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Oldtimer1's varieties.


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Just wanted to echo what others have said, anything you bring to the table is going to bolster the world of cannabis genetics, I'm well chuffed to hear you'll be continuing your work in whichever way you're comfortable with.

which is pretty well what I wanted to say :yes: thank you ot1 :spliff:

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Good on you Ot, what a guy!

I only hope you're not put off by the inevitable clamour and massive interest.

And I also hope everyone behaves themselves, and the shit hawks don't start blowing up a shit storm.

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Oohh, how exciting! Hopefully I'll be able to try growing one of your crosses at last at least once in my life :)

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Whilst I share the exuberance and excitement of everyone else, Oldtimer my friend, I have got to say that I am also worried. You and me both are not getting any younger, and we both have family commitments that take priority (which is as it should be). Over the years I've been on this site, you have several times saved me from my own stupidity and readiness to over-commit myself. You have taught me well that the years are against us, old friend - and yet we try and live/work like young'uns! :woot:

I guess what I'm saying is, that I seriously hope you are not over-stretching yourself. Recently I doubled up my grow size - I had my reasons - but now I'm thinking, was it such a wise move? The effort is, frankly, capable of crippling me some days. I'm an old git, intent on over-doing things, and reaping the painful reward!

So I am excited by your venture (Please count me well and truly "in"), yet also worried.

Please, do not over do things!

By the way, my C3's are looking awesome in veg!

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I would agree with Arnold, I'd love more of your work but if its to much hassle for your self I wouldn't bother but if this is just the excess from your hobby then fair enough.

Its up to your self of course and I for 1 would take a packet of every strain you could pass my way :yep:

All the best :wink:

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Arnie I’m in the process of selling up and looking for a bungalow, don’t need a 4 story house any more, the stairs just kill me, I only intend to do this very small scale if I go ahead, just a few drops a year, it would be first come first served until each lot is gone, there will only be as many as there are, I want all our members to have an equal chance. I doubt I could ever satisfy potential demand and I’m not going to try, but at least I can put out a few lots to spread the genes around for members who want them, in turn they can spread the genes round as well if they want.

If it all gets to much I’ll have to stop, I’m not going to stop my cooking unless I’m forced to, finding that new thing is one if the things that keeps me going, but thanks for your concern my friend.

I’ve thought through sub only sales and think the idea of subscriber only seeds sort of goes against the ethos of what this site is about, personally I would hope that members subscribe because they value the site, what we do and what the site is about.

UK420 is not about making money and never has been, the idea was to freely help home growers and give them a place to talk about their favorite herb, for years we resisted even having a single banner or any advertising, the costs of running the site were covered out of the pocket of the site owners, donations and the occasional auction to help buy a new server, we have had several over the years, ie as we outgrew the previous bit of shiny kit in turn.

Eventually we had to take on advertising just to survive, it was that or go offline for good! You will note even now we are not plastered in banners, just enough to cover running costs and site expenses, its been a huge struggle over the years.

Now we have grown, dwarfing where we were when we set out, uk420 is a huge resource of data, grow info and pictures etc, we dispense gigabytes of unrestricted bandwidth every day, in the early days we would not do that in a couple of years.

Because I had, had so many requests and queries for my cooking and were they ever going to be available again, etc etc. I asked if I could sell small batches to the members, uk420 said ok, they wanted absolutely nothing to allow me to do this, I want to donate a little back, thats my choice. I know that we are struggling to put money to one side right now, as the current server is getting full, also that moving the site to a new server or server cluster is going to be a huge additional expense.

When you buy anything through the banners or auctions here etc it gives a little bit to help pay site expenses, as does becoming a subscriber, you show you support what we are doing here, I would like to say thank you to all the members who subscribe, I think the whole team do. The team give hundreds of hours every week for absolutely nothing, its time willingly given, I don’t think most members have a clue what it takes to keep this site running and the information flowing smoothly.

As I said above, I feel good seeing subscribers, it makes me feel they really appreciate the work we do and contribute because of it, I feel it would be wrong to give incentives to hook in more subscribers.

I’m still undecided on whether to go with this or not, I think the number of posts of support in this topic, confirm all the pm’s I’ve had. If I go for it my seeds will be only available at uk420.

I’m going to close the topic for now, I’ll let you know in a week or two once I’ve thought it all through, thanks to all of you that have said nice things about my cooking or want to try it, sorry if I’m repeating myself and its a bit long, but its been a lot to think about and I wanted to answer the Q’s and explain what I feel!

All the best Ot1.

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