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This ere Monkey gone coco for some Sweet Seeds.

Guest Viva

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Very nice mate!

All visible and well explained :yep: You're making it very interesting and the little babies seem to be appreciating your treatment also :stoned:

I'll keep passing by, sweet regards,


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Guest La Viva Sativa

Very nice mate!

All visible and well explained :yep: You're making it very interesting and the little babies seem to be appreciating your treatment also :stoned:

I'll keep passing by, sweet regards,


Cheers tommy,yeah lil ones have been pretty rapid since thye reached the surface all probly pot them up over the weekend that way a get a rest from nurturing them 24/7 lol glad ya stopped by and and look foward to seeing you around.

good night and stay safe buddy. :yinyang:

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Chapter 2-Veg

Day 5 Veg: The First pot up & Viva's guide...Well

Morning 420er's, Well on this Drab and ugly day there is a bright side at least, I decided to pot all the lil ones up to there first little 0.5lt pots aww... as they got a decent amount rots coming out the sides aswell now plus i got family duties at the weekend and would rather pot them up than neglect them as they wont need watered for a few days at least. They all looking sweet now and Psicodelica (B) is defo my fav lookin so far lovely perfect round fat leaves.They have all been potted up now and are back under the T5's in there lil veg cab nice and cost with the light aboiut 30-40mm from the tops nice and close as to eliminate any stretch and some nice tight nodes as i planted any the stretchy ones further down as to keep them all roughly same height.

The Roots...


The monkey Pantry..


Potting up Step 1.


Potting up Step 2.


Potting up Step 3.


Green Poison






Group pic Day 5 Veg .


Under the T5's 30-40mm from tops the lil monkeys nice and cosy.


well that it for now 420er's hope ya have a nice weekend and stay safe& happy toking :yinyang::skin_up:

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Guest La Viva Sativa

I just exceeded my monthly download limit looking though your diary :russian:

lol sorry but needs must a do love a piccy to ma sell and ive just run out batteries..lol

stay safe and have a nice shift cleaning... :wassnnme:

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Chapter 2 - Veg

Day 6 Veg- Loving the pot up & enviroment..

Evening Sweet Seeder's, Well the girls seem to be thriving on the enviroment and there first pot up as you will see in pics they have grew rapid in only the space of 24hrs.They are on 5ml Formulex and drop of H&G Root Ex./litre water and ph 6.0.The temps in the veg cab are 24-25.C and R/H is lovely at 70-75%.The T5's are about 40-50mm from the tops of the girls. I have to say my fav girl of them all is Psicodelica (B) just the shape and size of the leave's are perfect and defo catches my eye everytime a look at her.They aint been watered yet as probly be another day or 2 before they need watered.

Temp & R/H.


S.A.D (A)


S.A.D (B)


S.A.D ©


S.A.D Group Day 6 Veg.


Psicodelica (A)


Psicodelica (B)- aka The Sweet Spanish lolita.


Psicodelica ©


Psicodelica Group pic Day 6 Veg.


Green Poison (A)


Green Poison (B)


Green Poison ©


Green Poison Group Pic Day 6 Veg.


Black jack(B)


Group pic day 6 veg.


The lil ones back under there T5's Nice and cosy.


Well that it for no 420er's good night god bless and stay safe.. :yinyang::skin_up:

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Hi La Viva

Your little 'uns are looking nice and healthy, best of luck with the competition :yep:


cheers duke buddy no promising how long they stay this healthy and green but ill try ma best, cheers for the good vibes dude and best luck your sell mate.

I have a fiver e/w on ye for this competition Viva.

Keep up the good work. :smug:

cheers gallas, am no sure what odds ya get but a reckon they be pretty decent ones wi the number quality growers in the competition but cheers for the vote of confidence buddy.

stay safe and happy growing dude. :yinyang::skin_up:

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Chapter 2 - Veg

Day 8 Veg-So far so good :D

Evening 420er's,Well its been day 8 of veg for the girls under the T5's and they are loving the enviroment leaves are all pointing to the sky soaking up all the rays,Gave them a feed of the usual mix 5ml formulex and a drop of H&G Root Ex to a litre water ph 6.0 , The temps have been steady at around 25-26.C and R/h is perfect at 80%.I have to say the vigor and uniformity of the girls is awesome dunno if its by luck but i have no runts and all are growing at the same speed and looking really healthy so hats off to sweet seeds.I think i have 2 Fav Lil girly's now as the blackjack is looking awesome the leaves on her are huge and the Psicodelica(B) the shape of her leaves are perfect.







Green Poison




Group pic day 8 veg.


Back in there cosy enviroment under the T5's


Well that it for now sweet seeder's stay safe and happy growing. :yinyang::skin_up:

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Some cools pics LVS :kewlpics: I really like the Youtube video, as I've been thinking of doing something similar, but I've never made a film in my life.

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Some cools pics LVS :kewlpics: I really like the Youtube video, as I've been thinking of doing something similar, but I've never made a film in my life.

Cheers buddy, ive been learning to take better pics recently and it has become my second hobby as you probly see lol, It was the first video ive made mate gonaa be doing 1 a week a if you want some help man just give me a pm ill let ya know what programmes ans stuff you need.

cheers for stoppin by dude stay safe and happy growing.

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Guest La Viva Sativa

Chapter 2 -Veg.

Day 10 Veg -Coming along nicely, Stems starting to thicken nicely.

Afternoon 420er's,Well its day 10 of Veg under the t5's and the girls are coming along nicely and are starting to drink up a lil more feeding about every 2 days max now some drinking more than others as the pots are alot lighter ona few them hence why the stems are starting to thicken up nicely on some the girls also the nodes under the T5's are really nicely tightly compact. Temps have been constant at 25-26.C and humidity 75-80%.If they keep up at this rate they should need potted up on friday but ill take a few the girls out and have a look but the pots are getting much lighter faster so that tells me that they are filling the pots nicely with roots as they empty the pots much faster.

Green Poison(A)


Green poison(B)


Green Poison©




Psicodelica (B)






S.A.D (B)


S.A.D ©




Group Pic Day 10 Veg.


Back under the T5's nice and cosy.


Side by side of Green poison A & C to show you stem thicken up and the lovely node Distance.


well that it from Viva's groom hope all is well fellow sweet seeder's and happy growing to all. :yinyang::skin_up:

Edited by La Viva Sativa
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