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New Ot1 variety info.


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I keep getting pm’s saying I don’t give enough pre warning about my releases.

So as a prequel to a release, this is information about a new variety that may be of interest to some members.

In about a week I will be offering a small release of a developed line that is the end of over 9 years of on and off work, it feels like I’ve been cooking these up forever, the initial release will be in 10 packs only.

Its 12 months since the first seeds were sent out for testing and all test results are now back in.

Please no PM’s trying to pre order, I will give a few days warning of the offer start/end date and opening time.

I’m still being asked about Lot#5 and as I have posted several times since the original lot#5 when asked if there will be more? I have said, “its a work in progress!

” Well this is the variety and the end of the work! I’m calling it “#5Evolution” or “L#5Evolution” the #5 or L#5 is mainly to mark its history/parentage/development from the original Lot#5 test crosses.

I always try and give as much information about my cooking both good and bad as I can.

So lets start with the bad bit about this line, it does produce the odd true hermaphrodite plants, not many, but like its distant parent line Lot#5, it does produce a few.

So far it has been 1 in 35 female looking plants, the hermy plants show at the bottom nodes round weeks 3 to 5 of flowering, these plants should be discarded. Also about half plants produce bananas late in flowering, these bananas do not appear to produced seeds, but its a possibility there could be the odd seed or two.

Test grow results have given about a 50/50% male/female ratio, so statistically from seed, 1 in 70 seeds germinated may be a true hermaphrodite.

if any of the above worries you, then I would suggest this line is not for you and I would read no further.

The good things:-

As a general comment this is a variety for the sativa high lovers and connoisseurs that want something very different. It is a genetic blend to find a special plant or two to mother up and keep. The original Lot#5 when flowered would go five to ten times veg height in stretch, Up to 14 weeks + flowering. Generations of selection have reduced stretch to treble or less, some testers have reported a less than a doubling in height from 12/12 with topped plants, it mainly depending on the growing method, how well the grow room is set up etc. L#5Evolution is sensitive to its environment and this makes a difference to stretch and to the phenotypical presentation, in other words identical clones alter in stretch and bud formation in different grow room set ups. Flowering with L#5Evolution is mainly 8.5 to 9.5 week band.

Yields are high to very high, plants will need support late flowering as the bud weight tend to snap branches, so good support is needed, most plants cola density is medium with a very few plants producing light density colas, trichomes are fine in structure.

Aroma and taste is hard to pin down, its pretty much like the original Lot#5, maybe a little sweeter on cure. None of the original growers of Lot#5 could pin it down, testers of this one can’t pin it either, they say from lemon, to bitter lemon to fruity boiled sweets, to some it reminds them of some sort of domestic cleaner, yuck to that is all I can say!

Personally I don’t think its any of them, to me its pretty unique, it still smells and tastes like Lot#5.

The effect is very up high and in the head, with very little body effect, it tends to come on in waves, what I call a roller coaster ride, feedback says some plants are almost to strong, the high being practically psychedelic, six of the test growers have suggested that while its an very easy plant to grow, the high may not be for the inexperienced smoker. It is totally the other end of the spectrum to the couch lock world, I would say for sure, it is not for anyone who is looking for CBD calming.

Several of the test growers still keep one or more mothers of different original Lot#5’s, most of them have said that #5Evolution is both stronger and nicer than the originals.

For those interested in Lot#5’s history, Lot#5 was originally released on 19 March 2007 as a one off batch, if you wish to read about it look here.

All of the Lot series crosses were originally made over the 2003/5 period and tested between 2004/6.

I’m not expecting #5Evolution to be in big demand, because of its possible problems, but for me it is more than a bit special and not something to germinate a couple of seeds of, but rather its a variety to find and select a very special keeper or two, I would recommend germinating a full 10 pack.

After reading the notes above 2 testers have come back to me and said I never saw one banana are you sure that it is correct about 50%? I don't know on that as I'm not in the position to do my own test growing at the moment, it may just be that each growroom environment is a little different.

This is the most pre tested variety of mine, with 15 different experience growers growing a room full + others doing a few plants in a mixed room, the information above comes from a composite of all the feedback and I would like to thank all the people who tested this bit of my cooking for me. Ot1.

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The effect is very up high and in the head, with very little body effect, it tends to come on in waves, what I call a roller coaster ride, feedback says some plants are almost to strong, the high being practically psychedelic, six of the test growers have suggested that while its an very easy plant to grow, the high may not be for the inexperienced smoker. It is totally the other end of the spectrum to the couch lock world, I would say for sure, it is not for anyone who is looking for CBD calming.

Hallelujah! - The best smoke i had was in Brasil that we all said was practically psychedelic... could this be similar...i'm prepared to try!

I’m not expecting #5Evolution to be in big demand, because of its possible problems, but for me it is more than a bit special and not something to germinate a couple of seeds of, but rather its a variety to find and select a very special keeper or two, I would recommend germinating a full 10 pack.

Selfishly, i hope this is the case...If i am lucky enough to bag some, the full pack will go immediatelly from post box to grow room, do not pass fridge!

I had a pack of C3's lined up, but its that type of high im searching for...so this looks to be my first port of call if possible.

Dissapointing to hear of your barrage of PM's....surely it's easier to hit the watch forum button?

Thanks for all the hard work OT and the chance to get some great original genetics in our mum rooms.


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Im not a good enough gardener to grow these out to there potential nor even able to keep mothers yet. But I will certainly be buying a pack to keep in storage until I am! :hippy: Thanks ot1

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Ive been scanning the forum often for news on this. congratulations on bringing this to fruition!

it must be very satisfying to have brought this phase of work to a close.

my pots usually only take a few hours to mature, so 9 years is a hell of a slow brew.


ill get myself a packet for sometime in the future when my skills are there.

much respect as ever ot you'll be making many a ganjageek happy no doubt :)


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Cheers for the news OT1,i`ve been waiting for this release since you mentioned it at your bean sale a couple of months ago!

Definately gotta be worth a bash,the high description,positive reports back from the test growers,yield,gens,apart from the obvious pro,make it a must!

Hoping the release of these beans is an indication your chest is much better man,looking forward to these,cheers again for the release info............B

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Sounds very special.. of course :)

Not scared of Nana's either. :alien2:

I was outbid on a lot#5 auction here a few years ago and so would relish the chance to grow and sample this new evolution of lot#5 genetics.. put me down for a pack (or 2 depending on the price ;) )

Thanks for offering these Ot1. :hippy:

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I see a nice psychadelic summer before me :smokin: Pop these as soon as my current lot is done. These are rather more exclusive than my current pogs. Can I get a yahoo :yahoo:

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:notworthy: Thanks you OT1

Just got to make sure I don't miss the release day :badass:


Yes, I'm a little concerned about that too, especially since I'm not in a position to keep mums just yet :spliff: I'll look and look and look here, but I'll definately grow some out and have a bit of psychadelic sparkle :smokin:

Went to Dam last year and nothing was psychadelic :nea: I came home to Smile, which was :spliff: This year I don't even want to go there :neaa: Scantily clad ladies can't compete with a full on tingly irie weed :yahoo:

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Going to have to try and sort a pack of these out! :) Been deliberating for a while what to do next....

Hope I'm about at the right time now.... :spliff:

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Nice to see an honest description of a seed line, as with most sativas you might find a fight for survival as they are the more intelligent end of the cannabis spectum. It won't put me off growing pure sativa (as an example not to suggest yours is?) if it creates a special plant or two from several seeds.

Might have to give your shit a whirl some time, your breeding ethics sound well meaning.


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