bit worried they may be too much for me to handle.

Dropout, generally all of my cooking have a feel good factor to them, Lot5#Evo will have some fems that can be a bit wiry to some, but there will also be some that are more mellow, to me that is what its about, mum up the one/s that suite your personal tastes the best, there are a few smiles that some find to much, but I have also had some people say that smile is to mild and easy going and that is the whole thing, we are all different and like different things.

I am just finishing off several bits of cooking, they will be fresh and ready for the 2013 season, once I've finished I should be be holding small stocks of C3, Lot#5Evolution, oldtimes, Smile etc, plus for a friend who requested a more bb version I also made a few beans backcrossing our favourite SB back to its dad, these are untested, but if there are any surplus to requirements I may offer a few in a drop late winter on the bases that they are untested to see what people think of them. anyhow depending on how well I am, I intend to do the same this coming year as I did last year, i.e. do several limited period offers/drops featuring one or two of the varieties listed above in each offer.

Each limited offer will only run for a week or two, just like they did in the past, I hope this meets with your approval, I just can't do it all the time, its two much for me to cope with.

All the best Ot1.

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