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Is this hunger or what??


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Hi all, recentley had a few problems with my crop im in week 4 of veg in final pots using biobizz all mix as medium with canna tera vega as my nutes (ec of between 1.0-1.3) for nor now, temps are all perfect and humidity is around 60-80%, is this a hungry plant or is this some other problem?? Please help, the pic is the worst of the plants but all are showing some signs of the same and at different levelspost-52494-0-70759700-1297520459_thumb.jpg

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I'm far from being experienced enough to give a definite answer to your problem, however, I had a similar issue when in veg.

On your plant some of the leafs look just fine while others appear to be burning at the tips and edges. How far is your lamp from the plant?

It could be that your plants are perspiring faster than they would like and the lamp is acting as a magnifying glass therefore burning the leafs.



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I am no expert but have you checked underneath the affected leaves for spider mite? The speckling on the lower leaves in the pic looks very similar to how mites leave them. If you use a jewellers loupe or a magnifying glass or something, you should be able to see any mites or lavae.

Hope that helps


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I'm far from being experienced enough to give a definite answer to your problem, however, I had a similar issue when in veg.

On your plant some of the leafs look just fine while others appear to be burning at the tips and edges. How far is your lamp from the plant?

It could be that your plants are perspiring faster than they would like and the lamp is acting as a magnifying glass therefore burning the leafs.



I wouldnt think its that as they are about 14-18 inches away and it doesnt seem to be in a pattern in relation to proximity to light, could this even be overfeeding, not sure what to do, give em more food or less???

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Guest Jibbajabba

You don't need to ph in soil, im not familiar with the nutes either but for 4 week in veg that ec seems a bit low, but dont quote me on it!

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Looks underfed to me, an EC of 1.2 in the 4th week of veg is lower than i usually have it at that stage, try raising your EC to 1.4-1.5 good luck.

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Benn inspecting the leaves and looks like i might have some sort of bug, but the closest i can find on the site is thrips?? any information would help

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Try sticking "Thrips" into the search bar at the top right hand corned of the page.

Thrips leave a silvery trail on the tops of the leaves, can you see this?

Hope that helps


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well basically yeah im pretty sure its thrips there are little bugs on the underside of the leafs, kinda orangey in colour and damn small, slight silvery look to the leaves tops :wallbash: whats the best treatment to get rid of em quickly?

Edited by Owderb
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personally I don't fuck about when it comes to thrips and I hit 'em hard only in the veg stage with two lots of different chemical insecticides..first Scotts bug clear and 3 days later with westlands bug attack.. that'll get the adults,juveniles and recently hatched eggs, it impregnates into the leaf and stem through systemic action to get any stragglers..As long as this is only done in veg that leaves at least 8 weeks for any nasty chemicals to leave the plant.. It is a bit OTT but IME if you don't hit them hard first time then the survivors of the first round of treatment will breed and you inadvertently breed a hardy super thrip that is immune to your treatment.

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Thanks, sounds like a plan, i take it you've done this before and had no bad effects? Ill get on this straight away

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Westlands bug attack+ defence really does wipe everything out, not sure whether 8 weeks is quite long enough to get rid of the systemic part though.

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