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This ere Monkey gone coco for some Sweet Seeds.

Guest Viva

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Man those roots are looking great..reminds me i need to get a bottle of Rhizo quick-smart as I am out..not something I like to skimp on, the roots that is..

congrats again on a much deserved win too man, enjoy!

Congrats LVS. Looking Good.

I will be grabbing a light meter i reckon. :thumsup:

Keep up the stirling work. :guitar:

lush grow mate!

long it continue...


Thanx alot Guys the comments are well appreciated and am delighted at winning grower of the month and appreciate all the kind words stay safe all and happy growing and good luck in the months ahead.

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Chapter 5 - The Flip 12/12

Day 34 Veg-Final Day B4 Flip,Heights b4 Flip.

Morning 420er's, Well its the final day of veg later on today ill Change the Timer back to 12/12 :yahoo: ,I have Taken all the Heights of the girls start of 12/12 and will record how much each stretches each week and there final amount of stretch, They are all roughly 10-12"s at the start of 12/12. Should be interesting with having a few diff vars in there i wanna try keep the stretch to a minium and try for my most even canopy to date no stretch allowed lol,The feed a lil Strong as i noticed a lil tip burn so have reduced the feed to 25ml per 15 litres water of A+B Base feed and added some atami coco Boost at 0.5ml per litre(7.5ml) and a couple drops H&G Root Ex(3ml). all to 15 litres water (size of my Bucket).The Temps's are border line at 23-24.C Lights on and 18-19.C lights out. I have a kw rad Running Alomost the whole day to keep temps within in range but They all seem to be doing ok and are growing lovely, I have supercropped all the taller plants to even the canopy out mostly the Green poison and the S.A.D©.Excuse some the pics am a lil rough lol and cant be taking them all out again lol.



Green Poison(A).


Green poison(B).


Green poison©.














Group pic 34 days veg.


well that it for today 420er's hopefully they be starting there stretch next time i update,been really fast till now and cant wait to get these in flower once again id just like to praise sweet seeds for there lovely competition and prizes and thank them for the opportunity to grow these really vigirious seeds and also like to thank all that nominated me in Grower Of the month and also my fellow nominies i wish you good luck in the future.

stay safe and happy growing 420er's. :yinyang::skin_up:

Edited by La Viva Sativa
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good luck on going 12-12 (not that youll need it). Theres something about 12-12 that gets me excited, all them juicy buds and for two thirds of the leccy. brilliant :guitar:

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Cheers Bill, Yeah cant wait to get them 12/12 as that were all the fun starts and all the lovely smells begin.

Stay safe and happy growing buddy. :yinyang::skin_up:

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Guest Poacher

I could have sworn I posted in here after posting in your other diary :unsure: I must be too spaced and imagined it :rofl:

All looks good in here, all the bets with 12/12 :yinyang:

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It is no wonder that you were nominated, never mind winning, with updates like the one above. Very nice work, which will bear graet fruits in a little while.

Keep up the good work mate.


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Guest La Viva Sativa

I could have sworn I posted in here after posting in your other diary :unsure: I must be too spaced and imagined it :rofl:

All looks good in here, all the bets with 12/12 :yinyang:

lol weed has a lot to say for it sell ,i get in them spaced out zones i thgink ive done something but i never actually done it just thought about it lol.

Thanks kind words bro and Best luck yer sell bro. :yinyang::skin_up:

It is no wonder that you were nominated, never mind winning, with updates like the one above. Very nice work, which will bear graet fruits in a little while.

Keep up the good work mate.


yeah i took me a while but to be honest the pics could been better but i was rough as fuck and wansnt taking them all back out lol,Cheers for the kind words bro and thanks for the nomination and best of luck in the comp bro. :yinyang::skin_up:

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Looking ready to go, nice and sturdy and those stems look the business in preperation to hold some heavy fruits.

All the best in 12/12 mate. :yep:

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Looking ready to go, nice and sturdy and those stems look the business in preperation to hold some heavy fruits.

All the best in 12/12 mate. :yep:

hey buddy hows things? Hope all is well bro. yeah the stems on them girls are awesome really thick and sturdy so fingers crossed for a Bumper Harvest. :yinyang::skin_up: stay sasfe and happy growing.

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Chapter 5- Flip 12/12 & Stretch.

Day 34 Veg- Canopy & supercropping.

Evening 420er's, Well ive Turned the timer to 12/12 but im still undecided if a should give them a few days more veg or just flip them as they be in the 6.5 litres 10 Days tomorrow and was mybe thinking i should give them 14 days for the final pots but the canopy is almost full and am thinking the stretch will fill the rest of the gaps in ? i was watering them earlier and thought id take a few snaps of the canopy to let you see and tell me what you think?

Day 34 Veg Canopy pics.


good night and godbless and stay safe 420er's :yinyang::skin_up:

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Id say veg em a few more days, nothing worse than harvesting and realising half the pot isn't rooted into..but then again it is lookin pretty full in there and it could get crowded..but id still veg em a bit longer, and focus on the harvesting the top 1/3 of the plant and trim everything below to create room/airflow...shit loads of hard full tops, little popcorn..bobs your uncle :)

whatever choice you make im sure its all gonna result in a lot of sweet sticky bud..lookin forward to see it unravel! :smokin:

Edited by hell9
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