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Cloning - 10 Easy Steps to Successful Cuttings


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Is there a size limit to making clones, too big or small?

Dont think so, I done mine tiny and they rooted, seen ones well bigger root also, so dont think it matters, as long as there are a few leaves an new growth and the environment is right they should work

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Should I leave the plants I took the clones from to recover or will they be ok going to 12hrs ? It's been 5 days since I took the clones.

If it's ok to change then will the clones be ok left in the back of the tent on 12hrs light ?



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The plants u took the cuts of (mums) would be fine going to 12/12 its up to you when ur happy with there size.

As for the clones they will need atleast 18 hours of light for them to root mate, once they haverooted you can flip them then

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Nice one cheers, I just managed to get an ex display model digi ballast, the last missing part to a seperate grow/veg room, so cuts no longer a worry and mums plus one unknown to go under new 600w hps while veg rm has 3 x125 cfls.

It's now been 7 days, would it be an idea to check em or will disturbing the enviro be a huge mistake ?



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I norm check after 7 days as have had roots show in this time before, just make sure the room which u check them in isn't to cold as it can shock them

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Having some troubles getting clones to root... Could I get a few questions cleared up for the next try, mostly with this method this time...

1. I have rockwool cubes, how wet should they be?

2. I don't have maxi-crop, but I do have pm root-stim, catalyst, bio-silicon, grow and granules - Can I substitute the maxi-crop for either of these?

3. I have a heated prop, would it be beneficial to have the pots sat on that?


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Had a few probs with no roots but cuttings still looking ok. One had roots showing so poped her into soil. Still nothing with the others. So I decided to break open the jiffy's and plant. Been spraying leaves daily and just checked and I got crazy roots on all of them. Over the fecking moon. Used two year out of date clonex too lol. And some with just water and some with a nutrient solution. All 5 took. Christmas crop lol

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  • 4 months later...

I have recently switched to Jiffys for taking cuttings and would like to show my new method, having cut compost out of my Grow Roow, this is my new way.

It is a cleaner method with the added benefit of not having to disturb the pots when separating the cuts, and also mixing genetics in the 1 ltr pot by using individual pellets and placing within their own pots (which can be labelled individually).

Anything can be used to house them and indeed wrap them up!

I find that by wrapping the container thoroughly with cling film and "setting and forgetting" for two whole weeks, it always works... it's just too easy to whip a propagator lid off and upset their environment, therefore disturbing them! pinch.gif

100% using this way... hope it helps new growers save their Genes! Remember the secret is to leave them.










Thanks very much for the 'How To' ! :)

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Nowadays I just take the cutting, scrape off a bit of the outer layer at the bottom, dip them in some shooting powder and stick them through the holes of an upended pot sat in a margarine tub of water sat on my heat mat, no lid, no bag, works well enough for me.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 9 months later...

nicely done bud, im about to start with some cuts and am considering this mode..ive usually used rapid rooters in a 50 per tray with a dome, but this looks interesting..

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