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New Ot1 variety info.


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Nice one OLAC! Cant wait to recieve mines although they'l be in a que behind the like's of SmellyB, c3 ect...

Eyes are bigger than my bloody groom!lol

Zion86. :hippy:

Edited by zion1986
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Mmmmm. Cheers Ot1. My next batch (winter). Going to let rip with 20 Smile, 8 Little Hands and a batch of Lot#5 :yahoo:

Noticed I got the extra special "Lot" #5 Evolution ones :wassnnme:


Edited by Budelaire
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My 'to sign for' parcel came today, through the letterbox, on the floor, I love this postie :guitar:

Cheers Ot1, I've got big plans for these :yinyang:

eta you little tease budelaire :guitar:

Edited by PaulHackett
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all

Since this seems to be the current thread for all things l#5e, and I probably won't have time to do a full diary, I can at least report a 10/10 germination.

Furthermore, one of the seeds did something I've never seen before, it sprouted a double stalk. Yup, like two plant coming out of a single seed! Sorry, don't have the camera here ATM, but if it continues like this (i.e. the second stem - which is a bit smaller and weaker - doesn't die) I'll put up a pic in a few days.

Anyways, I take it as a good sign :)

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Hi all

Since this seems to be the current thread for all things l#5e, and I probably won't have time to do a full diary, I can at least report a 10/10 germination.

Furthermore, one of the seeds did something I've never seen before, it sprouted a double stalk. Yup, like two plant coming out of a single seed! Sorry, don't have the camera here ATM, but if it continues like this (i.e. the second stem - which is a bit smaller and weaker - doesn't die) I'll put up a pic in a few days.

Anyways, I take it as a good sign :)

Its quite common AA, you can get twins triplets and I've even seen a quad once.

Usually one is much stronger that the other in vigour until separated, even so once they make some size they can often be parted quite easily, if not a cutting can be made off the smaller one once it has a few nodes, both will grow more strongly once in their own pots..

They can be a male and female, two males or two females, when two females they are often totally different to their twin.

Whatever I hope you find something you really like from this variety, do let me know, I do like to hear what people think of my cooking, good or bad.

All the best Ot1.

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Guest Thicky

They can be a male and female, two males or two females, when two females they are often totally different to their twin.

All the best Ot1.

:ohmygod: I never knew this. I have two plants that are twins at the moment but they are from femmed seed but it would never have occurred to me that twins could be either gender in regular seeds.

Cheers OT1 :yep:

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Cannabis is mainly dioecious but not nesesscerily fully so in that it can have X, Y or Y none expressed or dormant chromosomes that require certain triggers to make them activate, true males are XY true females XX in make up resembling mammals. There is not enough real research yet into the subject especially cannabis, I believe you can also get combination blocks of chromosomes in cannabis such as XXXY making its sexual expression more plastic its a throwback to when cannabis was a true hermaphrodite millions of years ago, I think there are at least 3 types of Y chromosomes in cannabis and depending on what loci they are on depends on how, when and where they are expressed, if at all.

If true females are used to make what we call feminised seeds, then there are absolutely no Y or part Y genes in the mix of any sort, in which case your plants producing twins will all be female, they may still differ to one another if more than one female was used to make the pollen. I suspect that the people making feminised seeds usually use just two females one reversed to make XX pollen rather than selfing, this greatly reduces the number of gene recombinations making all resultant plants much more alike, you are much more in the hands of the breeder as there is little diversity to select from.

It will be interesting to see how alike your twins are to the sibling they are split from.

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im going to try growing your lot#5E outdoors this year OT.

the 8.5-9.5 flowering makes it plausible that it may finish.

any advice on when would be the best time to germinate?

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No one has done it outside in the uk yet, it did extremely well in the south of france where its both hot and dry, you will be a first for the uk, Oldtimes does pretty well in the south and is also mould resistant, I don't remember where you are, I would suggest for L#5E to have a good chance of doing well between london and bristol as a line but preferably further south would be better.

I would get them germinated as soon as possible, early to mid may for planting out, after the likelihood of the last killing frost in your area, this variety really likes a lot of light, the best option would be a sheltered south facing slope with no tree shading as the best option, its a very vigorous grower and may get quite large, but not having seen it growing our climate I can't say for sure.

Are you going to do a diary? I would like that! :B):

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im the south so my latitude should be ok. and i have a spot as u described. south facing. really delicious and soft looking soil. my secateurs could be poked all the way into the ground without resistance. the area gets sun from early doors until the final moments of the evening. best possible conditions i could hope for.

i have a diary started here: http://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?showtopic=285123

ill be keeping that updated as i go along.

fingers crossed and we'll get to see this girl in full flight come october :)

i also have a friend living in thailand who im gonna gift a selection of your beans to, no excuses not to get the right sun over there.

that'll be a way off but ill make sure to get some pics from him too.

thanks again :)

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