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New Ot1 variety info.


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Cheers for the Info Ot1! I'll probably do like last time and split a pack with highgrower ;) He is much faster with the transfer and less postage costs for you ;)

kind regards and thanks again for your efforts to make us happy! :yep:

AT :oldtoker:

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Can we order the Smellys at time of ordering the evolution OT ? I want some smelly's too ?


ps I feel a OT grow going down here, Oldtimes, C3's Evo's and Smelly's :)

Edited by The Villain
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Can we order the Smellys at time of ordering the evolution OT ? I want some smelly's too ?


ps I feel a OT grow going down here, Oldtimes, C3's Evo's and Smelly's :)

Yes postage covers up to 3 packs in one order as per the last offer.

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I thought I just as well post my smoke report here for members that haven't read it in the subbies lounge.. :skin_up:

The trimming was an absolute dream as the leaf to bud ratio was at a minimum.. She has a nutty, spicy, savoury smell and tastes like how she smells and she is quite a stinker..

Now I have never smoked cannabis with no body hit before so first smoke was quite surreal and a bit weird if I am honest, very much a creeper as well as I perceivered and smoked two in quick succession and at about half way through the second one it was obvious just how strong this is..lol It is very much an all in the head smoke and takes me in a direction unique to any strain I have grown or smoked before.. It is not at all what I would call racy,, more confusing and bewildering at first and I could definitely see how a novice smoker might panic a bit if they smoked to much whilst waiting for her to creep up..lol

Altogether a top strain if you ask me or from my experience of growing this one plant anyway.. Fast growing, short stretching, large colas and ready in 9 weeks, I cant see her leaving my mum cabinet for the foreseeable future..:)


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hi ot1

just read yr release date thread??

in there you said=i still had several members waste my time last sale + others taking weeks to send the money after booking their order. So please only contact me if you are serious, want the seeds and are ready to complete the order immediately??

maybe you should make a note of the last lot that farted you about in the last sale...ready for this sale..mayb not giv them a chance this sale...who knows?

what u do is totally up to you of course ot1..dont want to start a war on ere. but as menny will say on ere about u.an am sure i will have menny members back me up on this..you are 1 of a kind legend an you do alot of hard work for us guys...alot of us appreciate u an your work an wouldnt waste your time an take the piss out of you with payin up.but guess sum piss you about ot1..

give sum respect to ot1 guys.he doing all this for us.he doesnt hav to.but he chooses to..SO RESPECT HIM PLEASE :!:

respect in my eyes goes a long way..

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hi ot1

just read yr release date thread??

Ok HELL YEA In response I don’t want to make a big thing about this, I don’t keep lists of members who messed me about, its not how I am.

To me it seems it should be simple, I make a limited release offer, if members who want a pack contact me, give a name and address and what they want, its simple.

I just need to reply with how to make the payment and tell them I have booked their order.

Its then down to them to get the payment sent as promptly as possible, in reality the next working day would be good and most do this.

I don’t want to be asking after a couple of weeks, whats happening, apart from tracking late payments + its another PM I have to write, it all takes time + I don’t want to have to chase people up or hear reasons like sorry Ot, I forgot I’ll try and get it to you soon or next week.

Then I get the PM’s that say Can I have some seeds, no name or address or what seeds they want to order or how many, this again leads to more PM’s and time.

I sound like a real grouch writing this, but if everyone was prompt and to the point, a whole release could be complete and everything sent out and received in 10 to 14 days from the offer date.

The first offer took 4 weeks 6 days the second took 5 weeks 2 days for the final receipt of the last order.

The final thing is I ask is for members to pm me on receipt of their order, this saves me checking tracking and means I can delete their details and order from my record.

The more complicated it gets and the more PM’s are involved the harder it gets to keep track of all the orders, I do my best is all, its also why I only run each offer for a few days.

Final thing I promised this release for mid February, sorry its late but I have been pretty ill and could not cope with making the offer before, I’m pretty tickety boo now, so lets hope this release goes smoothly and with your help it can.

All the best Ot1.

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can i ask ot1 ..what do the leaves look like ,as i had a lot 5 with almost willow like leafs , a thing of beauty it was ..sadly the smoke was way too much for me ..way way way too much for me lol.

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can i ask ot1 ..what do the leaves look like ,as i had a lot 5 with almost willow like leafs , a thing of beauty it was ..sadly the smoke was way too much for me ..way way way too much for me lol.

Then I do not think you will like this offering it has exactly the same essence in its high, smell and taste but some are stronger in effect, it looks nothing like the original willowy looking Lot#5's

Kafka has been testing for me for years, he likes it so much he has grown it 3 times in a row, you can follow from seed to harvests here!

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thanks for the reply ,i would grow a lot 5 again ,but solely because it looked stunning ,unlike so many other strains ,i could easily hide it in my rockery amongst the salvias .but like you say it probably isnt for me to smoke .i respect that and i respect those who seek that soaring no ceiling effect.

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You grow salvia and say Lot#5 is too much..? errm, oh shit!

E2A - maybe i am mistaken, a quick google search leads me to believe the salvias you're on about aren't the crazy things people smoke to take a quick tour of the outer regions of the universe.

I hope I don't miss this release though, I have always been too skint to grab any of Oldtimers releases, and spotted this thread as I was gearing up to buy a nice pack of good seeds, if I knew where he lived I'd be pitching a tent on his front lawn! haha

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Guest weedmonsta

You grow salvia and say Lot#5 is too much..?

salvia is the botanical name for sage(even the sage you eat) the most popular trippy one is salvia divinorum or diviners sage

Edited by weedmonsta
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Cool, so sage is related to mint then?

I always thought of Salvia Divinorum as a relative to mint.

On a side note, I hope my sage is doing well, has been flymo strimmed a few times :headpain: , but seems hardy as a mo'fo!

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lil bump on this thread as the ordering starts soon !

i hope everyone who wants these are awake a ready to go!

goodluck :D

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sssssshhhhh, don't tell everyone.

Don't matter too much though, your twelve hours early. The sale starts at 9pm. I thought a few people might miss that, I bet ot gets a fuck load of pm's this morning lol.

This is a cash only in uk pounds limited offer, running from 9pm Thursday the 22nd of march until until the stock is sold.

Edited by Cursed
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