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This ere Monkey gone coco for some Sweet Seeds.

Guest Viva

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Chapter 7- Bring On The buds....

Day 37 Flower- The One a forgot...awwww...

Evening 420er's, Well a thgought id take a pic of the girly a forgot yesterday but could help ma sell and took a couple extra pics lol,What a diffefrence a day makes its like the girls have decided to kick into overdrive bud sites all starting to get fatter and looking really lush and frosty. They all still on 20ml A+B atami base feed, & 15ml Atami Bloom Booster all to 15 litres water the coco booster has been dropped. Temps have benn steady at 25-26.C lights on and 21-22.C lights off , rh has been 55% lights on and off and rising to 65% wen they get watered.





Green Poison©.


Group pic Day 37 Flower.


well that it from viva over and out peeps stay safe and member the first rule of grow club.........there is no grow club. :yinyang::skin_up:

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Chapter 7- Bring On the Buds....

Day 38 Flower- Thinning of the canopy....

Evening 420er's,I was having a look around the girls while i was giving them there feed and noticed how thick and dense the canopy and that alot light wasnt getting to the bud sites a lil lower under the main canopy so i thinned out the canopy removing the fan leaves that were blocking alot the sites i know a lot peeps say dont do this but it was really dense and rather have less quality finished bud than get any rot .The plants are Dripping with resin and starting to get a lil chunkier each day and smelling devine :king: Couldnt help ma sell and took a couple snaps will get a full photo updsate the morrow of all the girls.

Green Poison(A).




RanDom Bud pic...


Group pic Day 38 Flower....


thiining of the canopy left overs.....


Well thats all folks.... stay safe and Melted..... :yinyang::skin_up:

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Mouth watering stuff m8, very very nice indeed keep it up m8. stay safe. Nelly :skin_up:

Telll me about it Nelly jars running low and everytime a go in and check them they getting stickier by the day and cant help salvate ovcer them lol

cheers for stopping by and stay safe bro. :yinyang::skin_up:

Snning shos again mcker. Loving he work so far.

Cheers :smokin:

thanks hip buddy ill try keep em coming till the end.

Stay safe and happy growing buddy :yinyang::skin_up:

Mouth watering stuff m8, very very nice indeed keep it up m8. stay safe. Nelly

Telll me about it Nelly jars running low and everytime a go in and check them they getting stickier by the day and cant help salvate ovcer them lol

cheers for stopping by and stay safe bro. :yinyang::skin_up:

Snning shos again mcker. Loving he work so far.

Cheers :smokin:

thanks hip buddy ill try keep em coming till the end.

Stay safe and happy growing buddy :yinyang:

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Guest La Viva Sativa

These are looking amazing mate good luck with the competition :yahoo: Cheezehead :bong:

Thanx mate ill need all the luck a can get there are some top growers Entered with some stunning diarys so far all best and stay safe bro. :yinyang::skin_up:

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Coming along well buddy. :guitar: That new camera of yours gets quite close don't it? bring on the ripe buds 'viva.

:yinyang: :yinyang:

Yeah man camera is ace still playin about wi the settings but for the porice the macro zoom lense is awesome gets you up close with some crystal clear pics jus need to work on all the functions and ill get there.

Cant wait for the ripe buds to get some crackin pics.

Thank for kind words bro and stay safe. :yinyang:

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Love the group shots at the end LVS, much goodness to come :guitar:



Cheers buddy, yeah goodness better move its ass lol yeah cant wait for some ripe pics. :yinyang:

Loving the canopy of bud dude, that's gonna look stunning come harvest :yep:



Cheers gland buddy,Yeah cant wait till it fills out and get some crackin primo ripe bud pics.

thanx for popin yer head in stay safe nad all best. :yinyang::skin_up:

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Hey viv, looking good fella, am drooling over those triched up little ladies myself :woot: , excellent job fella :applause:


Cheers Hydro Budddy,yeah am droolin ma selll bro they smellin awesome and look good enough to eat never mind smoke.

Thanx for kind words buddy and stay safe. :yinyang::skin_up:

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Cheers for the info on the germinating Viva, I was stressing about it needlessly. I have now 8 out of 10 cats doing well (3 late arrivals).

I`ve a few more questions for you though...

1- My R/H, can`t get it above 35%. I have a fan heater, do you think this causes too much dry heat?. Would I be better with an oil filled rad like yourself and just about everyone else on this site?.

2- I have to buy a fan soon. Your tower fan looks the bizz. Would you recommend them?.

3- When feeding, do you let the water stand for some time to let the chlorine evaporate (read this somewhere), or straight out the tap?.

Sorry to pick your brain, but I`m going to try and copy your grow because you give us space cadets loads of details with each post.


T.T.F.N Gallus B.

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Cheers for the info on the germinating Viva, I was stressing about it needlessly. I have now 8 out of 10 cats doing well (3 late arrivals).

I`ve a few more questions for you though...

1- My R/H, can`t get it above 35%. I have a fan heater, do you think this causes too much dry heat?. Would I be better with an oil filled rad like yourself and just about everyone else on this site?.

2- I have to buy a fan soon. Your tower fan looks the bizz. Would you recommend them?.

3- When feeding, do you let the water stand for some time to let the chlorine evaporate (read this somewhere), or straight out the tap?.

Sorry to pick your brain, but I`m going to try and copy your grow because you give us space cadets loads of details with each post.


T.T.F.N Gallus B.

hey buddy, a fan heater will defo make your rh low id either change it for a oil rad which i use in my flower tent cheaper option or do wat i do use a Bio GREEN HEAT MAT FOR MY LIL ONES AS THIS KEEPS THE POTS AND MEDIUM AT A STEADY TEMP AS IT HAS THEROMSTAT AND pot probe sorry for caps cant be assed typing again lol,i use the tower fan to circulate the air and keep the heat away from the canopy if you have the size tent i have and you have cash yeah if no jus some sort of circulatingg fan will do.I sometimes make ma feed in the morning and sometime make it fresh from the tap and have never noticed any effect either way jus wat ever suites me and i have time for.

congrats on the lil ones brfo and all the best and stay safe , dont worry its no hassle man we all here to help each other grow stonking weed and if weasnt for peeps on here id still be buying ma weed all best mate. :yinyang::skin_up:

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