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This ere Monkey gone coco for some Sweet Seeds.

Guest Viva

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Great work mate.

Informative and succinct. :smokin:

Cheers buddy a try ma best to get as much info and pictures and videos in as possible well as much as a can remember hence why i have a memory board to write it all down lol.

Best luck buddy and stay safe. :yinyang::skin_up:

Edited by La Viva Sativa
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Guest La Viva Sativa

top notch as per usual!

looking good...


Cheers 7 buddy cant believe you got 4 diaries on the go man, you must be busy as ive got 2 bigish ones and i never stop best luck bro and stay safe. :yinyang::skin_up:

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Chapter 3 -Veg Lst Training.

Day 15 Veg-Roots and more Lst.

Afternoon 420er's, Well it has only been 4 days since the pot up to the 1 litres and the roots are packing it out the bottom of the pots on almost all the girls also has only been 1 day since a lst'ed them and they are popped back up and grew just under an inch in a day under th 96 watts of T5's really are awesome lights keep the plants really stocky so on that note a tied them down again as i want keep them short and bushy so my Kw lamp penetrates right through the canopyideally i want my girls to finish about 3ft after the stretch so by lsting and some supercroppin i should manage that as im not one for topping imo i can get just as good results with Lst and supercroppin rather than choppin bits off.

Roots after 4 Days in 1 Litres.




Well that it for now be back with pics of the girls tomorrow as the batteries died on me..lol .. Stay safe and happy growing 420er's. :yinyang::skin_up:

Edited by La Viva Sativa
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Looking good lvs, nice roots n we all love a bit of bondage!!

ATB Dodgee


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Guest La Viva Sativa

Looking good lvs, nice roots n we all love a bit of bondage!!

ATB Dodgee


Cheers Gee,yeah dont we all love a bit bondage lol

all best buddy ansd stay safe. :yinyang::skin_up:

Looking awesome lvs, some great info and tips on this diary! keep it up mate :)

Cheers ffor stoping by crow and also the nice words.stay safe and happy growing buddy.

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Looking good fella top work and diary :bong:

Keep up the good work


Dnb :hippy:

Cheers d&b buddy, yeah they doing ok just showing lil signs of hunger so ive upped the feed but all in all they looking pretty good so far long may it continue.

Stay safe and hsappy growin buddy. :yinyang::skin_up:

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Guest La Viva Sativa

I see the diary is going well mate, especially enjoying the step by step bondage lessons :naughty:

cheers buddy, yeah going well so far buddy but was just looking at what stage im at holy shit this has got some way to go till the end just hope they like this till end and ill be a happy lil gardner.

Cheers pach buddy stay safe and happy hunting mucker :yinyang::skin_up:

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:eek: Not sure if i've been in here yet as there are just so many diaries on the boards to catch up on but from what i've read so far this must be the best and most detailed grow diary in the Sweet Seeds diaries, including mine. The pictures are fantastic and the attention to detail is immaculate. :yep:

I do so hope you are lucky enough to be nominated for this months "grower of the month" accolade, if so my vote has already gone to you. :notworthy:

Besides the diary the plants look superb and happy as can be, they even seem to like the bondage. :naughty:

I plan to have a proper read of this diary later on, i could do with learning a few tricks in the bondage department. lol

All the best mate, excellent job so far. :D

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Guest La Viva Sativa

:eek: Not sure if i've been in here yet as there are just so many diaries on the boards to catch up on but from what i've read so far this must be the best and most detailed grow diary in the Sweet Seeds diaries, including mine. The pictures are fantastic and the attention to detail is immaculate. :yep:

I do so hope you are lucky enough to be nominated for this months "grower of the month" accolade, if so my vote has already gone to you. :notworthy:

Besides the diary the plants look superb and happy as can be, they even seem to like the bondage. :naughty:

I plan to have a proper read of this diary later on, i could do with learning a few tricks in the bondage department. lol

All the best mate, excellent job so far. :D

Thanks Amnesia for the kind words buddy it means alot having won grower of the month and also having an amazing diary your sell for you to say these things all i do is go about how a usually do my diaries but it is a new setup and way of growing for me and im really pleased the way things have went so far( does help with lovely genetics and coco makes things so simple) like you said there is so many diaries to read through that it is impossible to read everypage of everyone so what i do is try visit each one once a weak to say hi and have a quick look but i also have a few favs that i like to read all way through and yours is defo one them. :smokin:

Cheers for vote already but there so many good growers and diaries that are just as worthy so to even be nominated would make my day and put a smile on my face.

Good luck with the rest of the grow but as ive seen i know you dont need it stay safe and happy growing. :yinyang::skin_up:

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Chapter 3-Lst Training,Veg

Day 16 Veg-More Lst

Well Good Afternoon 420er's,Well a could nae sleep so thought id get some snaps of the girls ,was up early as,I have upped the feed on the girls to 1.5ml/per litre Atami Base Feed or for those that prefer E.c 0.9 Ec +0.1 Bacground ec= 1.0 E.c and Ph was 6.2 as the girls were showing more sign of hunger slight fading in the leaves was indicating that they wanted more Feed.Thats the thing a like about coco i dont need to wait till the medium drys out to feed them again like soil you would over water them were in coco even is the medium is still wet i can feed them anyway with no overwatering and get the higher feed in a lil quicker before they start to yellow more so we see how they go from there.Temps are solid at 23-24.C and R/h is 70-75%.I also had to tie them down more this morning as they were growing rapid and i wanna keep them short and bushy dont look the best for the pics but needs must.I Have also done a few pics to show you the outcome of the Lst as you will see the lower growth is all exploding under the main Head and eventully they will all come up to meet her this is caused by the plants auxins (ie Hormone's) thinking that the main shoot has been damaged or chopped off so the Hormones all start to push the lower shoots up to create more main Heads.

Lst @ Work.




Green Poison(A).


Green Poison(B).


Green Poison ©.














Well that it for now from Viva's garden have a nice day and stay safe 420er's. :yinyang::skin_up:

Edited by La Viva Sativa
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Guest La Viva Sativa

Chapter 3 - Lst Training,Veg

Day 16 Veg- Bath time..... :D

Evening 420er's Again..lol, Well i was feeding the girls and thought i may aswell show you were they get there grooming and feeding b4 there bed time :yawn: .I take the girls and give them to there tropical jungle bathroom lol and give them a good drenching feeding to 10-20% Run off they are on 2ml/per litre base nutes(atami) or ec 1.1 background ec is 0.1 and ph 6.0 with a couple drops H&G Root Ex.. They are growing rapid and looking pretty lush a lil underfed but id rather they was just underfed than over fed as its so much easier just to up the feed rather than have to flush them and stuff also it seems that they grow much faster might just be me but it does seem like so lol.

Bath time and goodnight my lil girls....


Goodnight 420er's sleep well and stay safe. :yinyang::skin_up:

Edited by La Viva Sativa
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